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Dapol 'Western'

Andy Y

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Best pre order it. Only 300 being made.

More available than the standard models then..!


I really wished Dapol would produce this product in larger numbers. All that work that went in to it, all that anticipation for a product that you just can't get. Did anyone think to ask Dapol "why?" at Warley? I'd still go for a blue FYE one if I could expect no unacceptable QA issues and there was a new batch being built; but I bulk at any silly prices being charged for a standard product that just became limited edition.



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More available than the standard models then..!


I really wished Dapol would produce this product in larger numbers. All that work that went in to it, all that anticipation for a product that you just can't get. Did anyone think to ask Dapol "why?" at Warley? I'd still go for a blue FYE one if I could expect no unacceptable QA issues and there was a new batch being built; but I bulk at any silly prices being charged for a standard product that just became limited edition.

I expect that the profit lies in producing limited editions at premium price rather than larger runs for the mass market at a lower price?  The demand is generated by the hype over limited editions.  How many RMweb-ers have pre ordered D1015?

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  • RMweb Gold

More available than the standard models then..!


I really wished Dapol would produce this product in larger numbers. All that work that went in to it, all that anticipation for a product that you just can't get. Did anyone think to ask Dapol "why?" at Warley? I'd still go for a blue FYE one if I could expect no unacceptable QA issues and there was a new batch being built; but I bulk at any silly prices being charged for a standard product that just became limited edition.

Because production facilities in China are overstretched just now and producing a surplus is economically unsound.



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Because production facilities in China are overstretched just now and producing a surplus is economically unsound.


"Surplus" ..? really! What's a surplus? seriously though, I understand that there will be money to be "had" from limited editions if that's what they're marketed as, but there must be significant non-recurring costs to accommodate over the production run and if that run is only "limited" then the cost to each item has to be high to start with... so little profit there. I can understand of many items are produced to cover that NR cost... to keep items costs down, and then special editions can be provided using the same tooling but with other variations such as colour schemes or numbers... but let's face it, Dapol's business model must be very different from the other main manufacturers is they only envisage producing a limited run, or a few versions of a limited run, for an entire product life... I just find it very very odd. I'm no expert and I accept that the business model will be different; I just hope that it has worked out for Dapol. It's be such a shame to see limited follow-on products being produced for such a superb model. I for one have a set of ultrascale P4 wheels for one of these... but the initial QA problems led me to believe that the initial batch might best be avoided and that I'd be better waiting for the 2nd batch (which did surprise me somewhat when it was suggested... but there you go)... I've yet to see any suggestion of a 2nd blue batch.

Any news on when we can finally expect to see this produced in "proper" numbers, which I'm sure the market would support, would be interesting to read. Would Dapol care to comment?



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I am still waiting for a BFYE Western without the Talisman clips - limited edition or not.


Geoff Endacott

With or without is no problem when a sharp blade is to hand... or some microstrip if not. But yes, a BFYE would be nice... I don't want a factory weathered one (as nice as they are) as I'd want to detail it and weather it myself ... possibly quite differently... and I don't see why I should have to pay extra for a "standard" model...  ... but they're the proverbial hen's teeth! Oh well... I'll just wait for a new Blue disc-fitted Bachmann 40 instead.

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I expect that the profit lies in producing limited editions at premium price rather than larger runs for the mass market at a lower price? The demand is generated by the hype over limited editions. How many RMweb-ers have pre ordered D1015?

Me. Ordered yesterday by phone. Really should stop ordering Westerns.


What exactly are the QA issues? Forgive me for asking, I just don't really want to crawl through 121 pages to find the answer. I remember talk of tight screw fittings when the Desert Sand one was released. My two Westerns run fine.

Edited by Grasslands
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  • RMweb Premium

Me. Ordered yesterday by phone. Really should stop ordering Westerns.

What exactly are the QA issues? Forgive me for asking, I just don't really want to crawl through 121 pages to find the answer. I remember talk of tight screw fittings when the Desert Sand one was released. My two Westerns run fine.

To sum the reported QA issues:

1) Tight screws

2) Wobbly wheels not to gauge

3) Excess flash on the bogies, precipitating derailment.

>None of which have been present in any of my own models, but reported plenty of times by other users...

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To sum the reported QA issues:

1) Tight screws

2) Wobbly wheels not to gauge

3) Excess flash on the bogies, precipitating derailment.

>None of which have been present in any of my own models, but reported plenty of times by other users...

My model of D1062 did not exhibit any of these problems either and is a beautiful runner.  The only thing that lets it down is the headcode stickers.  It would be nice if Dapol could sort that out to be more like the Heljan offering where the blinds are behind the glass just like the real thing.

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My model of D1062 did not exhibit any of these problems either and is a beautiful runner.  The only thing that lets it down is the headcode stickers.  It would be nice if Dapol could sort that out to be more like the Heljan offering where the blinds are behind the glass just like the real thing.

