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Prototype Switching a la Mindheim...

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For those who think that you can't have an interesting time switching on a layout with only a few sidings, it might be interesting to read this: http://oscalewcor.blogspot.com/search/label/INSPIRATION - especially about switching the FMC plant with hoppers in date order and different heights!!


Note that none of the switching was doublestacks or auto racks. 8-) It was all general freight, carload business.


I'm trying to figure out why spotting the oldest FMC car is such a big deal. They are private cars on leased track, so there is no demurrage (it doesn't cost FMC any more). They are private cars so there is no car hire (it doesn't cost the railroad any more). Its soda ash, its cooked dirt, it doesn't go bad. The unloading conveyor is portable, rather than switching the cars around, just move the conveyor to the older cars. It would be intersting to know if intra-plant switches are billable. If they are and the shortline isn't charging for them, they are throwing thousands of dollars of revenue on the ground (storage track to the unloading track and oldest car to the front are both billable switch moves in most cases.).

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