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Detailing Bachmann Junior locos

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With an industrial layout on the way I needed some small locos to run on it. Kits were too expensive and I had no experience. However, I was looking through George Dent's book on detailing steam engines and saw that he had detailed a Bachmann Junior engine and made it into a convincing industrial loco. Before you knew it I had a saddle tank and a diesel ready for detailing. The windows on both were removed and improved the appearance a lot.


I am now about half way through the process. The saddle tank required a chimney (Alan Gibson casting for a B1), safety valves (Alan Gibson GER type), a whistle (Comet Ivatt type), a boiler backhead (Comet casting for an Ivatt class 2), a tank filler cap (Alan Gibson casting for a GWR 850/buffaloclass), lamp irons (Mainly Trains), Scale coupling (from the scrap box),buffers (A1 models) handrails, smoke box handle (Comet) and vacuum pipes(Romford Wheels).


The diesel was simpler requiring a ‘Chimney’ (Alan Gibson casting for 03), handrails, horn (found in the scrap box), lamp irons (mainly trains), Nose grill (a body side grill for a 26/27/33 from A1 models), Buffers (Alan Gibson 24â€) and couplings.

I will also add sandpipes and guard irons.












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Got a few tucked away to do something similar with. The 0-6-0ST however strikes me as being a bit too unrealistic re the rear drivers relationship with the cab and have in mind altering it to a 0-4-2ST.

Sounds good, I look forward to seeing the results

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I have now added the 03 chimney and alan gibson buffer backings on the No.1 end of the diesel. I have also moved the footstep by the cab to directly under the cab door. I think this makes a big difference the overall look of the loco, the chimney is certainly better than the stick that was there before.



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The loco are nearly finished detailwise. Lamp irons, roof guttering (improvised from insulation tape) and the boiler backhead as now been fitted to the saddle tank. The eagle eyed amoung you will notice the backhead is fitted too high, this is because it were any lower down to would interfer with the DCC socket. The diesel has been fitted with coupling hocks and bufferbacks at the cab end. I also followed Pete Harvey's advice and cut out the backs of the footsteps.











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  • RMweb Gold

Better late than never - here's my progress so far, which isn't anywhere near as much the OP's!






Apart from basic prep on the body, it's little more than a kit of parts at the moment, but this thread is spurring me on to do some more.




The only thing that I'm going to have to check is that the 03 chimney doesn't take it out of gauge... :huh:

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Better late than never - here's my progress so far, which isn't anywhere near as much the OP's!






Apart from basic prep on the body, it's little more than a kit of parts at the moment, but this thread is spurring me on to do some more.




The only thing that I'm going to have to check is that the 03 chimney doesn't take it out of gauge... :huh:

Looking good. I look forward to seeing more updates.

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Last night the locos were sprayed in white primer, it is surprising how much it shows all the inperfections. I also added the sandpipes to the diesel. However, I am unable to decide what colour to paint the locos in. I am slightly favouring painting the saddle tank blue and the diesel black but I am open to suggestions.











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Excellent work for a beginner, definitely far better than my efforts. I actually think that mustard yellow would sit well on the saddle tank with wasp stripe buffer beams, and NCB blue for the diesel or even BR experimental purple.

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Excellent work for a beginner, definitely far better than my efforts. I actually think that mustard yellow would sit well on the saddle tank with wasp stripe buffer beams, and NCB blue for the diesel or even BR experimental purple.

Thanks for the comment. I have decided to paint the saddle tank green and the diesel black. But thanks none the less for the suggestions I might use them for future project.

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  • RMweb Gold

It looks like you are going to have two good looking locos there! My only observation would be with the coal - it would look better with real crushed coal, but just thought that with the moulded coal this may be too high? Could the moulding be removed and replace with a section of plasticard onto which the coal can be glued? Alternatively, you could add coal rails around the bunker before gluing the coal in place?

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Very impressed with what you've done with both of these.


How good are they at running - can you get a fine degreee of control at low speeds ?





The running of both the locos is very good. I tested them on my loft layout where the track has not been cleaned for months and they ran really well.

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It looks like you are going to have two good looking locos there! My only observation would be with the coal - it would look better with real crushed coal, but just thought that with the moulded coal this may be too high? Could the moulding be removed and replace with a section of plasticard onto which the coal can be glued? Alternatively, you could add coal rails around the bunker before gluing the coal in place?

In fortunately the coal is moulded to the loco bodyshell making it difficult to remove. I will certainly use your ideas if I ever repeat this project because at the moment the locos are being painted.

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  • RMweb Gold

The running of both the locos is very good. I tested them on my loft layout where the track has not been cleaned for months and they ran really well.

Thanks for that, I might just have to get one of the diesels for a 7mm NG conversion.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for that, I might just have to get one of the diesels for a 7mm NG conversion.


The diesel would make an easy conversion to 0-16.5 narrow gauge - just a new cab and chimney, plus new buffers would set you off!

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  • RMweb Gold

In fortunately the coal is moulded to the loco bodyshell making it difficult to remove. I will certainly use your ideas if I ever repeat this project because at the moment the locos are being painted.


I didn't know that the coal is moulded - I've not looked at these myself.

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Now I'm getting an idea... Would it be possible to see a photo of the ST next to a coach (ideally a Mark 1) to get an idea of size?



Just finishing a few bits and pieces and then I will reassemble the model and post some pictures in a few days time next a mk1.

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