I note with interest, that on the latest batch, at least, (the batch containing Western Sultan) that the bottom of the cab, inside the shell, has a foam retaining strip, lightly adhered. Peeling this gains you access to the rear of the headcode glass. I was able to implant my own headcodes into here. Its harder on the first batch, including Enterprise, as this r

retainer is a piece of black plastic, seemingly well glued into place.

As with the Heljan model, it is possible to make you own headcodes. If you are happy to stick them on the outside, then all you do is print at high quality on regular paper, cut to size, and 'laminate' by folding sellotape over the headcode. A drop of pritt stick, and you are away.

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  • RMweb Premium

They're all the same.  The head code assembly is a number of tiny parts basically connected by sticky surfaces.  Take the unit out with great care.  Fitting head codes internally is then not too hard but I found a need to also insert some solid material (scrap sprue trimmings in my case) to fill the void otherwise the numerals drop back into space.  There's also some light bleed which isn't a problem in daylight operation and doesn't look totally unrealistic at night.

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I did mine using trimmed headcodes from the Heljan class 53 (Falcon). These are a little undersized for the Western but that allows for the small rim inside the headcode glazing on the Dapol model. I used a little Kristal Klear to hold them in place, which will make it more difficult to change them if I change my mind later.



Note that I deliberately chose parts of the headcodes to make up Southern Region destinations (letter code "O", more usually similar to a zero "0") and class 6 and 8 trains to allow for this model to haul inter-regional freights. The headcodes are fictional because I used existing numbers from the class 53 sheet.

Edited by SRman
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To sum the reported QA issues:

1) Tight screws

2) Wobbly wheels not to gauge

3) Excess flash on the bogies, precipitating derailment.

>None of which have been present in any of my own models, but reported plenty of times by other users...

Thanks for clearing that up for me. I am yet to put a chip in either of my examples so not too sure whether tight screws are an issue. Overly tightened screws is a problem I often find with die-cast cars. Took both my Desert Sand and Kernow weathered maroon version to my Dad's to do some running and didn't come across these problems so hopefully mine are okay.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

They're all the same.  The head code assembly is a number of tiny parts basically connected by sticky surfaces.  Take the unit out with great care.  Fitting head codes internally is then not too hard but I found a need to also insert some solid material (scrap sprue trimmings in my case) to fill the void otherwise the numerals drop back into space.  There's also some light bleed which isn't a problem in daylight operation and doesn't look totally unrealistic at night.


Headcodes do look much better inside the glazing - and if you cut them to size, lay a strip of sellotape down sticky side up and stick them on that, facing upwards, then trim the tape to just over size the rim of sticky will hold them well in place


Well worth the hassle - and worth fitting crew too while you have the cab apart, their absence is conspicuous behind those big picture windows!





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Back in its box whilst I consider its fate! Most disappointing (and expensive) purchase of the year.

Very sorry to hear that.  I have been lucky in that my D1062 WLA LE runs well and nothing has fallen of.


They are pricey though and I think I will grow my fleet with Heljans offering - if only they  would go back to fitting proper wheel sets and not those bloomin awful ove rsized shiny things.  They spoil the model moer than anything.  I know you can get wheels from Ultrascale but they are expensive and delivery is so stupudly long they may arrive after I am dead:(

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Headcodes do look much better inside the glazing - and if you cut them to size, lay a strip of sellotape down sticky side up and stick them on that, facing upwards, then trim the tape to just over size the rim of sticky will hold them well in place


Well worth the hassle - and worth fitting crew too while you have the cab apart, their absence is conspicuous behind those big picture windows!





I think the head codes are THE most disappointing thing about this model.  A real Blue Peter job - sticky back plastic:(  Again the Heljan scores over Dapol although is still not perfect.

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  • RMweb Premium

I agree the head codes are a let-down.  The model was developed more or less alongside the class 22 which features the same stick-on glossy patches so it was unrealistic to expect a redesign to the extent that internal head codes were incorporated.


Along with the 22s it is possible to fit head codes internally and here again I agree that there is an element of "Blue Peter sticky-back plastic" about the assembly.  Nevertheless it works whether you have internal or external characters fitted and is fit for purpose.


My only other real question has always been about the rendering of the liveries (again in common with the 22s) as maroon, blue and green all appear rather faded compared with Heljan and Bachmann products which they are likely to be used alongside and / or hauling.   Despite the significant variance between the Dapol maroon 52 and a Bachmann maroon carriage the locos can be used quite legitimately as careworn and faded examples as indeed they often appeared in traffic.  The Kernow weathering or a little home-applied touches also bring this look to a realistic level.

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I'd loved to have a go at a blue one... and sort the headcodes out to give a similar effect to what I achieved with my 47, which I'm still quite pleased with


... and do this along with all the other details ... but they're the proverbial hen's teeth; come on Dapol :dontknow: , let's have some more please!


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I have got one in pieces on the bench at the moment. I am trying to work out an improved method for fitting internal headcodes, but haven't got very far. The biggest problem is the lack of easy access to the back of the "glass". My next attempt will involve cutting strips of plasticard to hold the numbers in place.


Geoff Endacott

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