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Where have all our garden birds gone?


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On ‎26‎/‎03‎/‎2020 at 15:50, Phil Bullock said:

Blue tits keep looking at our nest box but dont want to take the plunge...

Our box with camera - so we can see what is going on - isn't being occupied by the female overnight as yet, so a slower start than last year. Both of the pair quite regularly in and out, and they have arranged some furniture...

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Saw 'my' first House Martin over the Garden at 17.45 today; that's about two weeks earlier than my sightings in '18 & '19. Single bird as far as I can see.

What a cheering sight, quite filled my heart with joy.


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Our back 'lawn' (expanse of grass) has become very popular with blackbirds and starlings of late. They seem to be finding food of some kind I assume. Today though, a pied wagtail decided to come as have look too, for a change. It was nice to see him.



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I was sat in the garden reading today and a long tailed tit landed on a flower pot no more than 5 feet away. Had a pair in and out over the last couple of days - they particularly seem to like last years baby xmas tree. 


Unquestionably had more variety and numbers this year than ever before despite a group of parakeets emptying the feeders the second I fill them.

Edited by Hal Nail
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1 hour ago, tigerburnie said:

Just had a Skylark drift over the garden, singing it's little heart out, real sound of the countryside.

I thought of this as soon as I read your post:



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Just up the road from me at the Nature Reserve, I did a short 'Security', as Volunteeer Warden, check this morning as the Centre is shut for the duration and is a bit vulnerable. When I was up there, doing my exercise walk, I heard Willow Warblers for the first time. They always come to the same places up there at about the same time every year. Lovely little birds and such a cheerful little call, like a shirt and burbling brook sound.

I suspect the Sand Martins will be here soon as well with this good weather continuing for a while.

I am not involved but the Shepherdess and a couple of Staff and Volunteers are covering the Lambing and Calving. Didn't see them today. 24/7 cover for them......quietly getting on with 'nature'.


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Not necessarily saying that SWMBO does too much sewing.... but the starlings around here have started imitating her sewing machine! They are great mimics....

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20 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

I heard a bird this morning but I've no idea what it was. Its call was a high pitched tweet-pause-tweet-pause-tweet. Its not a bird call that I have heard before thats why I noticed it.

If you CBA go to the RSPB site and they have bird sounds somewhere in their menu. However, Sparrows at this time often just do Tweet pause Tweet pause on and on. Just going through the sounds is fun and you can eliminate loads such as Crows and Gulls.

Let us know.

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2 hours ago, Mallard60022 said:

If you CBA go to the RSPB site and they have bird sounds somewhere in their menu. However, Sparrows at this time often just do Tweet pause Tweet pause on and on. Just going through the sounds is fun and you can eliminate loads such as Crows and Gulls.

Let us know.

I have been informed by a neighbour that it was indeed a sparrow. He also said that he hadn't heard (or seen) a sparrow for several years.

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1 minute ago, PhilJ W said:

I have been informed by a neighbour that it was indeed a sparrow. He also said that he hadn't heard (or seen) a sparrow for several years.

Oh sorry, as we have around 20 pairs that live in our hedges here I had forgotten that some areas seem to have no Sparras at all. Shame. Glad you have some now though, such a good little bird to observe and they have a variety of sining sessions and often arguments in a bunch.

Enjoy their moments, it was Sparras that brought me to be more of a birdy person some years ago now and that 'family' is still with us (descendants of course)


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One of the advantages of the lockdown is that there are far fewer planes and I can now hear more birdsong- a goldfinch was busy flying around calling, not just the twittering they make in a group but perhaps more proclaiming a territory. He was doing a circuit of the taller trees in the gardens round here. As I type he’s stir again but has just been drowned out by a helicopter!

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since lock down started i have been getting less and less birds to the point now all i am getting is the blue tits using the nest box plus the sparrows nesting over the road 

we have a large park just up the road so maybe with no one out they are getting lots of natural food?



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Female blue tit now settled on overnight occupation of our camera equipped box over the last three nights, nest all built, male pops in to feed her as dusk approaches. There will be eggs soon as the oaks are breaking bud, and that will mean the plentiful supply of oak moth caterpillars from which the brood are mainly fed.


Heard and just about observed a pair of blackcaps this morning, courtship excitement overcoming their usual reclusiveness...

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