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Jo's N gauge wagon works - building, painting and weathering

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Afternoon everyone,

I've managed to decal up a couple more of the previously featured HTAs. 310001 is the only HTA I have every seen with the deeper gold band. This, the unique white letters and some patch painting on the maroon (yet to be modelled) make me think this could be a collision repair?

The other new addition is 310779, featuring a character from the Simpsons. I'm presuming the "last of 15" on the solebar means this was done late December 2015.


"Hi I'm Troy McClure. You may know me from such shows as 'On The Side Of A Hopper' and 'Fresh Prince of Spray Can'."


I've not had chance to do anything more to the OCA, but I have a week of rest days coming up and I'm hoping to get the airbrush out at least once!



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Hi everyone.

A small update on what I've been working on recently.

It's largely test fittings for decals I have in development so some more new things (so apologies for the watermark, I've reused the photos as they are equally valid for updates to the workbench!), sadly I've not had chance to progress the OCA yet. It's screaming at me to finish it! Who said Coronavirus was giving us more modelling time? Life for me seems busier than ever!

Without trying to be too in your face plugging it, (a link is easier than explaining it twice!) there's more detail on the development of these decals on my thread in the smaller suppliers section here if anyone's not seen that thread before: 

 First up are some additions to a couple of JNA 'Falcon' wagons that I have weathered and part loaded previously. Designed to represent empty wagons returning from an engineering site, these empties need a good scrape out from the 360 excavator on return to the yard. 


I've got another couple of Falcon and a few Swordfish and Coalfish, so I think I'll have to crack on and get them up to scratch at some point soon, adding some of the white chalk markings to them too.

I've also managed to decal up a few more HTAs.


For those who are interested, the 'Le Chats' are "Insert Face Here" and "DBS Cat of the Year". I've also managed to locate a reasonably price HTA on eBay, so along with these 8, I'll have 6 graffiti free to give me a set of 14 in total. Should look ok on layouts, despite being shorter than most real sets. I'm looking forward to weathering these big beasties up, it really should help set them off.

Hopefully I'll be back with more soon

All the best



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Evening guys.

Hope everyone has been busy with some modelling? For the first time in ages, I actually bashed some plastic this afternoon! As people may be aware, member @njee20 has been producing wagons on his 3D printer. I've been able to obtain some of the Hanson JHAs from him (and blatant plug, for which I'll be making decals available for sale if anyone else has some) and to mix things up a bit I thought I'd have a go at the prototype wagon. JFA (though coded JHA on the wagon) ARC 17901 was originally built with buffers each end and ran with trains of PGA wagons from Whatley, as per this link to Flickr: https://flic.kr/p/jbTjZR

It was later modified to become an outer wagon, with buffers one end a buckeye coupling the other as well as modifications to the end and side sheeting on the sloping ends. As the following picture shows, the wagon is visibly different to the production batch built by Powell Duffryn, one of which is coupled behind it.


Nick very kindly supplied me with projections from his CAD file so I can draw up the decals, and I used this outline as the basis of the artwork for my Silhouette cutter. Basically it gave me a reference to gauge where the angles should be etc so the model looks correct mixed with the 3D prints. It's noticable that 17901 looks like it's jacked up compared to the rest of the fleet, this is because it has a higher solebar and shallower body. If you look around the top of the suspension doughnut, you can see this wagon has a space plate that the other LTFs don't. Anyway, enough of that, with the CAD image imported to Illustrator, it was out with the digital pencil case, get drawing and like magic I had the artwork for cutting on the Silhouette drawn up. Most is 0.5mm, with some parts on 0.25mm thick plastic. Here I've removed any blanks and cleaned up and edges as this is easier with it still all on the sheet.


0.5mm takes a lot of passes to cut on the Silhouette, so I tend to get it 75% of the way then finish it with a fresh scalpel as this means I can work with parts retained on the sheet for strength.


All popped out, we have both sides and a double thickness floor, vertical end panels and internal and external sloping ends, dividers between the hopper bays and bogie mount bosses.


Over 30 degrees and muggy, definitely a day to be outside! The body sides had to be scored to bend forwards and backwards to give the side profile. All scores are in the inside face, with those in an outward direction scored on the Silhouette then lightly gone over with a scalpel. Those that come back on themselves are scored additionally with a Tamiya plastic scriber, which is the black tool top left. It leaves a gouge about 1.5mm wide, the removed material meaning the plastic can be bent with the score on the inside of the bend.


