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The Derby Line, Gladiator LNER O4/3


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Thanks Ian - I shall take a look

I'm still on with my 2nd tippler after a week away working, and my brain actually worked - I could use the feeds for the corner caps to position them whilst soldering with 100 degree solder. They were snipped off afterwards and cleaned up. The kits come with plastic floors, but I have enough scrap etch around to make up a brass floor. Not quite enough this time, hence the join..


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Also passing through the works is this lovely Kemilway Gresley. The footstep for the doors was in the wrong place. They are attached by tabs passing through the solebar, so not easy to remove, so after a deep breath I basically broke them off with a pair of pliers. You can see the marks where they have been ground back. How to relocate the steps? They are fold overs so I hit on carefully drilling them from the back 0.6mm. The drill locates in between the cusps and the hole is right next to the stub of the tab, which holds the step away from the solebar and leaves a gap at the back. I was then able to solder in 0.5mm NS wire, which could then locate in new holes drilled in the solebar.



Update to follow..

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Thanks Guys, I wish the Gresley was mine - it belongs to a client. Mike - well, BR were under pressure to reduce coal consumption and continental experience using pre heaters was encouraging. For whatever reason it wasn't successful here, but I think it was quite an engineering achievement considering our restricted loading gauge.


Edited by dibateg
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The Black 5 chassis rebuild - it's now back on it's wheels after new bearings, crank pin bushes have been fitted. The burnt paint on the frames gave a great weathering effect, but I don't think I will deploy it as a technique in the future. I've also put it in forward gear and replaced the brake gear with Griffin items. There is also a new exhaust injector. It just needs paint now.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Back to 4mm scale for a short time. An old friend is passing through the works, in for a new motor/gearbox, 40165 from Barmouth Junction ( So it only lives down the road from me ) is now fixed. The old 1616 Portescap has been replaced with a high level gearbox and Mashima motor. It's an old Nu Cast kit built for Charwelton back in 1989. Crumbs.. that's 25 years ago.. I remember at the time it was a rare kit and I found it at Wakefield models whilst I was working up that way. Leicester Central has three of these foisted on them in 1959. They were at all popular, and didn't last long...



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Arh the old NuCast kits, that brings back a few memories.


It was a NuCast Q6 kit that got me into building loco's back in the 70's


Bill Stott and his little Hartlepool model shop was a regular destination back then along with Dave Alexander's equally small premises in South Shields. They were Godsends back then. Kit design and manufacture has come a long way since those days.


Of course Dave is still at it but have not heard anything about Bill for a long time. North East pioneers

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Thanks guys


The Black 5 was in for a chassis rebuild - but how far do you go? I shall draw attention to the owner! Thanks Simon.


Silver Streak - I travelled the country fixing computers, so called in on various models shops, though I rarely went north of Manchester/Harrogate. Later on I was mostly in the Thames valley, and Eames in Reading and Oxford Books were my main stopping points.




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Before the next major loco project and now I've got some small jobs out of the way I thought I'd have a shot at one of my own projects. Not really for the Derby Line although they did have some at Colwick, this one really is to run on Hollowbeck Shed. So it will be 68074, which lasted to '62.

I've already had a fiddle with the Griffin inside motion to see if I can fit it in, so here's some of the bits laid out on a 1" to the foot drawing that a mate kindly lent me.


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Looking forward to this one. I always wanted to see one of these as a lad, (but never did), after seeing a pic of one at Sheep Pasture stabling point, iirc. That was the shed that, in the shed directory instructions, you got a set of OS map references!

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Looking forward to this one. I always wanted to see one of these as a lad, (but never did), after seeing a pic of one at Sheep Pasture stabling point, iirc. That was the shed that, in the shed directory instructions, you got a set of OS map references!

Sorry a bit off topic, but did you never see any of the NCB ones? I regret to say that even in the 70's I put off some visits to pits because 'all they have is austerities..........' Stupid boy (me).

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Sorry a bit off topic, but did you never see any of the NCB ones? I regret to say that even in the 70's I put off some visits to pits because 'all they have is austerities..........' Stupid boy (me).

Nope...I stopped spotting at the end of mainline steam, and only wrent back around 1972/3, at the advent of TOPS. By that time, steam had little draw.......

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So I am making progress of sorts, though a cold and Xmas stuff ( parties actually! ) have kept me away from the bench, not to mention trying to learn Templot in an attempt to get my layout started.


I've cut the frames out for the Slaters hornblocks and thinned down the middle ones so that the crank axle will fit. Yes - the top right hornblock is twisted - blast!





It's been a difficult year for many of us, loss of loved ones, parents to deal with.


Have a great Xmas and New Year everyone. Lets look after each other and have a great modelling year in 2016.

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So I am making progress of sorts, though a cold and Xmas stuff ( parties actually! ) have kept me away from the bench, not to mention trying to learn Templot in an attempt to get my layout started.


I've cut the frames out for the Slaters hornblocks and thinned down the middle ones so that the crank axle will fit. Yes - the top right hornblock is twisted - blast!





It's been a difficult year for many of us, loss of loved ones, parents to deal with.


Have a great Xmas and New Year everyone. Lets look after each other and have a great modelling year in 2016.


After a difficult year myself 2016 cant come quick enough


All the best to you Tony and keep up the great work. Your posts are always a must read



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