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steve fay

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Evening all, not much to update you on, I've managed to get up in to the Railway room but I haven't done anything. If you haven't already seen it Heljan are now going to produce the Large Prarie in 7mm, this is great for me as they were a staple in West London. They have also announced a centre head code class 37 or should I say a EE 68er !! We are after all pre tops on this thread!! Now I doubt one made it in to RB during my time period but it's one loco that I do have to have. Being a South Walian they were the staple around here & they do make a good sound. I will just say one made it up after it replaced a failed Steamer!!!!


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Ken AKA Jazz will be doing the build for me. As for castings

Hobby horse,

Collett buffers

Tank filler castings

Steam lance cock

57xx chimney.


Laurie griffin,

Screw couplings

Steam heat pipes

Vacuum pipes.


Warren Shepherd,

Safety valve bonnet

Smoke box door dart

Whistles & shields.


Peter Roles,


Fire iron brackets

Tank lifting brackets & vents.

Plus some route indicator discs fireman a shovel & tank engine fire irons.

Now I'm probably being a tad over the top but I want it to look the best it can.

Edited by steve fay
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I bought this at Euston last night on my way to the Sleeper train, you might want to pick up a copy as there are a number of photos of Ranelagh Bridge interest.


My train made an unscheduled stop near Barnacle, (search for it, it's a long way from the sea!) and was about 3 down at Edinburgh. That's 3 hours....


Never mind





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I tracked a copy down but not realising I bought a digital download!!! Not s problem as I opened it on my iPad and got to see it straight away!!

Some great pics of Ranelagh Bridge, not new to me but nice nonetheless

One of the best parts as far as this is concerned is the picture of the stored BR standard class 4 tanks and the fact that one was trialed on the ECS turns to Paddington!!

Hooray as I do really like these engines, very graceful lookingpost-5983-0-06291500-1449082412.jpeg

and it just so happens that MOK do a kit which is an even bigger bonus.

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Nice. Another cracking build to look forward to, then?


If you've got a decent picture of the boiler house on the side of Aberystwyth loco shed, it'd be mighty helpful! You can see a corner of it on the front cover pic, and another corner on the "Manors" article. I need to see the other wall!




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Thanks Steve,


Unfortunately not, the boiler house had already been demolished by the time this was taken. It would have been roughly where the dot on the "i" is, the wall has some whitewash on it.


The green & cream Ford Anglia takes me back, my Dad had one, when I was about 5...




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