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Bachmann Class 40 32-475DC and 32-480DS


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Straight out the box mine doing more less the same except when it stopped on points it briefly started to go the other way of it's own accord ?






Dropped Hattons an e-mail to see if they had any complaints, the answer was no, however here is another part of the response.


"Ordinarily, I would suggest that you simply return the faulty model for a

replacement, but unfortunately, this model is already sold-out and discontinued,

so we do not have any more of these models available".


I can either return for refund or send to Bachmann for repairs.




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Picked up my 40 yesterday but when I got home and placed on track no sign of life from the motor although the cab and directional lights are all working correctly! I swopped the chip for a blanking plate and checked on DC. The same results so looks like Monday is take it back and hope there is another one in stock.

I rang the shop this morning about the problem and to quote "we have now sold out" so there was no replacement available only a refund! They had, however, had problems reported with poor runners and one other non runner. They had already looked at that one for the customer and found a possible issue with the seating of the circuit board so suggested that I remove the 4 securing screws and gently lift the board a little and then re-seat it keeping it aligned and square. I did that and guess what - I now have a nice quiet smooth runner even through some fairly complex pointwork so it looks like mine may have been just an assembly issue or perhaps a case of the dreaded "design clever" although I cannot see what just lifting the board did but it worked on mine.

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.............. although I cannot see what just lifting the board did but it worked on mine.

It could have been a dry soldered joint somewhere on the board which now makes electrical contact - if it was (is) it will reappear.


Not wishing to be the harbinger of doom, just to make you aware.



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  • RMweb Premium

Picked up my 40 yesterday but when I got home and placed on track no sign of life from the motor although the cab and directional lights are all working correctly! I swopped the chip for a blanking plate and checked on DC. The same results so looks like Monday is take it back and hope there is another one in stock.

Yep. same here, all lighting functions fine but no go. A good push and sometimes it will work, and once running will run fine but cannot start unassisted.


Much as other posters, rang Hattons but they are out of stock and are not re-ordering at the moment, so it's back for a credit. Shame as it looks great.

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Thanks. Any chance of a photo of the PB alone before you attach it to the other bogie please?

Here you go 

Part 1

Making up the pick-ups

Cut 2 pieces approx 35mm long and shape as in the photo

Shape another two pieces into "hockey sticks" by forming a 90deg bend on one end - one right handed and one left handed

Clean the areas to be soldered and the wheel contact parts with a fibre glass pencil

I soldered the pieces together using Cars Green Label Flux + Multicore leaded solder. 

Keep the long "handle" parts for now, they are very useful when lining up to solder to the original loco pick-ups - helps stop finger burns also !

That's the easy part, the tricky part is getting them soldered to the loco pick ups and keeping them in line etc !

Part 2 to follow as time permits




PS Sadly all the pick-ups in world ain't gonna help if the motor is "Dodgy" but hey I've started so I'll finish !






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NO chance at all - if it suffers with the same problems as most 40 141's - this may well be why there's a so called delay in releasing them !!  

And on the slow boat back to China?


Here you go 

Part 1

Making up the pick-ups

Cut 2 pieces approx 35mm long and shape as in the photo

Shape another two pieces into "hockey sticks" by forming a 90deg bend on one end - one right handed and one left handed

Clean the areas to be soldered and the wheel contact parts with a fibre glass pencil

I soldered the pieces together using Cars Green Label Flux + Multicore leaded solder. 

Keep the long "handle" parts for now, they are very useful when lining up to solder to the original loco pick-ups - helps stop finger burns also !

That's the easy part, the tricky part is getting them soldered to the loco pick ups and keeping them in line etc !

Part 2 to follow as time permits




PS Sadly all the pick-ups in world ain't gonna help if the motor is "Dodgy" but hey I've started so I'll finish !


Many thanks for this.



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There's been some interesting post so far as to peoples experiences with the new Forty some of which I have had myself, so I thought I share mine.


Although I run DC I have and I run DCC locos without a problem, so I decided to run in the loco straight from the box.


I would normally run in a loco at 50% power, but nothing seemed to happen until I applied around 70% power. The loco seemed to run slower than I would expect, but I put this down to a combination of it being new and the chip.


The loco needing a nudge of encouragement at one point on it's first lap. The motor also sounded 'growly' or rough, reminiscent of my first Peak 44 (008).


After around 5 minutes I experienced the same phenomenon as JLC, whereby the loco hit a set of point, stopped, then started to travel in reverse.