The wagon is fundamentally a box with awkward shaped sides, and the vertical ends really highlight this. Slots for parts are slightly wider than the 0.5mm of the plastic, and the tabs are lightly sanded to ensure they fit easily. This also shows all the longitudinal scores on the inside face.


Final pic for today, where I got to before packing up. Leave it to dry overnight then look at adding the second side. Once it's structurally complete then the fun of fill and sand to look forward to! The end panels are just placed to test their fit. These are 0.5mm with a lamination of 0.25mm for the ribs. Designed with a fret top and bottom to hold the ribs in the right position and looking like a miniature stair gate, the excess is cut away once the glue is dry. Oh and that red mark, I don't know what it is. The glue softened something on the cutting mat, and there's a possibility it's my blood where I knifed my own finger recently...nice!

On that note, I'm off!



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Thanks for the likes and comments chaps, I've managed to do a little more sat in the shade in the garden today. 

Whilst the other half was out at a meeting, I took a wander round to the local railway, including a visit to their rather nice cafe for some cake. I had no idea how close it was when we moved here a couple of years ago, but the Avon Valley railway is a short walk from my house, and hearing they had the diesels out it was too much to resist! Whilst waiting for 31130 on the first train of the day to depart Bitton, this little freindly chap was keeping me company. Wouldn't leave my side and loved my camera strap!


The main event:

50204194912_918fbe36ff_b.jpgA noisy departure! by Steadfast Fotography, on Flickr

In it's post Covid-19 operating season, the Avon Valley Railway is running 4 Mk1s with a 31 hauling on Saturdays and Sundays. Making a racket and laying down a smoke screen, 31130 heads north from Bitton with the 11.30 first train of the day. The service would head up to Oldland, run round and head back shortly after.

Anyway, after a second shot of the 31, a trip to the station cafe and home with cake for two, odd jobs done it was time for some modelling. I have got the second side and ends on, along with the start of some of the finer underframe details.



The inside faces of the inner ends were coloured with a black Sharpie so it's dark through any prototypical gaps before the end angle panels were glued in. I am impressed with how well it all fits together, just a little bit of light filing on the edges of the angled end panels and thinning a few tabs so they are an easy fit.

Next up will be buffer beams and cutting and building the hopper doors, hopefully in the not too distant future.



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That looks great, Jo! I've been playing around this week with some more flexible resin, to reduce the failure rate on the coupler pockets on the bogies, and it's looking  rousing success currently - so hopefully some bits headed your way soon!

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Thanks for the continued likes all!

Nick, bogie development sounds excellent, looking forward to it in due course!

I was hoping to have a modelling update to post hear, either on the JHA or with some weathering carried out to one of the recently featured projects such as my HOAs, HTAs, or the 50 Bass, but life has got in the way, the weather's too hot and I have nothing further to show!

I did however get up to the Avon Valley again on Sunday before a trip to the parents, so another gratuitous shot on Flickr of 31130!

50213370341_f74297ddbf_b.jpgWaiting time at Oldland by Steadfast Fotography, on Flickr

I just had a quick scroll through the thread and realised I haven't featured the HOA hoppers on here yet. I've not managed any weathering yet, the whole rake will be done in one go for consistency. Although the photos may not necessarily show this so far, all wagons have had maroon axle boxes added along with the label clips picked out in a dark grey, to provide consistency across the different releases.

Rewinding a little bit then, the HOAs started by fitted decals from my range to blank out the Cemex logos.

Here's a before and after:


These patches were a must fit for me, as the Cemex logos were painted out only around a year after the real wagons were repainted, before the period I am modelling. All my wagons have been done, as well as graffiti for 320067 which was in the yard at the time I was researching the product so provided the perfect reference material. Lucky Ben and Mike chose that wagon to model!


With these decals finished and on sale, I could turn my attention to the accompanying EWS livery HOAs that run together with the Cemex wagons, both liveries jumbled together in all consists, with the occasional DB red one or RMC JGA thrown in for good measure. With the EWS wagons, there was no need to blank anything, it was purely graffiti decals. Of the seven wagons Revolution released, there are decent pictures of graffiti on 6 of them, two of which were on both sides. This gives a total of eight 'sets' of graffiti, if you like. 



