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Millway Dock featuring Leaford NSE layout now sold.

Hampshire Hog

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Folkestone yay my town :) hello everybody i just seen this thread reading another thread on NSE


simular to S.A.C. Martin i am building a late 80s and a very early 90s Layout

i have been looking at the thread today with great intrest today some of the photos on this thread

has really helped to refresh my mind

can i ask what is going on next weekend in Folkestone?

all the best from newbie Steve ;)


Hi Steve, You ask "whats going on next weekend in Folkestone?" why it is only the Folkestone Model Railway Exhibition as detailed below.


On October 1-2 we will be holding our 40th exhibition at the Leas Cliff Hall, Folkestone. Opening from 10am to 5pm on both days, adults £5, senior £3.50, child £2 and family (2 adults & 2 children) £12.






See you soon.



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Spent a few hours over the weekend going back through this thread, amazing layout. !!


With thanks to thebritfarmer.


Just a couple of days to go now before Folkestone, all the stock is now packed away and the next step is to unbolt the layout, that usually means " where's that bl**dy spanner :scratchhead:





With thanks to Nigel for this one.


See you soon.



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Hi gang

just to say your display was amazing today in Folkestone

also thanks for the tips of weathering the trains Hampshire Hog ;)

great to chat and put neme to faces etc

i really did love the detail on your trains even more so on the NSE range and i urge anybody in

the Folkestone area to pop by on Sunday to the leas cliff hall because when you

see the trains in real life it makes all the diffrence IMO


all the best from Steve and Emma :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Kevin,

I've been browsing your Leaford pages with admiration for the past few days, a lovely layout which has inspired me to actually join RMweb. I am a recent returnee to railway modelling since childhood, a 40 odd year lapse :O I first found the pages whilst looking for info on Class 205 models and found your very useful info on electrical pickups, I will likely use something akin to this to illuminate my trailing coach so thankyou for the post. I have built a DC kits thumper, my first model since taking it up once more and its green like the ones I remember. It has been sitting about for a few months waiting for me to afford a DCC chip for it (as I wanted sound), do you have a sound chip fitted to yours, if so how did you get on with it? I went with a Loksound 4 from Olivias as it was the only place I could find that had a thumper. It sounds great but I think needs a bit of tweeking that I can't seem to get right at the moment, (especially when it stops)...the lighting will come next so thanks for the help!

Best wishes,


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Hi Mike,


My thanks to you for your kind comments and welcome to RMweb, My Class 205 is also a product of DC kits and is fitted with a Black Beetle drive unit, an Olivias pre-version 4 Loksound sound chip, and an Express Models Class 73 Lighting Kit.


I dont know if this will help but here are the speed settings I use with this Sound Chip, (I use NCE Power Pro Control equipment),

Start Speed 001, Max Speed 027, Mid Speed 014, Acc Rate 060, Dec Rate 015. I have the throttles set on 28 speed steps and I start the unit moving off on a power setting of 12, when I wish to stop I reduce the power setting to 8 which usually means the engine sound returns to idle but the unit continues to coast, and then I bring it to halt by further reducing power until i wish it to stop with the final squealing of the brakes.


I hope this information does help (it will probably be a good starting point) and that you get as much fun out of it as I do, please contact me again if I can help further.


The offending class 205.



Also last weekend Temeraire, Pitbull, and myself went the High Wycombe show and I had one of those irrational spending moments after having a browse on a second hand stall, here below now fitted with lighting and a sound chip is my purchase.



It doesn't actually say Network Southeast does it, nor does it fit in with the time period - but I love it to bits.



Cheerio for now.



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Pitbull wrote,


"Nice work on the 40 Kevin, You've even got an old wagon too, I can see the NSE station signs being taken down soon! :O Its the start of the slippery slope. Surprised the 25 isnt hiding at the back" :P


Well now that youv'e mention it!



The old wagons are Parkside Dundas Kits and have been upstairs in the cupboard for ages.


Hi Temeraire, are you still north of Watford or are you back home yet? I have borrowed a 40 sound chip until mine arrives by the weekend, I dont want to give anything away but it may have a Hymek one to keep it company, and as for Peaks don't hold your breath.


Anyway I have just come across this picture of Scotts MPV.



Bye bye for now.

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Such a fantastic layout Kevin - I've been looking and reading all this for inspiration all day and I can't compliment you anymore than the other members have done so far! I threw out what would had been a great layout; about 12 years ago for the bin-men and I deeply regret it...Thanks to an ex-gf. I am in the process of getting inspiration and a fairly small space for a layout at the moment. Would certainly be good to see a steam excursion with a Merchant Navy or West Country come in on you're layout for a limited time only; even if hauled by a Class 47. 47500 seems to be flavour of the month at the moment on bcking duties. :-)

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blueaesha wrote,


"Thanks for the info Kevin, I'll have a go at those cv values and see how the 205 responds".


Your welcome Mike, let us know how things went.


Temeraire wrote,


"Blimey Kevin that was quick work! Have you got the 40 sounds reblown already too? It certainly looks good can we expect a peak or two noe as well?"


P.C.M wrote,


"The class 40 and 25 look good, is Leaford going back in time? :locomotive: A Peak on the Eastleigh - Severn Tunnel freight would look good."


Thanks Ian and Pete, Peaks seem to be popular at the moment,



Leaford is definately not going back in time, it is firmly staying in the Network Southeast era, except when some thing different takes my fancy ;) .


35005CP wrote,


"Such a fantastic layout Kevin - I've been looking and reading all this for inspiration all day and I can't compliment you anymore than the other members have done so far! I threw out what would had been a great layout; about 12 years ago for the bin-men and I deeply regret it...Thanks to an ex-gf. I am in the process of getting inspiration and a fairly small space for a layout at the moment. Would certainly be good to see a steam excursion with a Merchant Navy or West Country come in on you're layout for a limited time only; even if hauled by a Class 47. 47500 seems to be flavour of the month at the moment on bcking duties. :-)"


Thanks for your kind comments, cor I dunno ex-gf eh!, You mention a steam excursion which stirred the old grey cells a bit, as I recently discovered an old sign that we used to display on Leaway Park.



Unfortunately I do not own a Merchant Navy or a West Country or come to that any steam engines at all, but luckily my Grandson Jamie thoughtfully come to my aid and let me borrow one of his.



I am hoping to perhaps perloin a Merch or West Country watch this space.


See you soon.



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I am hoping to perhaps perloin a Merch or West Country watch this space.


Hang on a minute is that an invite to play trains I wonder??? Clan-Line has a chip. ;)


That sign takes me back. I remember seeing it on Leaway Park and a large crowd forming for the working cameras at the ready, and one of the operators almost ruining the pics by running a train in front of it. :locomotive:

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I'm liking the retro feel Kevin!

Could this new Leaford look be an excuse to get a blue 47 with a run down look?? Better start looking on ebay!


"one of the operators almost ruining the pics by running a train in front of it" Ian thats just like the real thing.. :lol:

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Temeraire wrote,


"Hang on a minute is that an invite to play trains I wonder??? Clan-Line has a chip. ;)"


You know you guys have an open invitation to play trains on Leaford anytime, and if Clan Line is just standing around with no booked workings, I think we could just have an excursion!! - just a day to be arranged?


Here are some more retro pickys did Pitbull mention a 47.



Goodness knows how this came to be at Leaford?






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