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A 1:1,000 scale SD38

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I've kept myself quite lately for a whole load of reasons some pleasant, some not so.

But I have been working on scratchbuilding in 1:1,000 scale with the help of the very nice people at IDL motors (developers of ultra thin and tiny linear induction motors) and I have today finished my first 1:1,000 scale loco - an SD38

You can see a film and more detailed writings about the construction on my blog but to whet your appetite here's a picture




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I think switches may be a problem, somehow. It might be possible to do them the way a childs toy was done away back - there was an oval of track with an X crpssing the middle - and the whole thing had a vibrating plate under it the "switches" were simply a metal lever that moved across the track and directed the train from the oval onto the X and back into the oval, but now going the opposite way. Fascinating what you have managed to do though!

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  • 1 month later...

Amazing, Mr. Faraday would be proud. I have a couple of questions.

  1. How is that flex PCB joined in a loop? I assume you have to align abutting edges carefully in a horizontal plane.
  2. What do you do to mitigate the gap?
  3. Is the flex PCB bent laterally to make the curve? (That seems impossible to me since it's flex is in the up/down axis in this orientation.)
  4. Or is it manufactured as a quadrant section?
  5. Can speed be controlled by changing frequency of the applied current? I assume the magnet separation distance on the vehicle has to match the inductor -to- inductor distance on the track (or perhaps more precisely, half that distance.)

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