These EWS models show the axleboxes and label clips picked out, ready for weathering to commence. 

I'm about to start a long run of shifts at work, so there won't be any modelling done for at least a week sadly. The good news is that if you want to tweak your HOAs, the EWS graffiti decals are available to pre order now! Drop me a message via email or the website, and I'll put an order in to the printers in a few weeks time. Full details here on my thread in the 'Smaller Suppliers' section: 


Hopefully next post I'll have some modelling to show for it!



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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi guys,

I had a tidy of the workbench the other day which has given me some room to do a little modelling. Not had chance to set the airbrush up yet sadly. Who else has notes taped to their desk, or bits of tape with buffers off wagons inside?


A quick easy win to get some modelling in and test some decals was to do some 20 ft containers, all resprays of Farish models in liveries I didn't want. To fill space on the corner of my decal sheets I've included container logos and small details. I'm planning to model a Bristol Freightliner service, which has lots of 20 foot boxes due to the weight of the liquid load carried and also features shipping lines not available from C-Rail. Variations in the Hamburg Süd logos and end details too.


They're still glossy and need the end bars painting, but you can see where the boxes are going. I think the CMA CGM blue is perhaps a little dark, but once matted and weathered up I'm sure it'll be ok.



I promise I will try my best to get something finished soon!



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Back in May I showed pictures of an OCA that I'd added my own decals to, resulting in a replica of a unique prototype. Well, only 5 months later, the first (of several eventually) Bass is finished. To recap, it's custom decals that I've produced myself applied to what was an EWS livery model from Farish. The underlying paint on the prototype was Railfreight Distribution grey with yellow ends, so the patches breaking through amongst the rust are intended to be those shades, all working from photos of the real thing. Black stanchions (actually a dark grey, Tamiya Rubber Grey I think) and yellow chains stand out well against the grime. The rust is a variety of browns, pencil lines for the 'cracks' in the rust and washes to tie it all together. Various floor planks are picked out to vary the shades and represent replacement planks. The underframe was slapped in Railmatch sleeper grime, then given black and grey washes, with the suspension links picked out a rusty shade, with the leafs a darker tone. A grease wash on areas that are greased such as the handbrake mechanism, some Molotow chrome paint for the brake discs and we're just about there. I've modelled it empty, so I can make the most of the work that went into it on the wagon repair depot on Maesglas. 

Enough withering, here it is then, OCA 112230.



Wagons that show empty on TOPS often have some dunnage dumped in them. Whilst this one is a more extreme example, I wouldn't be surprised to see it show empty on TOPS.


The widthways strips are to aid unloading of sleepers etc using machinery, and also helps protect the floors from damage. The longer dunnage would be from a load of sleepers, when a train of loaded Salmon run  to a worksite there's virtually always an empty Bass included to carry the dunnage from the sleeper loads. Of course sleepers also load in Bass, so it could also be from that. No doubt someone will have the wood away for fire wood, anyway!




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A quick little post today.

Something people may be interested in is how I've strengthened to door banging plates on my Farish OBAs.

These are a part that I find gets easily knocked on the model, especially with exhibition use.


I have added a triangle of 0.5mm plastic sheet, super glued in, to brace the strips that hang down from the underframe. If one is missing, I just place the triangle slightly further forward, so it replaces the missing part. Once painted black with a white tip a replacement is not noticeable. Because of the large surface area, it is much more resilient to bangs and bashes. The ones further in to the wagon are much better protected, it's only these corner ones that are prone to damage.



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Thanks Will, glad you find it interesting!

I've got a small update of a few bits in progress, these are the ones that I could grab a photo of today.

First up is a Modellbahn Union (produced by Dapol) steel hood wagon that although of a European prototype to 1/160, sizes up nicely to represent the blue IHAs in use in the UK when placed among 1/148 wagons.


The graffiti on this model is actually a commission I did for someone else, but I liked the design (I think they're aliens?) so much that I decided to get some extras and do my model as this wagon. The plaques that the black decals sit on weren't big enough on the model, so some were knocked up from 10 thou plastic. There's a few rough edges to tidy up before matt varnishing and weathering. I'm also doing a trio of grey IHAs, but they're not sufficiently advanced yet to be worth photographing.