Having had enough of these fun and games, I decided to remove the chip and fit the blanking plate- and guess what? It works fine now! Running at a normal speed and no stuttering or stopping (so far...)

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  • RMweb Gold

I have a class 40 on the way to me, but I am wondering why hattons ate saying 40141 is discontinued. Surly there should be lots more on the way.

Cheers Peter

I've said this a few times before on this forum but at the risk of repeating myself that is Hattonspeak for 'sorry,we can't get any more at present 'cos Bachmann ain't got any more to give us ATM as we've had our quota'.

It does not mean Bachmann have discontinued production.Why Hattons still continue with this charade is a mystery known only to them.

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I purchased 2 x 40141, look great but run like a bag of nails (stop/starting and need a helping hand to get going)

Long wait for a 40 that looks like a 40. BUT it don't run and I don;t have the skill to add extra pick ups. is it not time for Bachmann to add something on this problem after all the time spent getting it to look like the real thing.  Chris

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Hmmm. We know from the BRM video that the loco can shoot off pretty quickly from a standing start and a number of people have suggested tweaking the CVs AFTERWARDS. 


I wonder if when you remove the loco from the box and try it on DCC and if its not good then immediately look at the existing CV values and consider changing the them - maybe that could clear this whole thing up and the 8 x pick ups are adequate afterall?


Is the loco being sent from the factory with simply poor CV settings and its causing motor to act up?

Edited by ThaneofFife
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  • RMweb Gold

At the risk of inviting howls of protest from a proportion of members, I have never had satisfactory running when operating a DCC chipped locomotive on DC and no longer try to do so. Others have mentined that once the decoder has been replaced by a blanking plug the running generally improves, which is hardly surprising.


My 40 141 was run in using a DCC controller and the loco needed CVs 3 and 4 adjusted before it ran smoothly. I'm now very happy with it.

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A dealer told me that there are some here at Bachmann but not enough for the full order, they are awaiting the remainder which should arrive in the next container, hence the delay in releasing them.

What is also interesting is that I believe Bachmann have had only half there order produced for the one released and there are no plans for any more. If you want one grab it while you can.

I posted this on the 17-1-2014, the first paragraph relates to D211, the second relating to 40141. Looks like Bachmann are now having problems. Only 50percent of the order for 40141 being made !

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I'll think the new design of pick ups via the grooves in the brass axle bushes is causing intermittent contact etc. Contact now has to made from the wheel/axle through the brass bush and finally via the pick up strip located in the brass bush groove.  

 Groan. So there's a contact on the bush which will get no self cleaning wiping action. What was wrong with the proven robust and simple wiper strip bearing on the wheelback?

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So, after 5 minutes investigation, not only do the wheels have a new form of electrical pickup, but they are no longer wired by traditional means to the pcb either. Now using brass contact strips.




There is also this one, which makes contact with the motor housing. Not sure what it's purpose is yet.




In my experience of fitting pickups, whenever there is metal to metal current collection like this, it is inherently more unreliable than traditional wires. I'm going to clean and tweak these, and see how we go. Still thinking the chip might be playing a part too...I have used the brand before and found them to be of very poor quality. All of this just smacks of cost cutting to me, The new pickup system is obviously quicker, easier, and cheaper from a manufacturing point of view, but at what cost in the long term? 

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When Bachmann started using clip on wire connections to the boards in diesel models - how long ago was that? - an anticipated job was soldering up once it had proven to be mechanically sound, and had the ride height adjusted if necessary. Looks like more of the same.


Happily for me, all the diesels I need from Bachmann's range are now accumulated. Just have to hope this 'disease' doesn't spread elsewhere - such as to Dapol's potentially desireable class 21 - although I do have an old modified early Bach 25 chassis which is a beautiful runner under my modified Hornby 'sad-eyes' body. And that style of construction which was first seen on Bach's Peak over twenty years ago is excellent, both my examples still running well, so I do have an alternative power plant likely to be in good health when the class 21 appears. KISS.

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Just to counteract the general (and usual) negativity on here......


Straight from the box mine has run like a dream for approx 1 hour in each direction, on clean/dirty track over insul and electrofrog pointwork it will crawl at scale walking pace perfectly smoothly, perhaps I am lucky but don't think that it is all bad....

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Just to counteract the general (and usual) negativity on here......


Straight from the box mine has run like a dream for approx 1 hour in each direction, on clean/dirty track over insul and electrofrog pointwork it will crawl at scale walking pace perfectly smoothly, perhaps I am lucky but don't think that it is all bad....


Good to hear some positivity Chris.


Must give mine a run to stretch its legs.

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