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Think you're smart for using a browser other than IE?


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  • RMweb Premium

You're smarter than me then. I got 120. I couldn't fathom the 'Ralph likes' question.

Neither could I at first but I worked out it as 1600, the only number that is divisible by all the numbers he likes. (I tried it again and it came out at 136 yahoo.gifis that enough for MENSA?)dry.gif
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Guest Belgian

You're smarter than me then. I got 120. I couldn't fathom the 'Ralph likes' question.

I managed a little bit more: I think the "Ralph likes" answer was 1600, 25 was 5x5, 144 was 12x12, 400 was 20x20 so 1600 was 40x40. But perhaps my score should be 0 as I couldn't find the answers on the site . . . and I couldn't do the second anagram (LNGEDNA) - I've never been good at them and its actually the country which lends its name to my surname!!!!!!!!!!



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Neither could I at first but I worked out it as 1600, the only number that is divisible by all the numbers he likes. (I tried it again and it came out at 136 yahoo.gifis that enough for MENSA?)dry.gif


I would think that the MENSA test would be a lot tougher and much more thorough.

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Different IQ test give skewed results. To qualify for MENSA you have to be in the top 2% of scores measured by whatever test you do.


I use Opera but I find it a bit of a performance... but perhaps I might take a shine to Chrome...

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  • RMweb Premium

I notice that an IE user group is threatening to sue to AptiQuant that did the survey.


However Professor David Spiegelhalter of Cambridge University's Statistical Laboratory is quoted as saying that they (AptiQuant) have IE6 users with an IQ of 80 which is bordering on the level where they would be barely able to cope with the adult world.


See full BBC report: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-14370878



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  • RMweb Gold

Presumably anyone with an Internet site can set up an IQ test, inventing/massaging their qualifications to do so as necessary. Worse, even some of the earliest "legit" tests (decades before the Internet) were shown to be wholly biased towards the Caucasian background that their creator came from, thus proving, to the delight of a certain sort of person, that those with alternative ethnic origins were dimwits. Believe that, and you'll believe anything!

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I notice that an IE user group is threatening to sue to AptiQuant that did the survey.

I believe that AptiQuant has an agenda here.


If I extrapolate from what I read in their paper, I suspect that they have to do a lot of extra development work to get their web-based surveys to operate correctly on IE compared with other browsers and they are frustrated by the extra time and cost to do this.


That seems to me to be the logical reason they would introduce this idea in the second paragraph of their conclusions stating it as "common knowledge" that IE is incompatible with modern web standards. (Curiously, I was taught that no new information should ever be introduced in a section labelled "conclusions", certainly not an assumption based on "common knowledge".)


Their "previously unpublished" results from 2006 do not show any correlation between lower IQ and test takers using IE, (arguably they suggest a contrary conclusion) which may explain why those results were unpublished back then.


They appear to have waited until their data correlated with the viewpoint they wanted to express.


They certainly took an immflammatory position.



In any case, thanks to everyone who shared their thoughts.

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  • RMweb Premium

mmmm I may forward this report to our IT folk at work. They insist we use IE6/7 which, as oh so many web pages tell you, is old fish. Our remote logon system using Citrix will only work on a IE platform and hence I have IE on the home PC for logging into work and Chrome for everything else. Perhaps if I tell the IT folk that using old versions of IE means they are thick, they may do something!


Aren't research projects and statistics fun!

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  • RMweb Premium

Our remote logon system using Citrix will only work on a IE platform


I wish all websites were made non browser dependent. By default IE will still have to be on most computers.

I use Firefox and 95 times out 100 it is fine, unfortunately the other 5 times the website requires IE.


EDIT: Just added Safari to my desktop - thought I would give it a try.



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This is seriously flawed as a statistical fact. Those who use old computer technology might do so because it is cheap, indeed may even be free. I suppose the argument could be that poor equals stupid but you can see my argument.


A lot of the software that we model railway buffs use was designed for Windows 2000 and serial ports and has only been dragged into the modern age as the early USB drivers have become free issue.


The recent upgrade of the ESU sound chip was forced by the unavailability of the previous chips used rather than a desire to upgrade performance per se.


I think the correlation between IQ and browser usage should include more complex analysis of how that browser is used and where it was acquired, how much was paid for it and whether it is the sole computer used by that individual and what that computer is used for.

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I wish all websites were made non browser dependent. By default IE will still have to be on most computers.

I use Firefox and 95 times out 100 it is fine, unfortunately the other 5 times the website requires IE.


EDIT: Just added Safari to my desktop - thought I would give it a try.




Citrix 'Gotomeeting' works with Firefox.

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now reporting on bbc that this is an elaborate hoax





Thanks Ian.


I guess "don't believe everything you read on the internet" are good words to live by.


While I questioned their motives, I have to admit it had me fooled - I first saw this on CNN.com.


CNN has picked up the BBC story today: Internet Explorer IQ report appears to be a hoax

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Guest Max Stafford

Hell I only got 114 in that test. Still, I just can't get my head round mathematical sequences - they just make my brain seize up!



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Hell I only got 114 in that test. Still, I just can't get my head round mathematical sequences - they just make my brain seize up!




My brain seized up years ago. Its been a while since I could chew bubblegum and walk in a straight line at the same time.;)

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