Here's the kind of look I'm going for with my steel rake, you can see that the IHAs are shorter than the BYAs by some margin!

Sunny Swindon Steel


On the previous page I showed the start of work to reproduce Mk2 generator coach 17105. This has gained a coat of blue, just needs the roof painting and it'll be ready for transfers. The rebate on the roof will receive a piece of mesh, and the underframe still needs a little work but I've included it to show where I'm up to.



The door nearest the camera has been filled and rescribed to model it as a wrap around door as this is a later type of Mk2 to the Farish base model. The real thing is actually a corridor brake, but often seems to have the curtains drawn so I may add curtains rather than trying to scratch build a new interior. This end also shows the rebates cut into the end beside the corridor connector. Presumably they originally had jumper cables in when it was in Royal Train use.

Finally a close up, showing the work at the other end. A bit tricky to make out due to the glossy finish, but it's there as best I can.


Handrails from 0.2mm wire, TPM RCH cables and tail lamps are a BH Enterprises etch of loco marker lights.  Additionally the ETH cable socket was modified to sit higher and at an angle as per the later Mk2s and the guttering was extended to wrap around using 0.3mm square Plastruct strip.


More updates soon hopefully, I've got one for my loco thread ready, once I process the RAW files off the camera. Hopefully in a day or two, all being well.




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9 hours ago, Steadfast said:

Thanks Will, glad you find it interesting!

I've got a small update of a few bits in progress, these are the ones that I could grab a photo of today.

First up is a Modellbahn Union (produced by Dapol) steel hood wagon that although of a European prototype to 1/160, sizes up nicely to represent the blue IHAs in use in the UK when placed among 1/148 wagons.


The graffiti on this model is actually a commission I did for someone else, but I liked the design (I think they're aliens?) so much that I decided to get some extras and do my model as this wagon. The plaques that the black decals sit on weren't big enough on the model, so some were knocked up from 10 thou plastic. There's a few rough edges to tidy up before matt varnishing and weathering. I'm also doing a trio of grey IHAs, but they're not sufficiently advanced yet to be worth photographing.

Here's the kind of look I'm going for with my steel rake, you can see that the IHAs are shorter than the BYAs by some margin!

Sunny Swindon Steel


On the previous page I showed the start of work to reproduce Mk2 generator coach 17105. This has gained a coat of blue, just needs the roof painting and it'll be ready for transfers. The rebate on the roof will receive a piece of mesh, and the underframe still needs a little work but I've included it to show where I'm up to.



The door nearest the camera has been filled and rescribed to model it as a wrap around door as this is a later type of Mk2 to the Farish base model. The real thing is actually a corridor brake, but often seems to have the curtains drawn so I may add curtains rather than trying to scratch build a new interior. This end also shows the rebates cut into the end beside the corridor connector. Presumably they originally had jumper cables in when it was in Royal Train use.

Finally a close up, showing the work at the other end. A bit tricky to make out due to the glossy finish, but it's there as best I can.


Handrails from 0.2mm wire, TPM RCH cables and tail lamps are a BH Enterprises etch of loco marker lights.  Additionally the ETH cable socket was modified to sit higher and at an angle as per the later Mk2s and the guttering was extended to wrap around using 0.3mm square Plastruct strip.


More updates soon hopefully, I've got one for my loco thread ready, once I process the RAW files off the camera. Hopefully in a day or two, all being well.




Hi Jo, where did you get the RCH cables from? I tried to get some from Bernard Taylor recently, but he didn't have any left.


Thanks, Jim

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1 hour ago, njee20 said:

Didn’t know MBU did an IHA, may have to procure some of them!

Hi Nick, here's a link to the available wagons at DM toys. To do the blue ones, you want the ones with a pointed top to the end.


3 hours ago, Jim Martin said:

Hi Jo, where did you get the RCH cables from? I tried to get some from Bernard Taylor recently, but he didn't have any left.


Thanks, Jim


Hi Jim, all I can say is that they came from my stash of bits as I've had them for years! Possibly direct from Bernard about 10 years ago. They are from the MK2 set that @BernardTPM mentioned.



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Jo. Absolutely super work. Love the OBA wagon and the covered steel carrier (I have HO versions which I use with Bachmann BYA’s in OO). 
Have you thought anymore about doing OO gauge transfers?



