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Surviving Boeing LRV’s in San Francisco in 2011

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I have just returned from a holiday in San Francisco during which time I visited a number of railway, Trolley (Tram) and Light Rail locations. I only started visiting San Francisco after the Boeing LRV’s had been withdrawn from passenger service on the MUNI which occurred @ 2001.


I was aware of a least one Boeing LRV that is still in existence albeit in a vandalised near the “Duboce and Church” MUNI stop having seen it before on a number of occasions. I visited the MUNI depot at Balboa Park and whilst taking photos of PCC cars and Breda MUNI LRV’s prior to the evening peak following a lot stock movement in the main yard at the depot another Boeing LRV was revealed. This unit is in the final white MUNI livery which these cars were painted in and is in remarkable good external condition. The adverts on the side of the unit were from 2001 including one for the film “Ali”.

Whilst the Boeing LRV’s were very unreliable and unpopular when in service they still a part of the MUNI’s history which is worth remembering.


Below are photos of both units the earlier orange liveried unit is at “Duboce and Church” and the white liveried unit is at Balboa Park depot.



















Xerces Fobe

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