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moorswater viaduct 2FS


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  • RMweb Gold

Good afternoon,


After two months lying low its time to re-engage and the 2011 challenge got me thinking...


Dabbling in 7mm scale was initially attractive but then it would end up another project which would delay work on my 2FS layout...so looking at the dimensions...and thinking both 'inside and outside the box' ;) I realised I could try something which had both short and long term goals.


In short, I need to build an extract of the 150 feet high Moorswater viaduct for my 2FS Coombe Junction - Moorswater layout, so I thought why not build an 'extract of an extract' of my layout for the 2011 challenge.


The ideas being:


- Kick start the mojo with a small project

- Use the diorama as a scenic testbed (trees and landscaping etc)

- Following the completion, remove said viaduct and relocate on my layout.


A wholly sustainable solution fit for todays environmental concerns on waste.


The box will be vertical in appearance and will have integral lighting to the front and a backscene. The diorama will most probably be non operational but feature my idea of interchangable cassette trays for the viaduct to allow differing displays of rolling stock. This means I can have, for example, an extract of an HST crossing the viaduct...whilst a 37 passes beneath on CDA's.


So that's it...


Cheeky or Cunning?...Well Andy Y has given his blessing as it meets all the criteria, so I had best get started.


I have a few sketches to upload to kick off but my iPhone doesn't let me do that and we are still awaiting our internet to be transferred from our old apartment next door :rolleyes: so I best mix my first Gin Tonic as I think there are going to be a fair few between now and the deadline :D



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  • RMweb Gold

Well with limited net access you have no excuses of being distracted by RMweb stopping you modelling tongue.gif



True Kris...but recent temps of 28 - 30 deg C aren't helping... B)

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  • RMweb Gold

Looking forward to this Pete. The interchangeable casettes sound interesting, I'm trying to work out in my head how you would conceal them from view?


"An extract of an HST" - will that involve butchering it?!

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  • RMweb Gold

If it has you itching to get started then its a winner


Thanks Don - its the next big structure to be built for the layout so what better than a deadline to drive it!


Looking forward to this Pete. The interchangeable casettes sound interesting, I'm trying to work out in my head how you would conceal them from view?


"An extract of an HST" - will that involve butchering it?!


Thanks also Mikkel - I guess I use the word cassettes in general - they will be 'drop in twin track pre ballasted bases' with a leading edge detail to the front viewing side in my head at present!


As for the HST, a MkIII will get spliced (the trial was done with an old Farish coach on my layout blog previously) but not sure I can attack the new Dapol one...just yet :blink:

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This certainly sounds like an interesting project Pete. I mis read your original post and read this as a project in 7mm; surely, I thought, Pete hadn't become so focused on that 7mm microlayout at the BHMRC show that he's going to give that a go... but no. I will remember to read your posts properly next time :rolleyes: . Well, not only does this sound interesting, but given the vertical attributes of Moorswater, it sounds very aspiring... nad hopefully something that will stand out from most of the rest... by at least 9 inches anyway. Now that you're a European... how will you get on with the measurements, or were you able to smuggle an imperial ruler through customs ?:lol:

It sounds good pete.... and I'll make sure I stay upto date with developments. Mojo fully restored then.... hope all the boxes that need to be unpacked are unpacked and you can crack on with this. Good luck

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  • RMweb Premium

As for the HST, a MkIII will get spliced (the trial was done with an old Farish coach on my layout blog previously) but not sure I can attack the new Dapol one...just yet :blink:

Go on, you know you want to! They respond rather well to "end user modifications" :lol:

Looking forward to seeing the viaduct develop, too



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  • RMweb Gold

Jon - Thanks


I was seriously contemplating something in 7mm....but thought best not...as it might have met some internal resistance from the other 50% stakeholder in my marriage :D


But, I needed to start the viaduct sometime, and although it has no chance of winning, it will drive me on to work at it - hopefully the first update will come next week - I hope to try one a week.


Jo - Thanks also


Perhaps one of your mods can do a cameo on the viaduct...then I won't need to cut mine up :lol:

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Hi Pete,


Sounds like a great idea and having seen your ideas on your blog originally it will make something quite different as an entry on here. Its good that you have found something that will contribute to your main layout as that will be very good when its all complete. Theres nothing I can take out of Rannoch and do and I can't get distracted with anything else especially with a planned house move soon. I will enjoy watching your progress with this one,




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  • RMweb Gold



Struggling to have an internet connection still, so lets see if I can upload this sketch using a 3G plugin :blink:


I attach my initial ideas which will build upon those already decided for the layout - as mentioned previously, some of these will act as a testbed.


