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bachmann 170 to 172/1 conversion

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  • RMweb Gold

the tinted glazing arrived from hurst today so i made a start on cutting it up to fit the 172, only done 1 side so far but its looking good, not glued in yet though as i want to trim a couple back a bit more to stop the "bowing" effect you can see on a couple of panels




also tidied up the 168/0, hand painted the new cab ends, will need to rub down the yellow again as the paint dragged while i was puttng it on, i think the brush still had some thinners on it, other than that i need to add light cluster masks which i will make out of plasticard (the unit wont have working lights) and handrails and wipers which i believe are available as spares from Hornby.




a nice addition to my "custom" chiltern fleet





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

carried on with the 168, filled in the light clusters and repainted the ends, also got some networker wipers and handrails for it as well as adding numbers and cantrail stripe, going to add led lights to it after all, got some bi-colour type for the combined head/tail lights, just got to figure out how to wire them in now!!


posed it on warmington, in reality it wont fit into the shed as the head shunt is too short!






also getting there with the 172 as well....


still need to add things like the cantrail stripe, silver light surrounds etc



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

steve, i think i'll just stick to the chiltern fleet for now!!


managed to get hold of another 168/1 which is going to lose its centre coach to the 168/0 unit, the 2 outer coaches will then become another 172 thanks to more etches and bogies from PH designs, this time as its already in chiltern colours i will only need to paint the etches, the original full respray 172 unit will be ebay bound, its all very complicated!!


to top it off i've got yet another 168 coming that will stay as it and another that will have its valances cut back to make a 168/2, so i should have the full fleet, 121, 165, 168/0-1-2, 172 and a loco hauled set


i think the new layout might just have a chiltern theme somehow

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • RMweb Gold
steve, i think i'll just stick to the chiltern fleet for now!!


famous last words from me.....


pete has been busy doing me a 2nd set of etches to produce another chiltern 172 (the one in he thread was goin o be ebay bound) however a pm fired off to james makin (wells green etc) has resulted in me having a pair of resin class 377 cab mouldings....


im sure you can see where im gong with this one........


basically the chiltern 172 is going to stripped back down and become a LM 172, the reason being i only aerosol painted it and have only worked on 1 coach whereas the 2nd unit i have to convert is already in chiltern livery so just needs the window etch area's painting rather than a whole respray


ive done a test fit this afternoon, i will have to shave/cut back the resin moulds a bit to get it to fit but thankfully james made them using a Bachmann turbostar so its not too much work, the main thing is the lower skirt needs to be shorter so i will have to cut it back to look like the 172 prototype












hopefully i can get on with it over the next few weeks, hope it comes out alright!

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  • RMweb Gold

had a bit of a play with the cabs earlier, credit to james for getting them to fit so perfectly with so little work, as i said the skirt needed cutting back a bit, had a look at some prototype pics i took and marked it up before i set to it with my dremel.....




after cutting back the skirt i had to shave back a little of the inside of the mould to get it to sit flush to the existing body which it does very nicely





just nees a bit shaving off the inside bottom corner of the cab in these pics


and after a bit of a shave....







on the opposite side of the cab i have removed the rear view camera but still need to fill the window hole once ive glued the cabs to the body.




the Ph designs windows will be ready to fit once i cut back the existing window frames, well pleased with it already

Edited by big jim
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  • RMweb Gold

yeah i don't know of anyone else doing one yet, looking forward to getting to the painting stage, just need to strip the chiltern unit first


done a bit more to it tonight.....


tried something different with the windows, on the chiltern unit i narrowed the pillars to suit he ethes, on this one i totally cut out the pillars just leaving a small tab for the etch to butt up against, they seem to have gone in flush, will see at the priming stage




then i glued in the etches, used zap glue from modelzone, seemed to go well on both the etches and resin parts




i then glued the cabs to the body






next up i filled various bits and bobs with white putty, the side window isn't needed on the 172 so that was filled as well as a hole on the skirt (and a bit i accidentally nicked with the dremel!!)






im leaving it overnight to cure before rubbing it down flush with the cabside


its amazing how a different cab an transform the look of a unit





Edited by big jim
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  • RMweb Premium

Just found this thread Jim and wow, I'm very impressed at all the units you've done!


And even more impressed at the speed in which you've whapped on the 377 cab too, very nice work!! :)




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  • RMweb Gold

must admit im not as thorough as you james hence why i crack on with stuff (when i can)


the cabs have been a pleasure to work with, simple to fit, thanks for supplying them to me, maybe you and pete could get together and do bespoke 172 kits!

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  • 1 month later...
  • RMweb Gold

met up with pete at the weekend who supplied me with some more window etches and voyager bogies for a 2nd chiltern 172 as the first is now the LM one


unfortunatly pete only had trailing bogies so i had to adapt the current bogies to suit the voyager bogie sideframes, i chose to adapt rather than replace because of the work involved in changing bogies would have been too involved and id end up with an unpowered unit!


basically here are the bogies...



168 bogie



voyager bogie



as you can see they are different wheelbases


basically i cut the bogie side frames off the 168 as well as removing the wheels and replacing hem withthe voyager wheels which left me with what you see below, i then glued a piece if plastic to the the voyager bogie side frame (actually an offcut of window pillar) which in turn i glued to the bogie





cut off bogie sides





added voyager bogie sides


the brakes just about line up with the wheels so it doesnt look strange at all and the extra length of bogies is barely noticable, jut wish id have done the first one that way, would have saved a lot of work


here is a comparison between them, to be honest i think the chiltern bogie looks better, obviously the height difference is down o the fact they are just stood on boxes!




this is the unit with the window etches in place, going to gevaway with only painting the blue on this one, oh and the extra bit of yellow below the windscreen




the 2nd LM bodyshell is currently sat in break fluid hopefully stripping down but not melting!!








