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Adam's EM Workbench: Farewell for now

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  • RMweb Gold
On 29/08/2021 at 18:12, Adam said:


Hi Steve - thanks, not a book I have and, by the sounds of it, I've guessed wrong. Not a catastrophic error and one I'll have to live with, I suppose, though I could replace the mesh with battens?



I've taken a look at that pic and drawing, it's not a straight swap to how you have the mesh. The wooden battens form a slatted deck across the width of the wagon (battens running longitudinally).

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On 30/08/2021 at 21:14, 57xx said:


I've taken a look at that pic and drawing, it's not a straight swap to how you have the mesh. The wooden battens form a slatted deck across the width of the wagon (battens running longitudinally).

Thanks to Steve I’ve seen them too, now. Number 74 must be from the same batch of wagons - more, I’m sure, than the two shown in the works photos. Butlers divested themselves of the tar business in 1953 and their successor, Bristol & West Tar Distillers, in whose livery the wagon was in. Tourret could easily have worked this out, as there’s published work on the companies which five minutes Google work turned up.


The filler and valve need moving (easy) and the slats, which I don’t think were wood, as the section is edge on can be added though I’ll need to add extra brackets. That’s less easy but doable.


EDIT: and it was - see below:





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  • 7 months later...

I think the time has come to draw a line under this thread. The vast majority of the pictures are (currently) lost and I have no real desire - and no time, either - to go through and reinstate them. Sorry about that, no one's fault, but the purpose of this thread, for me, was really as a sort of notebook and it now only serves part of that purpose. I may be back, but if so, I'll be starting again.





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  • Adam changed the title to Adam's EM Workbench: Farewell for now
Guest Jack Benson



Thank you. I doubt if you realise just how much your thread has inspired me (no doubt others) to do something even if it was to shamelessly plagiarise your efforts.
Please return at some stage, in the meantime, you will be missed.


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38 minutes ago, Jack Benson said:



Thank you. I doubt if you realise just how much your thread has inspired me (no doubt others) to do something even if it was to shamelessly plagiarise your efforts.
Please return at some stage, in the meantime, you will be missed.



That's very kind - thank you.



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  • RMweb Gold


I can only echo Tim's comment, I've learnt a lot about construction methods as much as anything, which has been put to good use (hopefully!) in my wagon strangling, but your choice of prototypes is interesting too.

If I'm reading things correctly, the photo's, apart from the more recent ones, will be along at some stage in the future, so all is not totally lost, glad I nicked the relevant ones at the time!

No pressure, but you'd better come back, maybe Arnie style?!!




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Thank you. It’s been a very interesting thread from which I have gleaned much in the way of inspiration and ideas. I hope you are back and I for one will be following with interest.

I’ve attahched a picture of a cart I made. I hope you don’t mind, the insulation came from your thread.



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  • RMweb Premium
4 hours ago, Adam said:

The vast majority of the pictures are (currently) lost and I have no real desire - and no time, either - to go through and reinstate them.


Check your old posts from time to time, the photos may well come after a while.


Happy modelling,


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Sorry to hear of your decision.  I echo the comments of others thanking you for your posts and inspiration and look forward to your return to posting somewhere!  

Perhaps posting your images on Flickr would help increase the likelihood of images being retained, or give flexibility for where you post, in a future iteration?  Having said that the predecessor of Flickr which seemed to be the main choice for posting photographs of real trains (can’t remember the site’s name)  also disappeared!

Your work is what I would like to see in the model railway magazines.


Will there be an opportunity to see your wagons etc. in the flesh, so to speak, on a layout at exhibitions?

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2 hours ago, wiggoforgold said:

Thank you. It’s been a very interesting thread from which I have gleaned much in the way of inspiration and ideas. I hope you are back and I for one will be following with interest.

I’ve attahched a picture of a cart I made. I hope you don’t mind, the insulation came from your thread.




Alex - I absolutely love that. Thank you for sharing it: that's the sort of thing I'd really hoped might happen; a simple modification of a simple kit to replicate what happened in reality. Brilliant!


Thank you everyone. This thread has run its course for a variety of reasons. First is that the rejigging of the site URLs will have broken the last surviving cross links. Second is the images - I suspect many, if not most, will come back, given time, but a fresh start is probably no bad thing. I think a more focussed, project-based, approach would work better here.


Some of these wagons have appeared in MRJ and other projects may yet appear in print, subject to my time and the whims of editors.


As for public appearances. Yes, if Yeovil MRG's South Junction goes on the road, some of my wagons will go with it: https://yeovilmrg.org/south-junction/


I'm working on my own layout and that could be exhibitable, just not in the near future. Similarly, if anyone in the SE of England would be interested in a wagon demo at their show I might be available for that, family permitting.


Time for a cuppa.



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Adam

Thank you for the inspiration and for introducing us to different suppliers, especially Ambis Engineering.

I hope the images come back as it is a very informative thread, but I do understand that a thread can come to a natural end.

I hope you have a lot of fun with your future modelling and I will keep an eye out for future post by you on the forum.


Edited by Jamiel
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1 hour ago, Tim Lewis said:

Sorry to see you go Adam, I've enjoyed seeing your excellent wagons on here over the years - definitely a cut above most efforts.  Good luck with the layout and future wagon-building!



I will be back - and the wagons too - just not on this thread. It's done its job and is no longer fit for the purpose I created it for.


Thanks though, I'll be looking out for more on Coldstream, too.



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Sorry to see the end of such an inspiring thread Adam, hopefully you will be back soon with something new to give me a standard to aim for.

Your articles are the sort I like to see in MRJ, about actually making things, something that doesn't seem to feature as much as it used to.


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