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Where have all our garden birds gone?


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  • RMweb Premium

The Nuthatches have been regulars at the bird feeders for some time after making the first appearance here a few months back.


The juvenile Moorhen is still around the garden, we see it most days, it's plumage is becoming more adult by the day.

Considering it is supposed to be a bird of water, it's definitely out of location here, no suitable ponds nearby, unless you count next door's 3ft x 2ft effort!



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Well done, with the nuthatch - not yet seen one of those here in Somerset; but we did have a grey wagtail in the garden earlier this week. A very impressive little bird it looked too.


We get occasional pied wagtails in the winter, especially if there is snow cover - but the grey version is a first for our garden.


....pied and grey wagtails are relatively common here but it took a holiday in Suffolk to film a pair of yellow wagtails and a holiday on Guernsey to find a white wagtail.


Similar to the nuthatch I also managed to film a tree creeper in the garden some time ago.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Mornin' all,


A poor bird day in the garden yesterday has been followed by a good bird day today. Already there has been a group of long tailed tits flocking around the bird table. The blackbird males have started their chasing each other round the neighbourhood posturing, whilst blue tits and coal tits are regularly visiting the fat feeder and peanuts. A wren is sometimes seen in the more secretive parts of the garden too.



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Is it me or am I hearing more Redwing/Fiedfaires this year when dark ?? Are we going to have that bad winter....??!

Well my Holly tree has no berries on it at all and that is odd for the time of year. Nature knows a thing or two and they would be food for birds in a bad winter. Ergo, I assume the Winter will be a mild one.

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....I've harvested a few stems from our holly bushes today to arrange in a festive vase in the house and there are plenty of deep red berries on them....mind you the Staffs Moorlands are at altititude and considerably cooler than N Wales.



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  • RMweb Premium

On my usual morning walk, I was crapped on by a seagull on a telegraph pole. A woman approached and said good morning so I asked her if there was any muck down my back. She replied "We are intruding on their space"........ :banghead:

Good job it wasn't this that pooed on you mate........ :superstition:



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

The rough weather is bringing out the visitors!

We now have three Reed Buntings (two male and one female) on morning breakfast visits. About ten minutes of foraging and then away they flit. Lovely birds.

Today we also had a young, male Chaffinch for the first time in many months and two Blue Tits that don't usually bother with our garden. Ten blackbirds are polishing off our Crab Apples and will probably disperse when they have finished that. They've been around for about a week.

So along with our resident Dunnocks, a couple of Robins, 'our' pair of Collar Doves, the 20+ House sparrows, a few Goldfinch and some 'local' Magpies, we are quite busy.

Nothing unusual species wise, but lots of behaviour to observe.

In a local field, from where I was watching 60009 UOSA this morning, there was a good size flock of Fieldfare. 

P @ 36E


Edit thanks to Dave.

Edited by Mallard60022
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  • RMweb Gold

There is a wonderful picture of a Jay on the front page of today's Guardian. It reminds me of the jays I see hopping along my garden railway looking for food in the borders.


I remember the days when you heard jays but never saw them.

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  • RMweb Premium

A Jay has been in the garden several times in the last few days.

Two or three Fieldfares in the Yew tree and a flock of around 40 a few hundred yards away on a Hawthorn hedge.

A couple of hundred yards from home today on the canal I saw a Little Egret and three Cormorants.

These two species seem to be regular visitors in recent years. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

This morning at around 10.00, we had a group of 5 goldfinches on the nuts in the garden, up here in the Northern Marches - the first we have seen this winter. We also have a very tame male blackbird, that hops around my feet, totally unbothered by my presence, whilst I put out the seeds and other bird food - in previous years we have had a female who exhibited the same behaviour, so whether this is one of her chicks I don't know

Edited by shortliner
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Mornin' all,


Excellent bird day here with a dozen or so species dining in the garden....wren, chaffinch, sparrow, pigeon, jackdaw, goldfinch, blue tit, great tit, coal tit, blackbird, magpie, blackcap, robin...



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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