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steve fay

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Great news.

Is it a success??


You will be in my thoughts. My second one wasn't a great success, but the root nerve block they did following it about three months later was..........although EXTREMELY painful. I actually bit a hole in a hospital pillow!

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Thanks all for your support, it seems to have been a success regarding curing the sciatica. Still quite painful as you can imagine.

Yes I can sympathise Jeff I've had a route nerve block injection last year!!! Not very pleasant and it made things worse for me.

The view from the hospital window is of the Newport Transporter bridge!

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Hi Steve,


Great news that you have finally had the operation and fingers crossed it will be a success.


So if your feeling better can't you escape from the ward and pop down your Dads to measure those plaform edges for me?, as Phil is waitting for the measurements, only joking that can wait.


Anyway something that might be of interest to you is that I met a chap at Telford who is going to make me some 3D GWR point rodding stools, you should see the detail, amazing :imsohappy: .  He is from Powys so not a million miles from you ( as the crow flies ), when you have time have a look at his website :- www.modelu3d.co.uk  


Talk soon and let's hope for a quick recovery,



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Thanks all for your support, it seems to have been a success regarding curing the sciatica. Still quite painful as you can imagine.

Yes I can sympathise Jeff I've had a route nerve block injection last year!!! Not very pleasant and it made things worse for me.

The view from the hospital window is of the Newport Transporter bridge!

Hi Steve,


Glad you've eventually had your operation, and I hope that the problem has been resolved.



Anyway something that might be of interest to you is that I met a chap at Telford who is going to make me some 3D GWR point rodding stools, you should see the detail, amazing :imsohappy: .  He is from Powys so not a million miles from you ( as the crow flies ), when you have time have a look at his website :- www.modelu3d.co.uk  



That's an interesting find Martyn. Had a quick look on the site.

How much difference is there in the GWR stools to the type sold by MSE that I've just purchased a load of!!!! (typical!!!)


Jinty ;)

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Hi Jinty,


I have not looked at the MSE stools, so I cannot make a comparison . I first of all looked at the C&L white metal version and nearly had a heart attack at just 6 stools for £6.50 !!!


What I will say is the detail is amazing, Alan gave me a sample but I do not think my camera would do it justice without a macro lens.





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Hi Jinty,


I have not looked at the MSE stools, so I cannot make a comparison . I first of all looked at the C&L white metal version and nearly had a heart attack at just 6 stools for £6.50 !!!


What I will say is the detail is amazing, Alan gave me a sample but I do not think my camera would do it justice without a macro lens.





Hi Martyn,


The MSE stools are good value. They are 6-way stools and 10 in a pack for £4. They are cast whitemetal. I've just received 2 packs with my cranks and nickel silver rodding. I'll try and take a picture of them over the next couple of days.


Sorry about the hijack Steve. Have they brought the Cocoa round yet?


Jinty ;)

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Hi Jon,

Nice to finally meet you and your good wife at Telford last weekend, albeit briefly as there was so much to take in.


Indeed. Likewise. Quite a day. Met loads of people and talked till I was hoarse. Needed a few beers afterwards!


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And take it easy.

Mine was fine until four weeks later when I "shimmied" between stuff in the kitchen doing up a new bathroom unit she bought flood damaged, and it went again, just like that.

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glad that you have had the operation at long last and hope it all goes well,

A few tips,

don't spent to much time walking around the super markets.

don't spend to much time standing in the kitchen.

don't put your superman out fit on just yet.

don't lift any thing that weighs more than twenty fluid ounces or one pint!

do spend time at your modelling bench.


and most importantly do as your doctor has told you.





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Thanks guys, I've got plenty of reading material with me. I am getting up and about but very gingerly. I still have to spend most of the time in bed and for a few weeks to come. The risk of popping a disc is quite high at the moment & that's the last thing I want as I'd be back to square 1.

I've got a good book Great Western Railway A history by Andrew Roden that I'm half way through. I picked it up off eBay for a few quid along with a few others. That the TV & the web should keep me occupied for a while. So plenty of modelling please from you lot so I have things to look at & read.

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Thanks guys, I've got plenty of reading material with me. I am getting up and about but very gingerly. I still have to spend most of the time in bed and for a few weeks to come. The risk of popping a disc is quite high at the moment & that's the last thing I want as I'd be back to square 1.

I've got a good book Great Western Railway A history by Andrew Roden that I'm half way through. I picked it up off eBay for a few quid along with a few others. That the TV & the web should keep me occupied for a while. So plenty of modelling please from you lot so I have things to look at & read.

Hopefully this will make your recovery a little better!


Well, the time has come to make a start on the Gantry for Ranelagh Bridge.


As I've managed to lose all the measurements of the GW gantry I took at York, good old "if it looks like the photos it must be right" methods to be employed. I do have a few measurements from the drawing I was sent of a Gantry from Taunton, coupled with all the pics I took at York and all the pics Steve has sent me of the actual gantry that was at Ranelagh Bridge.


What I can't confirm is the width of the top of the "A" frame supports. The ones at all 3 locations look to be slightly different from eachother so final measurements will be somewhere between this:-





and this




They will of course be the same height but the width will be decided on a what looks right basis.


The whole gantry needs to be 430mm wide and will hold all of 3(!) colourlight heads and boxed route indicators.


Apart from the 3D printed heads and some nice etched brackets, it'll all be scratchbuilt and will hopefully resemble the line diagram I've done




This may take some time so will probably be interspersed with other signals!!


More soon



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  • 2 weeks later...


A friend of mine sent me this picture from the superb Mike Morant collection. 6 years and I've never come across this one. 4079 running into Paddington for her ill fated run on the 1964 city of Truro anniversary run. She would be failed at Westbury with melted fire bars. Luckily preservation beckoned and she would be back with in 12 months.

I love these colour pictures, they provide so much inspiration.

On a personal note I'm recovering well, I'm pretty certain the Operation hasn't been a success though! The sciatica is still there just as it was before. I'm going to be referred for hydro therapy in a few weeks time which I'm told is good. I've still got a few weeks of doing very little but I've got a huge pile of books by the side of my bed providing good mental stimulation.

my spirits are good as I didn't have high expectations but I wanted to give it a try. I have to avoid long journeys but I should be fine by Reading.

Cheers one & all.

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Yeah, you can imagine that there might be a bit of swelling after some bloke's been messing around with your spine!


And that presses on the nerves. And that's sciatica.


Give it a week or two, move around (gently) as much as you can, and keep your fingers crossed!




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