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4 hours ago, BernardTPM said:

I have run out of the ordinary RCH jumpers, but I do still have some of the 1405 Mk.2 rubbing plates etch that includes jumpers. The Mk.2 jumpers are shorter than the standard versions though. Sorry for any confusion my reply made, Jim.


No need to apologise, Bernard. I asked about specific etches and didn't say what I was going to do with them. I'm actually looking for something to put on the end of a Super GUV that I've been working on for several months (or, more accurately, not working on for several months after a period of feverish activity). I'll have a look at some photos and see how the Mk 2 end compares with the connections on the GUV.



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9 hours ago, Andy7 said:

Have you thought anymore about doing OO gauge transfers?



Thanks Andy, yes I have some 4mm bits just arrived on a test sheet. I've not had chance to play yet (real railway getting in the way!) but on the sheet they look pretty good. First things are going to be HTA graffiti, JNA Falcon graffiti and JNA Falcon (suit Coalfish and Lobsters too) engineer's possession site markings. I don't know what order (they may all be at the same time, but no promises) but I'll keep my thread in Small Suppliers up to speed with any updates. Judging by these test pieces, I'd tentatively say that anything in N I can scale up to 4mm quite easily. Famous last words and all...

3 hours ago, Stu from EGDL said:

Hi Jo,


Got any more of those CMA/CGM decals for containers. I could do with some of those, but sized for 40’ containers too!!



Stu from EGDL.

Hi Stu, I may have some odds and ends on a spare sheet, but can easily run off some more on my next order to the printers. I can't find your email address at the moment, if you could drop me a line to steadfastmodels@outlook.com when you have 5 mins please, and I'll see what I can do.


If anyone sees something they like...

As a general rule, any decals I've done for myself it's easy to get another one done on my next order from the printers. There may be a wait of a few weeks as I have to wait for the sheet to be full before sending off to print, but if you are interested in anything here that's not on the website feel free to email at steadfastmodels@outlook.com and I'll do what I can to help.





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On 11/11/2020 at 23:01, Steadfast said:

More updates soon hopefully, I've got one for my loco thread ready, once I process the RAW files off the camera. Hopefully in a day or two, all being well.

As promised, here's an update on the loco modelling thread:




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  • 3 weeks later...
On 09/03/2019 at 23:00, Steadfast said:

On to the big update. The ballast cleaner. All of a sudden it's gone from a tub of bits towards looking like it's meant to!

Out came the yellow paint, the shade varies, I attempted to copy the real thing's variations in fading and shading, but it did end up a bit more freelance. Still, it's varied! Placed together, a test of ride height. It looks a bit low in the picture, but it lines up nicely in reality.


Next stage was to draw up the decals. A mix of white paper and clear paper, all drawn in Photoshop. It's a mix of scratch drawn details and edited elements from photos. All 4 Plasser logos are faded to different extents, as per each one on the real machine. Lots of time went into drawing these up from scratch.



Once decalled up it was time to start putting it all together. Once the various belts and boxes were all glued to the main structure, the two halves of the machine came together with the ceremonial supergluing of the wire pin on the drawbar. The whole unit is about a foot long, so it's a little cumbersome now!


With both halves  together, work could progress to the plumbing of the hydraulic lines. First attempt used sewing elastic. Looked ok at the time, but later in the day I wasn't happy.


The dreadlock effect just wasn't right. So off it came, to be replaced with some beading elastic I forgot I had.IMG_20190304_153125-2080x1560.jpg.346e7f3ae66feb8d19a736f38eb40993.jpg

In the process of the plumbing, I did drop the rear module, thankfully the only damage was the roof snapping off.


The supports snapped cleanly, allowing it to be reglued once complete. It actually made threading the elastic around this area easier as access was improved. Every cloud and all that!

There's around 10 strands of elastic on each side, using heat shrink, black wire and superglue to shape and restrain the hydraulic pipe runs.


The distinctive shape of the pipes in an S bend between the two halves of the machine have come out alright I think and as best I can, the piping follows the route of the real thing.

The lights are TPM etches, it's amazing how they add to the face of the model and all of a sudden it looks right.


Finally a few general shots, lots of little jobs to complete but it's getting there. Looking at the overhang, I think there might be ages restrictions on routing on the layout and need of an X-ray headcode!






