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Photos of "New" Stock of North American Prototypes

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I'm bored, cheer me up with photos of any recent acquisitions, particularly brand new releases from any model manufacturer of North American stock!


According to SWMBO I'm broke and cannot buy anything until I earn some more money.............gnash. Anyone need Soundtracks, Incidental Music, etc?


Best, Pete.

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Glad to help - yes they are amazing aren't they- just looked at the roof of the SD70Aces and there are power cables to the fans. On a 1/87 model.


The reefer is the BLMA version - the Exactrail ones look superb too, but I haven't got hold of any yet. Guess I'd need about 30 for a block train - at UK prices that would come in at Β£750!!!!

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Ha! You'd end up touting for work like me!


I was wondering whether they were BLMA or Exactrail, either way is good..........I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that this drive for accuracy in the North American market continues.........


Comparisons are odious I know but look at something as simple as the brake actuators on the UP loco compared to recent British models (I believe that the actuators are exactly the same brand or the same design across the Atlantic on the real thing).


Best, Pete.

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Yes - block trains require bonuses from work or winning the lottery. Quite scared me when I thought about it. I'm planning to take a 40 car merchandise train and three locos to run on RS tower in October - over a grand's worth of stuff for one train. When you add in the other rakes of stock the guys will have the numbers become mind-boggling. Maybe I need to look at Ian's 1/1000 scale stuff again!

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I took a look at the typical freight trains along the BNSF Mainline in Arizona - even in N you'd need to accommodate trains of up to a possible 70 (real) feet in length.......a killer with the double stacks of containers.


Best, Pete.

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We're fine. New Hope where I took those photos last week has been inundated by the Delaware River from the rain originating with "Lee" following hard on the heels of "Irene" - some places in PA received 12 inches of rain in 24 hours!!!!!!


We were very lucky, it's the North of New Jersey - wherever the Passaic River runs - that is still having a hard time.


Watch out though for that storm arriving in Scotland on Monday, The US Forecasters are being extremely pessimistic over it's impact in Scotland and north west England.


Best, Pete.

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Posts getting a bit out of sequence, sorry - distracted by small child.


Yes, we're being warned about the remnants of Katia for Sunday night/Monday morning. Just an amber alert last time I checked - winds gusting to 70mph which whilst its unusual this early in the autumn, isn't too drastic by Scots standards, still, it could get rough.


Glad to hear you're ok.

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Nice toys, Jon. icon_drool.gif I know what you mean about the cost of doing anything of prototype length. SWMBO bought me a full length (east of Spokane) formation of the Empire Builder for my birthday a couple of years ago. (Amtrak phase iv, v) I figure that cost at least Β£1k. Once its ready for exhibition "Essex" will consume at least 160 cars and 30 locos just to load the fiddleyards.


Pete, have you grabbed this month's http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/ ? lots of stuff to pine over.

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Andrew, Yes, I've already been drooling over Betsy Allen's work..............


Jon, Couple of things then I'll shut up on the subject: The US guys are concerned about the south east quadrant of the storm because that is where the strongest winds are, in relation to coastal flooding if its arrival coincides with a high tide. Secondly the moisture content is very high on the north western quadrant - but at the moment the heaviest rain looks like it will occur at sea.


Best, Pete.

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Yes - block trains require bonuses from work or winning the lottery. Quite scared me when I thought about it. I'm planning to take a 40 car merchandise train and three locos to run on RS tower in October - over a grand's worth of stuff for one train. When you add in the other rakes of stock the guys will have the numbers become mind-boggling. Maybe I need to look at Ian's 1/1000 scale stuff again!


Luckily unless you're doing something very block-heavy and dependant on individual short-run RTR (like those reefers maybe) you can spread the cost a bit - for manifest stuff or even intermodal pick up a car or two a month and you'll have a decent length train before you really think about it. We try not to add up the cost of our staging tracks because it hurts the mind, but we've all been modelling US for many years so whilst it looks like a big figure it's spread over lots of people and lots of time, none of us are millionaires...


Even with some unit stuff like coal trains you can spread it out though, i've been 'collecting' Walthers Bethlehem 3-bay hopper 6-packs in BN, they seem to release one every year or two, i've 24 cars already, there's another 6 numbers just come out, and i've one eye open on UK ebay for the C&S marked 6-pack that I missed - that lot will get me a 1970s/80s/90s BN coal train...the bonus doing it that way is that eventually i'll get as many cars as I want without doing any renumbering! ;)

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Oooh. So what is the one for when you come off stage (everyone) having played a blinding set, feeling like Superman, got paid stupid amounts of money (in cash, natch) and the best looking woman in the place then suggests doing totally disgusting (according to your Mum) things to you all night?


I know: a Gauge 3 Max Gray handbuilt "Big Boy"....................


Oh, to be young, again, knowing what we know now.


Best, Pete.

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You've all now got me thinking whether I really need all of those Athearn 57' PFE and UPFE reefers I've slowly aquired, even keeping one of each livery (including different reporting mark styles) to keep Damn Yankee slightly less bored when he's operating would free up 40-odd. Trading them in would mean loosing five old ones for every new one, so keeping them is the only way I can still have a long block train, should they ever run on a layout that could handle them.

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That's why I've gone to a bigger scale switcher pike - many many fewer cars...


Recently I've been seeing some monster trains on UP that seem to be two 100+car trains joined together with mid train helpers... over two mile long, totally un-doable in model form I would think.


They've been running those on the BNSF as well I believe a couple of them have run through Minnesota too. A friend of mine blogged about seeing one a while back




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Not everything new needs to be a budget buster -- here is one car in a recent Accurail 2-car set of PRR box cars:


The PRR was very slow to adopt AAR style box cars, and the Accurail here is "close enough", at least for some people, certainly at the 3-foot distance. I still have to replace the steps with A-Line.

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