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Trackside off-loading idea?

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hi....a while back I seem to recall someone asking about trackside bulk fluid discharge ideas......?


Well, looking through a link from another thread I came across this piccy of a trackside sand off-loading operation...no special equipment [permanent]....just a [team?] track, a large flat area, and a useful-looking bit of kit?



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That is an interesting new traffic, sand for shale-gas 'fracking' operations (pumping slurry into the ground to fracture the shale and release the trapped natural gas. It is quite a controversial process, as it requires a lot of drilling and their are claims that it can affect the ground water. It has certainly brought a huge economic benefit to the Wellsboro area, both due to the extra activity (more workers filling the hotels and spending more at the restaurants etc.), and due to the gas companies buying/leasing the mineral rights or access rights (for drilling or pipelines) from the local landowners. It has, however, caused a lot of damage to the rural roads (mostly gravel roads, now with sand trucks traversing them), and has affected the 'charm' of the area (Wellsboro is a scenic tourist area).


An additional thing if modelling sand traffic is that the sand hoppers tend to leak a bit, so you have sand between the rails in places.



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