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But what do you think? - annoying TV adverts

Belsay Lad

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Which TV adverts get you reaching for the off switch, or even getting up ready to throw the 'idiot lattern' through the window?


My current No 1 is the 'But what do you think' adverts for the Virgin Tivo box.


Condescending is the (polite) word that springs to mind?

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Anything that tries to suggest science - "includes compound x10.abc.45" along with the word "proven" and in very small and quickly disappearing print "sample siz 19"


Ocean bl@@dy Finance - Heh stupid, can we get you further into debt.


Ambulance chasers and anything that suggests you may be better off using their services. "no win no fee"


Food adverts that imply that you will lose weight/avoid heart problems/actually enjoy eating their product.


Charity adverts. I give, but never to one that tries to pull the guilt trip.


Adverts for forthcoming programs - I think they are called trailers - which sums up my interest in the program, trails off, each time it is over hyped as the next good thing to watch.


In fact it is much harder to find an advert that is actually a pleasure to watch.


tv grumpy

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Mine are all the go compare adverts, despite the one on the moon with the aliens, there was some form of humour to that!


i hate EVERY single one of those bl@@dy compensation adverts, it is worse than a stomach bug after a boozing spree. I really extremely hate the things. wow you had an accident get the heck over it, stuff happens (polite version!). I came off my bike about a month ago, I didn't sue the bump in the pavement!!!


the underdog adverts are now getting extremely maddening, for one, i hate the advert and its tone in the first place, secondly, i am starting to get narfed off with listening to a voice of a certain 'comedian' who has the sound of a teenage choir boy who got castrated.....


the one that doesn't annoy me but wins the darwin award for what the ______???? is the ING advert about the donkey and the mole?? personally if they just cut that tosh out of it and had a plain straighforward advert showing how simple their services were in the first place I dare say people would pay more attention to it....


so apart from losing my chillpills somewhere in the kitchen, i have thought that perhaps adverts should go back to 50's-70's esque type advertising, simple, straightforward and something we can physically relate to as humans in a constructional sense instead of using animations and silly attitudes with men and suits.....


talking of men in suits that compensation advert with the two blokes in suits... I thought it was a micky take out of Men In Black!!!! LOL!

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  • RMweb Gold

I just hate them all and in fact record anything that has adverts in it and then zap through them. So an hours programme last about 28 minutes once you have got rid of all the adverts and the bits that tell you what is going to happen in the programme what is going to happen in the second half and what has happened in the first half just in case you are too stupid to remember.


I think radio adverts are just as bad and of course in the car you cannot zap through them. Why do so many of them have to shout all the way through them?


Of course as someone has already mentioned even the BBC are not immune from ads/trailers and then they send you an email to tell you that you can watch some weird programme on catchup or whatever it is called if you missed it. No I didn't see it but that does not mean I missed it.



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  • RMweb Gold

Much as I dislike giving money to Sky the one great thing about Sky+ box is the fact we rarely watch anything now as broadcast but play later on the Sky+ box and FF through all the adverts.


Sometimes where eg it's expected to be good like a new 2 hour episode of Lewis we start approx 20mins after prog starts and then we're more or less on time at 10pm due to all the advert breaks.


Has smug got one g or 2? ;)

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Fake science as used by shampoo and toothpaste manufacturers really wind me up. Zoom in on something and show some spheres floating around - that will sell the product!


This mitchell and webb sketch makes a similar point:



I sometimes wonder if the Meerkat adverts were created by someone trying to internally sabotage the company and accidentally struck gold! Either that or they came up with the idea at the office Christmas party.


Generally the adverts on Dave are awful. Short term loans, compensation claims.


I like to know when new shows are coming so I don't mind Trailers. If it weren't for trailers I wouldn't know that Simon Bird has a new show on E4 on Friday!


On a different tack, I spent my last month working and took up listening to the radio on my iPod, generally to catch Danny Wallace on XFM. Brilliantly funny show but there only seemed to be about 6 incredibly annoying radio adverts on repeat. The worst was for the wrestling world championship at the beginning of August. It also winds me up when they play an advert for a band's new song. Surely the idea of music on the radio is to get paid to advertise your own songs? The DJ says the name of the artist and song at the end/beginning of the track - why pay to advertise it even more? Rant over. ^_^

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When ITV's adverts first hit our screens circa 1956, the advert ditties like the Murray Mint song were sung by teenagers as if they were pop music. The meaningless words like the names of ingredients advertisers told us were in toothpaste and washing powders soon caught on with us idiot art school types, so much so that one of the art masters asked us what pure pirtle was, as he had noticed it was always mentioned in the mock adverts we drew up!

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Gentlemen, you have made the advertisers very happy. You all noticed which ads you didn't like and more importantly, what they were trying to sell you. Thus, faced with a choice, you will plump for the product that you recall the easiest.


Object achieved. Like or dislike doesn't come into it. Reaction and increased market share does. It is the biggest conundrum that 'bad' advertising is sometimes more effective than 'good' but all adverts that entertain as well as inform of product and are very repetitive will tend to succeed. It is noticeable that advertisers will be better able to target their potential market because of the number of channels that are also targeted at certain types of watcher. Dave has been mentioned as having a higher proportion of short term loan, compensation lawyers and more recently, the 'get your CPI premium back' ads. This is probably because the target market for Dave viewers more exactly matches that of the advertiser and, if the phone melts at these companies, justifies the expense.


Neither the advertising agency or the channel can afford to fail.


20 negative comments on here among a multi thousand membership will not persuade any change.

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Gentlemen, you have made the advertisers very happy. You all noticed which ads you didn't like and more importantly, what they were trying to sell you. Thus, faced with a choice, you will plump for the product that you recall the easiest.


Object achieved. Like or dislike doesn't come into it. Reaction and increased market share does. It is the biggest conundrum that 'bad' advertising is sometimes more effective than 'good' but all adverts that entertain as well as inform of product and are very repetitive will tend to succeed. It is noticeable that advertisers will be better able to target their potential market because of the number of channels that are also targeted at certain types of watcher. Dave has been mentioned as having a higher proportion of short term loan, compensation lawyers and more recently, the 'get your CPI premium back' ads. This is probably because the target market for Dave viewers more exactly matches that of the advertiser and, if the phone melts at these companies, justifies the expense.


Neither the advertising agency or the channel can afford to fail.


20 negative comments on here among a multi thousand membership will not persuade any change.


Well, you've got us there! Not sure the OP was looking for change though, there are several threads on RMWeb with the only point being to let out some frustration about the modern world!


I never want anything I see advertised on Dave though - but I suppose I'm a penniless student - why would anyone want to advertise to me?

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Gentlemen, you have made the advertisers very happy. You all noticed which ads you didn't like and more importantly, what they were trying to sell you. Thus, faced with a choice, you will plump for the product that you recall the easiest.


There's obviously something wrong with me then. I can often remember odd bits from the few ads I do like, but not what they're for, and any firm whose ads irritate the crap out of me (like those utterly appalling Safestyle glazing ones), I can assure you will be right at the bottom of my list when it comes to actually buying anything :no:

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