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Spark arrestors - what do these look like from above?!?

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Here's a question that I hope one (or more!) of our Stateside Brethren will have an answer for..!!


I'm doing HO Scale models of these two Progressive Rail SW1500 Switchers, and have a question about the spark arrestors...



On PGR #37, the spark arrestors have little stacks above the big 'cans' (or whatever the technical term is); the stacks have hinged flaps on, for weather protection I think? So pretty obvious what they look like. So far so good.

BUT... on PGR #38, the small stacks & flaps above the cans are missing or removed. So my question is this - What do those spark arrestors look like from above? I haven't been able to find any overhead views of this (or similar) loco - a common problem I've had when researching Mid-Western Railroads, I should add!!


I need to know because as far as I've been able to search, this type of spark arrestor isn't available as a detail part, so I've got some scratch-bodging to do.....


Many thanks if anyone is able to help with any info or pics!!

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Here's a question that I hope one (or more!) of our Stateside Brethren will have an answer for..!!


I'm doing HO Scale models of these two Progressive Rail SW1500 Switchers, and have a question about the spark arrestors...



On PGR #37, the spark arrestors have little stacks above the big 'cans' (or whatever the technical term is); the stacks have hinged flaps on, for weather protection I think? So pretty obvious what they look like. So far so good.

BUT... on PGR #38, the small stacks & flaps above the cans are missing or removed. So my question is this - What do those spark arrestors look like from above? I haven't been able to find any overhead views of this (or similar) loco - a common problem I've had when researching Mid-Western Railroads, I should add!!


I need to know because as far as I've been able to search, this type of spark arrestor isn't available as a detail part, so I've got some scratch-bodging to do.....


Many thanks if anyone is able to help with any info or pics!!


Dear Jordan,


Not proto, but this forum post shows some model arrestors of the style you're thinking of,

alegedly not too hard to scratchbuild from styrene???




Happy Modelling,

Aim to Improve,

Prof Klyzlr

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Thanks both - very useful links.

The two switchers the Prof linked to have arrestors much like PGR #37, just without the top flaps. My concern with #38 is what the top looks like, as on C-Vision's PGR DVD, the exhaust from #38 seems to suggest the whole top of the wide 'can' is open.?

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Thanks both - very useful links. The two switchers the Prof linked to have arrestors much like PGR #37, just without the top flaps. My concern with #38 is what the top looks like, as on C-Vision's PGR DVD, the exhaust from #38 seems to suggest the whole top of the wide 'can' is open.?


Dear Jordan,


Based on known information RE _steam_ loco spark arrestors,

I'd suggest that the top of the "no potruding bit" versions is not "open" (IE _no_ top plate or member),


but more likely has a circle of mesh, the same dia as the "can", forming the "top" of the arrestor...


Should be easily simulated with a small circle of brass or styrene mesh?


Look carefully, and you _may_ be able to see the mesh "bulging" slightly, forming a shallow dome over the top of the arrestor "can" in these YT clips?





(Note the Inglenook-like clearances between loco and spotted cars at around 2:50!!!!)


Happy Modelling,

Aim to Improve,

Prof Klyzlr

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Cheers for those, Prof - I realise why I'd not seen them before (and a few more he's posted) - I've been typing "Progressive Rail" in the YT Search box, and these are listed under "PGR".. D'oh!!


Thanks for the mesh suggestion, too. I have some brass mesh that should do the trick.


....looking back over this thread, I really think I need to get out more....... :O :scratchhead:

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Cheers for those, Prof - I realise why I'd not seen them before (and a few more he's posted) - I've been typing "Progressive Rail" in the YT Search box, and these are listed under "PGR".. D'oh!!


Thanks for the mesh suggestion, too. I have some brass mesh that should do the trick.


....looking back over this thread, I really think I need to get out more....... :O :scratchhead:


Dear Jordan,


No, it's not a lack of fresh air that's causing your fixation with what many modellers would consider "trivial details"... ;-)

My wife knows that I'm about to start building another layout when

- the piles of reading materials on my side of the couch/bed start getting smaller, and noticably focussed on a given RR or RR theme

- I spend many hours wandering around the house and pouring over said books, muttering things like "...OK, so we know that the loco started life with only end-rails, and is shown on Page 83 with full-length rails, so when and how were the rails added? ... but on page 25 the first staunchion is on top of the battery box, and on page 27 it's flat-mounted on the deck ... was that when the paint scheme changed? ... no, couldn't have been, the headlight was turned 90 degrees first, ...but where does that leave the fueltank? ... and was it turbocharged or not?..."

Rest assured, you're amongst friends here... :-)


Happy Modelling,

Aim to Improve,

Prof Klyzlr

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