I hope the sketch makes sense....





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  • RMweb Gold



Further to the sketch, I have now built the base carcass and mocked up the form to get a feel for how it will look.


This has been fabricated from 10mm foamboard with a couple of outer layers of 2.5mm grey artists card to get the edge profiles I am after.


You may recall that the idea is to try and recreate a number of scenarios from my 2mmFS layout so this entry also acts as a testbed. Therefore, the lower trackbed is at an assumed height of 1200mm above FFL (Finished floor level) and the backscene is 300mm above this to coincide with the height of the viaduct. Mainly because I like the idea of this being a cut section, and I also don't wish to try to continue the viaduct in perspective on the vertical face..something that never convinces me on backscenes. It also means that the operators will be able to see over the backscene as it is 1500mm above FFL. The front fascia is 50mm in depth which will conceal small lights accordingly.


The next job will be to order some more easitrac sleepers, plastic stone sheet and start to set the levels of the landscape surrounding the lower line.


I attach a few pictures . As you can see, my entry is not a 20' x 11' box, however the overall size fits within (I undersized by 5mm to allow for some fascia cladding in card) and the overall shape is implied as a box by the framing. The HST is my old dated Farish acting as placeholder for the new Dapol which I hope will arrive later this week.


Any comments/observations welcome :biggrin_mini2:



Front view...fascia floats over...


Plan view...


Looking up at HST...handrail will probably be an etch to get the detail...


Oblique view...


Cross section...

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That's looking very impressive already. I wasn't convinced having read your initial idea but safe to say those pictures illustrate your plan very very well. Can't wait to see you develop it.


Tom N.

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Yes, that's looking very promising Pete... and well done for cracking on with this - I expect the weather and unpacking, and the Barca celebrations can't be too condusive to modelling. Looking forward to seeing future progress. An etch for the railings sounds like a good idea - good luck with sourcing that one.


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  • RMweb Gold

Now that looks dramatic. Its a whole new view of what a diorama can be. Mainline and branch on a postage stamp ( well not much bigger). Just swap the HST for a Castle and a pannier on the branch (only joking but they could be exchangeable).

Regards Don

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks all for your comments and enthusiasm - really help to spur me on...


That's looking very impressive already. I wasn't convinced having read your initial idea but safe to say those pictures illustrate your plan very very well. Can't wait to see you develop it.


Tom - thanks - understood that initially you had reservations - In my head I was pretty clear what it would be but I knew I had to get to first base by making this.



That's very impressive. The bridge definaletly has a lot of presence, looks a lot larger than it actually is. Nice work.


Thanks also SG - Its 150 feet high and I really like the contrast in scales between the upper and lower lines.


Yes, that's looking very promising Pete... and well done for cracking on with this - I expect the weather and unpacking, and the Barca celebrations can't be too condusive to modelling. Looking forward to seeing future progress. An etch for the railings sounds like a good idea - good luck with

sourcing that one.


Jon - Thank you - Model railway stuff unpacked, weather is challenging and watched the game but the highlights are getting a bit boring now...so no excuses! Yep...need to draw that handrail in CAD quite soon...


I do like a good visualisation. It's certain shaping up to be one of the better dioramas here. :yes:


Sam - Many thanks indeed - Looking at your avatar I am guessing you will be more interested in what crosses the viaduct than passes beneath it!


Now that looks dramatic. Its a whole new view of what a diorama can be. Mainline and branch on a postage stamp ( well not much bigger). Just swap the HST for a Castle and a pannier on the branch (only joking but they could be exchangeable).


Don - Thanks - Absolutely - I was intending to wind the clock forward to reflect today...but why not backwards too...could have a Dapol 22 (if it gets shot down) on hoods...or even a prairie... :D

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  • RMweb Gold

Had Ikea run out of shelves? tongue.gif


More like I ran out of money :O ...I shouldn't have bought that Dapol 125...but I had a terrible week last week...so I put it on the old 'never never' :lol:

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Very impressive Pete from the drawings (have always liked your drawings and think they hold the same atmosphere as Iain Rice's.. to me anyway) to the model, as usual I am late to the party :D am looking forward to this.. specially like the idea within an idea..


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  • RMweb Gold

Very impressive Pete from the drawings (have always liked your drawings and think they hold the same atmosphere as Iain Rice's.. to me anyway) to the model, as usual I am late to the party :D am looking forward to this.. specially like the idea within an idea..


Tom - Thanks very much for your kind comments - much appreciated.


hand laid stone cladding I trust :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:


Nick - Hand laid stone plastic sheet cladding more like :P

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