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The end of the (Rail) Road?

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I see from a CHEK news broadcast that the two VIA Rail Budd cars 6135(?) and 6148 have been removed from Vancouver Island and shipped back to the mainland. Whether they will be stored at Vancouver for a while or transferred back to Monckton is not clear.

The island's 'Malahat Dayliner' Victoria-Courtenay service was suspended last spring due to the poor condition of the track which forced a 25mph speed limit and meant the Budd car could not complete the round trip in a reasonable time. The cars had been wrapped and stored at Wellcox in recent months.

Thus ends 124+ years of passenger service on the island which leaves Sudbury-White River as the last Class 1 rialroad operation with Budd cars, I think.

Although some cash has been forthcoming to repair the island's 140mile railway, it amounts to little more than a spot re-sleepering exercise and there remains no longer-term plan for rail service on the island, including a much vaunted commuter service into Victoria, which never happened, either.

I believe VIA has invested some C$4million in modernising three Budd cars with disabled access etc for service on Vancouver Island and these would have been delivered to the island next spring. It must be doubtful, now, whether that will happen, or whether the island passenger operation has been a 'closure by stealth'.


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Cris , heres the Members of legislative asemmbly list for Bc, Let them know that It's a attraction for tourists and people like you are willing to spend your dollars on the local economy in thier communities when visiting and this helps the local tax revenues in the Island and helps provied employment by using other services other then just rideing the Malahat dayliner . http://www.islandpages.com/news.php

We are haveing local elections across Bc on November 19th , whynot write to the papers on the island and adress your concerns to the councilors and thier rivals running for election . A lot of people will be asking thier councilors and thier rivals about thier plans for taxes ,employment and other concerns , by writing in the paper that the Malahat Dayliner is a world attraction and this helps bring in tourist dollars then comunity councilors are going to give it some thought and voters will be giving thier thought too.

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