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  • RMweb Gold

whoops had a disaster with the stripper with the LM 172 shell, i had previously tried model strip but that didnt even touch the paint on the model so i gave it a go in brake fluid, great to start with, took the paint off lovely but after i took the model out to turn over to strip the top i noticed a small crack, then another, when i took the model out to have a closer look it fell apart, the fluid must have made the plastic brittle....




oh well never mind, will have to get a replacement shell from somewhere and fit the brass etches into that instead, no great loss as it was roughly painted to start with

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  • 1 month later...
  • RMweb Gold

as usual, done nothing for ages then got a bit more done over the weekend


basically the 2 units at the start of the thread are dead, i have salvaged the etches off them and reused them on a new pair of units, the chiltern one is as above however the london midland one has been restarted completly


managed to get this off ebay for a decent price which is going to save me a lot of hassle painting and decaling, ok the body colour is famously wrong (should be silver not white) ut its a damn sight easier for me to modify!




basically i needed the modified chassis off the original conversion but the underframe in the LM one was the correct colour with better painted detail so i swapped the underframe plastic sides over as well as the coupler and deflector, you can see the difference in colour etc here



and after the chassis swap but with the original windows




next up, remove the glazing, surprisingly on the new 170 the glazing wasn't glued in at all so it was easy to remove




test fit of the etch




another cab was obtained from james makin which has had the mods to get it fit the 170, basically cut off the bottom of the faring, filled the side window and removed the rear view camera, really the side faring needs to be longer to go below the cab door, i could remove the whole faring and replace it with the removed Bachmann piece but im happy with it as it is






im going to prime and paint the new parts off the units and fit them up afterwards, i think i may well reuse the Bachmann glazing on the LM unit too, cut down to fit into petes etches as he intended


still got the 2nd casting to grind the skirt off though


i also now have a painting list:


prime the castings and etches


yellow ends on the castings


yellow ends on the chiltern 172 (yellow to add below the window)


yellow end on the 2nd completed 168/0 coach


centro green on the castings


matt black on the LM etches


chiltern blue on the 172 etches, im actually going to completly repaint the whole blue area as the humbrol paint doesnt quite match bachmanns blue, it will however once painted match my 165!


then i need to rewire the units following the bogie swaps and put the spare chassis on ebay





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  • RMweb Gold

Hi In N one of the Warley club used LM 170 plus scratch end and Electra sticky sides - looked the part from normal viewing distances - since scrapped and chassis used elsewhere. One piece N shells not suitable for reduced PH etch sadly..

I have done bits shuffle on a couple of Farish 168/170 compromises to give a 4 and 2 car options..

But this work is great and at least it will not have door faults!


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  • RMweb Gold

cracked on with the units this morning while my wife took the little un to playgroup...


resurected my badger airbrush after almost a year of not being used, gave it a good clean and loaded it up


did things a bit back to front by doing the dark colours first, originally i was only going to paint the blue on the chiltern unit but the paint dried really quick on the radiator so i carried on with the yellow etc


first up as i say was the blue on the chiltern 172, i chose a blue closer to the Bachmann rendition of chiltern blue (humbrol 15) however humbrol 14 is closer in reallity, but im not stripping it again!!


the masked up unit after the first coat of blue, it gained one more coat not long after



next up i unmasked the ends of the unit and removed the wipers, remasked it to be able to repaint the yellow ends, the 172 has a bit extra yellow below the screen compared to the 168 but i couldnt get a close enough match to the Bachmann yellow so i simply resprayed the lot!




while i was about it i decided to spray the 168/0 front end and 172/3 castings, may as well while the gun is loaded


all masked up ready to paint, the 168 window bottom was sprayed away from the unit




and all sprayed up






next up, again only done as the paint had dried fast was to mask off the yellow on the 172 cabs to spray the black window surrounds and bottom skirt




and all painted up




demasked apart from the end gangway, i'm leaving that on as i now need to remask the black and yellow so i can spray the green!




while i was about it i sprayed up the window etches too, i used humbrol matt black




very loosly fitted into place on one side its certainly coming together now, the only bit of painting is now e cab mould and its a case of fitting together and glazing etc






similarly the chiltern 172 is practically finished too, rewire, glaze and touch up where the paint has run, also add the exhaust pipe to the solebar and cut off the bottom faring on one of the coaches and refit the wipers






















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  • RMweb Gold

did a bit more last night and this morning, the LM unit is not far off finished now...


first up was masking up the yellow and black areas ready for the green




which it duly got, railmatch centro green




left those to dry overnight


while they were drying i cracked on with the glazing, decided to fit the original Bachmann glazing to this unit, unfortunatly i gave the glazing away for the chiltern unit so will have to see if i can get another set before i reglaze that as it looks so much better than the thin glazing i tried on the fort model


basically its just a case of cutting the glazing unit down into individual panels and glueing them in the recess pete made for them, a thin rn of glue along the edge is enough to secure






and the finished unit glued in place




once the cabs were dry i demasked them to reveal the almost finished article, got to add black around the rubbing plate of the gangway as well as black light clusters and continue the curve at the front of the bodyside black area and add light grey sides to the gangway




married the cab upto the finished unit




certainly looking the part now, the only thing is bachmanns centro green is lighter to railmatches rendition so im gonna mask offf the whole unit and respray/dust over the green on the unit side in railmatch colour

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It may be worth you giving Pheonix a call as I'm sure that they can match the correct green for you as I think the supply Bachmann with the paints they use, if I'm wrong on that I'm sorry.


But it's worth a try, befor you mask up the whole model.



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