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Just a quick one,


When did Ditch Lights become law/required/necessary? I'm detailing up an SW1500, an SD40T-2 and a C44-9W and wondered if they need ditch lights? The Dash 9 and the Tunnel Motor will go into a lash up with another SD40 and the SW1500 will be switching on a proposed shed/yard small layout/diorama.





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Ditch lights were in use in Canada several years before they were mandated in the US. However, since you're asking about their use on an SD40T-2, you're obviously modelling a US situation, so Dave's answer applies.

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After 12/31/1997 if the engine exceeded 20 mph over one or more public crossings.


What era are you modeling?


What era? Good question :) Everything is UP livery.


The C44 is left over from my early days when I had both US and UK outline stock. I had started to detail it (I'd put a plow and MU hoses on), so I kept hold of it and a few others as I couldn't bring myself to get rid of everything. Came upon them the other week and decided to put them to use.


I'm thinking early 90's before the Tunnel Motors started getting phased out?





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I do believe that they were only mandated to be on the lead loco, so that you could see consists where the second (and third...) locos do not have ditch lights.


They were applied universally to road engines, so the only time trailing units would be without them is if the trailing units was a B unit or in the brief period after the law went into affect.


It wouldn't be early 1990's.


The UP merged with the SP in 1996, so the UP wouldn't have had any tunnel motors before then and the law was in effect at the end of 1997 so there is only a 16 month or so window when a tunnel motor could be in UP paint without ditch lights. Chances are if they put it in the shop to upgrade and paint it, they put ditch lights on it.

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The UP merged with the SP in 1996, so the UP wouldn't have had any tunnel motors before then and the law was in effect at the end of 1997 so there is only a 16 month or so window when a tunnel motor could be in UP paint without ditch lights. Chances are if they put it in the shop to upgrade and paint it, they put ditch lights on it.




I was afraid of that...



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