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Bacup - Mills in the hills

Jason T

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Some quick shots from the big day:


This was taken in the 30 minute period that it stopped raining



This is a pose I like to call 'Lollypop', based on the front cover of a Spanish nudey mag I saw a few years ago in Malaga






Jason, who's that bloke in the suit???

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Jason, a word of advice, so that you don't make the same mistakes as me.  DO NOT LET SOFIA ANYWHERE NEAR THE CONTROLLER.  They tend to take over while giving all and sundry that sweet and innocent smile. In my case, the smile on the face of the tiger.


Edited by Mrkirtley800
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now i have had time to think one up.......

are you sure it was Sofia who should have got married in white.....after seeing the pictures......

i'm think you should have been in a white jacket,,...............................,,,a straight jacket...... :jester:  :jester:  :jester: .......

yar yar i know... get my own jacket and bxxxxxx off.......

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Some quick shots from the big day

Congratulations, Jason & Sofia and all the best for many happy years ahead (but for goodness sake keep modelling - you'll need it for that Thomas the Tank Engine layout in a few years time...)

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I'm not sure if Fred is a good hat role model - although he kept his trademark cap, didn't he get divorced once or twice? Mind you, it may have been more than the hat causing issues - perhaps the full steam-driven workshop in the garden and bits of oily metal in the kitchen sink. Good lessons for Jason...


Mind where you clean off the MTB and gear. No muddy footprints on the hall carpet.

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It's not been posted directly but I have seen it before.


Bacup had two esteemed visitors yesterday, Andy Y and Johnny Gringo. More of a social visit than anything else so no trains were run but we put the World to rights :)


On a completely off topic note, Sofia and I are sat in the lounge at the moment listening to the Pet Shop Boys play live, literally, as they are playing at the Bingley Festival 1/2 mile down the river from our flat.

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I remember hearing Bruce Springstein play a concert at Villa Park. I lived just by Hall Green station at the time. For those not familiar with Birmingham it's about 10km as the crow flies.


ps. Just seen the wedding pics, hardly recognised you without the hat and ciggy.

Edited by TheSignalEngineer
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You are all too kind :)


Hopefully you will enjoy my ramblings in the forthcoming article. Without the input from so many people on here, the layout would not be half of what it is and I appreciate all of your input greatly.


Whilst I am currently cooking dinner, Sofia is in the lounge singing along, live, to West End Girls.


Bizarre :D

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The big question is, which will be remembered as the happiest day of my life?




Well, Rod Stewart made the cover of the "Model Railroader" and got married, three times each. With BRM, I'm sure that you'll challenge him on the first happy event but rest on your laurels with Sofia. 

Long life and a happy marriage to both of you!

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Curiosity got the better of me and I downloaded a copy onto my iPad this morning. Needless to say, I'm pretty chuffed with the article, photos, etc.

Great idea Jason, what a fantastic few weeks you've had all round - it's going to be very difficult to settle back to how things were now that you are a married model railway star! Seriously, anyone who has been as kind as you when it comes to sharing ideas and skills with others deserves all the plaudits written about them. A great example is your thread on the buildings for 'Bacup' and I'm very serious when I say that I think you could even consider a 'how to' book with all the material you already have - I'm certain it would be more entertaining than most we have available in the genre at the moment. If my illness allows, I hope to get round to building a representation of Hurlford MPD where I lived in the fifties and your method for the terraces on 'Bacup' should be ideal for the second planned module which is a row of engineering shops and water tower adjoining the shed.

Copy and keep your down load in pride of place. Have you thought of a follow up for the future, or are you happy to just modify and tweak what you've got for now?

Thanks for the inspiration,

Kind regards,


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Thanks Jock (and Don; not sure if I should be thanking Damian :D).


What does the future hold for Bacup? For the time being it's locos and stock, before finally getting round to the point rodding. Aside from Bacup, Chris GNR and I will be concentrating on 'The Mill', our entry for the EM Gauge Society competition. Which reminds me, I should really start a thread for that at some point.

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