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But what do you think? - annoying TV adverts

Belsay Lad

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to be honest, yeah we noticed the advert but because i got ________ off with the go compare advert doesn't mean I am going to use them.


the only advert that really grabs me in a good way atm is the ford fiesta advert because of the music, which sounds really 80's and I love it. so I researched the song and i found the artist, listened to a few songs on youtube and voila they have a new fan!

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Some ads can be fun. I remember in the days of watery wireless chuckling at the series of commercials for Mother's Pride bread. Against that hthere was the irritating little brat helping mummy advertise Fairy Liquid and coming perilously close to being drowned in the washing-up bowl.


Whatever happened to endearing ads? Especially now we have the excruciating Go Compare! OK, it's a me too post but what the heck.



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TV ads can become victims of their own success. The meerkats and Go compare started out as simple ads that made their point by being different. They must have been popular because it is the singer and meerkats that developed, as though they were the reason for the ads rather than the product they were trying to sell. With this they have become ever more complicated and less watchable, they are a turn off now.



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  • RMweb Gold

I accept adverts as the way commercial TV is financed but will try not to buy or use a product if the advert winds me up. On the other hand, however brilliant the adverts were for Carling Black Label, I couldn't stand the stuff. It's not a favourite, but I have have reverted to the occasional John Smiths or Boddingtons after being reminded by the adverts I enjoyed.


The European Cup advert breaks really get to me - long, the same 3 or 4 repeated every week, boring, mindless and interfering with football.


"Sequences shortened" (Penlan) is a good moan - it borders on being as much of as a lie as some of the RyanJet price ones.

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Between there being very little quality programming on commercial TV, and a device with a hard disc drive enabling scooting through any adverts by starting watching 15 minutes per hour later than schedule start, haven't watched a TV advert in years. The last funny one was the dreadlocks with his songboards of misheard lyrics to 'The Israelites' so don't feel I am missing much...

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Anyone remember the Pot Noodle horn?

There have been several comments about the compensation ads that run mainly in the daytime. My biggest dislike among them was Injury Lawyers for You in which three men and a woman walk down some steps and the woman falls on the floor, the men rush to her aid. Nothing is said, but the implication is that there could be a claim for compensation in this. The woman was wearing high heels and as far as I'm concerned the only blame lies with herself for not taking care. And there is a bloke who falls off a ladder and gets a nice compensation cheque. I've watched him do this every week; he never learns does he?



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Well, you've got us there! Not sure the OP was looking for change though, there are several threads on RMWeb with the only point being to let out some frustration about the modern world!


I never want anything I see advertised on Dave though - but I suppose I'm a penniless student - why would anyone want to advertise to me?



Yes, the original idea of this thread was just a bit of fun, not to start a campaign to protest or ban specific adverts.

But I suppose that dwhite4dcc might have point, if the adverts have entered our minds they might just have achieved their objective!


I suspect that most people will take adverts with a pinch of salt and will do a bit of further research before buying (the famous cat food ad that '8 out of 10 cats who expressed an opinion recommended...' is an example). My three 'furry darlings' fell into the remaining 2% and point blank refused to eat it!


I seem to recall seeing a tag line used by a member of the RMweb along the lines of 'Ta, I'll make up my own mind!'? Can't remember the exact wording so apologies to whoever I may have mis-quoted, but this is my attitude to all advertising.


However, I have to admit that whilst I find the Meerkat ads annoying they are amusing, one up to the advertising agency. But I still probably won't be buying any of their products.


PS anyone remember the 'for mash get smash' adverts in the 70's. I think I have tasted the revolting substance once, and that was enough!



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I actually think British Rail excelled at TV advertising. The Jimmy Saville 'This is the Age of the Train', The InterCity 'Kick off your Shoes' ad and the Police 37 spring to mind... as far as I am aware they were all very successful campaigns.


I automatically whizz through ads now as I tend to watch either recorded or delayed start programs.





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"I'm going well, I'm going Shell..." sung by Bing Crosby I remember but I bought BP or Jet.

"Murray Mints, Murray Mints, too good to hurry mints..."...Can't stand the things!

"I told 'em Oldham" but I've never bought an oldham Battery in my life.

"It's in the label Mabel"... In the label of what exactly?


