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"How To Operate A Modern Era Switching Layout" by Lance Mindheim.


Jack Shortliner reminded me of Lance's new book last week when he told me had ordered it from Amazon. So I ordered a copy too. I had been concerned that the book would be full of WayBills and be a shortline/industrial version of Tony Koestler's epics (which have been known to bore me out of my skull - being too much like hard work).


Rest assured that it isn't. I believe that this is the most interesting of Lance's books and will end up a minor classic particularly for those on the right hand side of the Atlantic.


It explains why the real switching crews operate the way they do. How they handle safety issues, procedural issues, the variety of difficulties they come up against when running and working in this interesting environment. From the various Grade Crossings they encounter to dealing with the personnel in the shipping/receiving departments about spotting and picking up the "cars" - I like the idea that when nobody is available this information can be left in a typical domestic "MailBox" (the type with the "red flag" device to indicate when something is to be picked up) attached to the loading dock. All great stuff!


With all the prototype matters Lance suggests how they can be incorporated into model layouts.


From about the middle of the book onwards some direct ideas for layouts and how to operate them realistically takes over. This is very interesting because in this section Lance also has more trackplans than I've ever seen in any one of his previous books...almost worth the price of admission alone!


I really liked the inclusion of his thoughts on a corn syrup transloading terminal which adds to Jim Lincoln's most excellent article in "Model Railroad Planning 2010" (Kalmbach).

There's something for everyone here, though, believe me!


Wholeheartedly recommended.


Best, Pete.

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This book doesn't show up on Amazon.co.uk - some of his other books do and for some reason my browser wont go to the .com USA one.


Does anyone know who might have it this side of the pond?




Presumably Simon at Titfield Thunderbolt http://www.titfield.co.uk/ will have it in a some stage ...as he is listed as the UK supplier on Lances site...



Regards Trevor... :sungum:

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Ashley, It mainly deals with "current" issues.


Lance may well define "Modern" within the book but I admit to not reading 100% of the words, yet. I'm hoping that Lance may pay a visit to RMWeb.


Jack, Interestingly Prof. Klyzer has a copy given to him by his Wife in Australia - he currently seems to be enboard a 'plane enroute to Sweden, with it....


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Amazon US did have it when I googled but I got the same result as you on Amazon UK - I think it's just too new to appear over here yet, i'm sure it will be available from the usual suspects in due course.

I did manage to get on the Amazon USA site by using an account I set up for an Amazon Kindle Fire I bought in the USA and yes the book is on there but I can't use that account to get things posted to here unfortunately.



Oh well, will just have to wait till its avail here.



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I ordered mine from Titfield this week - Simon Casten says that his order is on its way from the USA and may well need to order more as it is selling fast. Someone suggested it could become a classic...that is good news for quality of content as I just love his work. Ashley, modern era means current day in Lance's book - see his website for the latest project layout he has, just very much up to the minute based on Downtown Miami industrial switching called Downtown Spur. See http://www.lancemindheim.com/downtown_spur2.htm.


BTW have you seen what price Pelle Soeborg's Mountain to Desert book is fetching now it is out of print at Kalmbach? $335 brand new and between $78 and $195 used!!!! That is what I call a classic. And my copy is signed by him! An investment!

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I'd better find my copy of Pelle's book! I only bought it to round up another purchase and didn't think much of it to be honest......


I'm not surprised Lance's book is selling well - I think it will end up as the most "thumbed" of his books.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Found a way round getting onto the Amazon.com site. Go to Lances website and then click on the link there to bookstore and click on the book. It takes you to Amazon.com (you can also order direct from the publisher)


I then added to the basket and signed in with my UK account.


Book now ordered.



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Thanks to Pete for his excellent review of Lance's new book.


Looks like it's going to be everything I'd hoped it would be and once again Lance has come up with something different and original.

I've ordered a copy from Simon Castens and hope it won't be too long before it arrives.


Meantime, I've taken another tip from Lance's blog and purchased a Noch Grasmaster, so Palmetto will soon be a lot greener!






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I've been doing some more reading. There are a couple of points where he goes over the obvious but not many. There are not as many "new" layouts as I first thought (but that is besides the point of the book anyway).

There is an extremely interesting short section on Auto-Rack Cars where he says that to unload the autos they have to be set out in groups according to the orientation of the autos within them. That answers some mysteries (to me anyway) that have cropped up on various threads in the past on here.


Edit: If you can get hold of a copy of "Model Railroad Planning 2010" for Jim Lincoln's article on the corn syrup business (it is a huge sector of some railroad's business anyway) because Lance does not really repeat anything in Jim's article but adds to it somewhat.


Best, Pete.

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Mine arrived yesterday. Looks to be some very interesting information and ideas in there. But I have to say it has to be one of the worst designed books I have ever read. I can't read more than a couple of pages before I have to put it down.

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