Hopefully it'll be finished and get its final coat of matt varnish before too long. 



All sorts of interesting models here Jo, wonderful modelling. The ballet cleaner is especially impressive, totally blown away by that one. I will be following your progress from now on. 


All the best,


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Thanks Dave, I really must get the ballast cleaner finished. I've drawn the artwork to cut the windows from clear plastic on the Silhouette, just got to get round to it! I like the fact it has replicated the complex look of the real thing, but it's just a few simpler modules glued together. Would never have done it without the Silhouette though, as marking and cutting by hand I'm not accurate enough!



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  • 4 weeks later...
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On 08/08/2020 at 20:44, Steadfast said:

Next up will be buffer beams and cutting and building the hopper doors, hopefully in the not too distant future.

Famous last words he says! It's only taken 4 and a half months to take the next step with the JHA! In between times, it's also had some primer and sanding sessions. First things first, hopefully everyone had great Christmas. Oh how this year has flown. In addition to all the bits I've added to the thread, the last couple of months have seen modelling time take up with some G scale repaints for a friend at work. The hardest part was getting hold of them, as those of you who work shifts will know, you never see the right people at the right time! Anyway, I got the wagons October time, measured up and drew the decal artwork then it was on with the paint! Lock downs didn't help (and the assumption that the Range and Halfords would be shut, thus limiting paint supplies meant I hurried to get paint for no reason!) but we got there in the end, with a handover in Sainsbury's car park a few days before Christmas. All are for my friend's relatives and family friends, and feature the year and town of birth of each child. Although I dabble in 1/24 model cars, these G scale wagons are huge! Luckily the pink tint I managed to add to the spare room carpet was just dried paint dust off the newspaper. Phew, that was me nearly in the doghouse!


With those and Christmas out the way, today was spent progressing the model of prototype JHA no. ARC 17901. Work centred on adding the buffer beams, making four hopper doors and adding the door locking gear. The doors are made from a mix of quarter and half mm plastic sheet, again cut on the Silhouette.


Made up they look like this. Not perfect, but not a bad approximation from the photos I have. Originally it was designed to be all four joined together, but very quickly this idea was abandoned and the chutes separated for ease of construction. Construction was made a lot easier, with attaching only made a little more tricky.


Whilst the first steps were drying I added the door primary lock mechanism. On the real wagons, this has cams off it that lock the doors shut. The brackets are made from 0.25mm plastic and the rod is 0.7 mm brass tube, with some 0.5mm rod inside for strength. All superglued together, this is surprisingly strong! The sheet below shows the shapes cut in plastic for the 2 different styles of mounting. It's a bit of a compromise, but should look ok painted.


Finally here's the doors and locking mechanism sized up together, I've also added the roses that operate the door open and close mechanism (the white crosses).


Hopefully I can get the doors primed and glued on soon, possibly tomorrow if I get time. Would be nice to do it before I'm back to work Weds.

All the best



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Well the weather didn't let me get the doors primed when I wanted, but the weekend has seen me progress the wagon. I think it's fair to say it's getting there.

First up, two primed hopper doors.


They're a bit crude up close (it's fair to say I could never be considered finescale!) but the shape is there. If you're having trouble working them out, they're upside down, the peak is where the two clamshell doors meet, the end detail represents the ends of the doors. It's rough and ready but provides some relief.


All four aligned, the 0.5mm strips are to make them slightly wider to give a bigger surface to mount them to the underframe.


Doors in place and air pipes added to the side. This is three lengths of brass wire soldered together and bent at the ends to mount in holes in the wagon side.


Overall view. The buffers are NGS rectangular ones, with a hook from a Farish loco. The other end is bufferless, as it is fitted with a buckeye on the real thing.


A nice basis of a Mendip fleet coming together! The back bone can be formed with Farish HTAs and Revolution HOAs, with the 3D printed JHAs and some Ian Stoate Yeoman JHAs (which I must finish!) to flesh it out. Both HOAs and HTAs have run mixed with the older types.

Dagenham empties



Uphill struggle



One white horse power...


Could do with some Mendip boxes next, a nice mix of JNAs, JYAs and KEAs should suffice. Oh, and a layout suitable for Mendip operations!


More soon




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