Someone's treatise on the psychology of advertisements is badly flawed I fear. When I see TV adverts, I see spivs. Would you buy from a spiv?

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I must say,though, that the Murraymints advert with the Guards sergeant-major going purple with rage was, to me, quite funny. For those who haven't seen it, the characters were conveyed by a primitive form of animation.


I'm sure Coachmann and others of our age group will remember "The Esso sign mean happy motoring", which ran for years.


They weren't annoying, often quite tuneful, whereas most of the modern adverts are annoying or just boringly dull, especially those current retro-themed adverts using a Yankee voice.



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I actually think British Rail excelled at TV advertising. The Jimmy Saville 'This is the Age of the Train', The InterCity 'Kick off your Shoes' ad and the Police 37 spring to mind... as far as I am aware they were all very successful campaigns.


I loved that 'Relax' song. Wife didnt, IIRC :D


I suspect that most people will take adverts with a pinch of salt and will do a bit of further research before buying


You'd hope so, wouldnt you. TBH and to return to the point I made earlier in response to David's post, it often isnt so much the ads that annoy me, as the undercurrent that we're all weak minded saps who are impressionable enough to buy something just because it's flashed in front of us on a TV screen.


I seem to recall seeing a tag line used by a member of the RMweb along the lines of 'Ta, I'll make up my own mind!'? Can't remember the exact wording so apologies to whoever I may have mis-quoted, but this is my attitude to all advertising.



That would be this one:




See, it wasnt that memorable if you couldnt remember who it is :lol:

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  • RMweb Gold

Anyone remember the Pot Noodle horn?

There have been several comments about the compensation ads that run mainly in the daytime. My biggest dislike among them was Injury Lawyers for You in which three men and a woman walk down some steps and the woman falls on the floor, the men rush to her aid. Nothing is said, but the implication is that there could be a claim for compensation in this. The woman was wearing high heels and as far as I'm concerned the only blame lies with herself for not taking care. And there is a bloke who falls off a ladder and gets a nice compensation cheque. I've watched him do this every week; he never learns does he?




just imagine a gun shot it puts a different spin on it.


As kids we would make up lyrics for the adverts.


Trebor mints are a minty bit strongerrrrrrrrr, stick em up yer bum and they last a bit longerrrrrrrrrrr....................

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But can you imagine the scene when the ad company pitched the idea to Compare the Market execs.


"Well we are going to have a meerkat puppet called Alexander, dressed in a smoking jacket speaking with a Russian accent........


execs all gasp and rush for the door.



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But can you imagine the scene when the ad company pitched the idea to Compare the Market execs.


"Well we are going to have a meerkat puppet called Alexander, dressed in a smoking jacket speaking with a Russian accent........


execs all gasp and rush for the door.


"Wait! Wait! That was the puppet's USP!!!"

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  • RMweb Gold

But can you imagine the scene when the ad company pitched the idea to Compare the Market execs.


"Well we are going to have a meerkat puppet called Alexander, dressed in a smoking jacket speaking with a Russian accent........


execs all gasp and rush for the door.




Actually not so odd whilst we're tripping down memory lane. IIRC the ad agency who came up with the robots for Cadburys Smash believed in what they were doing but were totally convinced the Cadburys execs would throw it out without giving it the time of day.


The ad agency test marketed it and recorded the interviews etc and showed Cadburys the feedback and how well received it was, before they dared show them the robots.

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I hate the confused.com advert mainly due to saturation effect. I watched a program recently and that advert was on in every single break. To top it off, at the end of the program I swtiched channels and guess what was playing on ITV at that moment! They must be desparate.

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  • RMweb Gold

"It's in the label Mabel"... In the label of what exactly?


I think that was Carling Black Label. I was once given a bar towel with Mabel - Black Label on it.


There are not many ads now that I feel are genuinely clever, entertaining or amusing. Apart from humour in advertising, music can play a big part. I recall an Ever Ready ad in the late 70s or maybe early 80s (power to the people) that had a very catchy jingle. Hope that reminiscence isn't OT.

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I don't recognise any link between advertisements and the things I buy.

I'm probably alone in being amused by the Meerkats - the FIRST time I see the Ad.

I think they took on a life of their own after 'simples' entered the language.

However I have never, nor intend to, used Meerkats Market or whatever it is.

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