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DVD: Realistic color for railroad modeling

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New DVD from T. Kirk : Realistic colour for railroad modeling


Hi all, I hope it's okay to post this?

I just got notice that Troels Kirk, the builder of " The Coast Line RR" in On30, has released a DVD in NTSC format (it will be released in PAL later).

It covers how he paints his models and his layout (wich is very impressive indeed!), he conveys his knowledge of painting that he uses as an artist.

Here is a trailer of the DVD:



The ordering is through his website: http://www.no13.se/coastline/shop.html


(the music in the trailer is composed and played on Bandonéon by his wife Anne)

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I really can't wait to see the whole DVD! I think it has been too long since a good tutorial video has been made with the railroad modeler in mind.

The last good one must have been the one that MR did way back, with Malcolm Furlow and John Olsen. :-)

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I really can't wait to see the whole DVD! I think it has been too long since a good tutorial video has been made with the railroad modeler in mind.

The last good one must have been the one that MR did way back, with Malcolm Furlow and John Olsen. :-)


I think there are some good ones by Darryl Huffman - he has a site

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It is ALL in English!! :-)

It's been made with the US market in focus, and as English is very common, it was obviously the right choice.... not so many Swedish speaking in the world after all.....



Excellent...I'll have to get a copy then.

thanks Michael.

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