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If it was a model, no-one would believe it

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Where is it, Tim?

The hills look man-made i.e. "enviromentalized" trash heaps of major city.........


Oops, found it! Wishek, ND. I searched the area and whilst trackage does cross lakes - not in the way pictured above (that I could find).......


Best, Pete

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Pete, Man, I'm rather disappointed in you - if it's railroad causeways cutting thru the middle of American waterways you want, how could you forget the Oak Point Connector in Da Bronx, New York no less?

Also plenty of good causeways examples 'in the swamps of Jersey'*, and along the Hudson River (including this image on Bing where Metro-North hasn't finished putting its Bachmann E-Z track together :O )



*Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey

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