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Hi Neil,

The latest stock is looking pretty good, Cav makes some good points and all I would add is keep looking at the real thing for how the weathering builds up on a wagon or loco. Sometimes less is more.


Cheers Peter.

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Thanks Cav, Alex and Peter,

really glad the feedback is positive, and i agree peter, i have a files now on my pc for every loco i have for reference and the weathered version with it, and the same for the wagons, defiantly a must do thing.

And i agree also with Cavs points very good advice and some of the wagons i have done have already had a brush over with a few coats of powders a little while ago. so thanks guys for the advice and praise.


Im hopefully going to attempt the roofs of the RES NBA and the VEA's so a little more update shots to follow.

I havent plucked up the courage yet to have a go on a loco yet, but i have an old mainline 03 with no motor in that i might use as a test piece, ill eventually make this into a scrap loco with a tarpaulin on that can be dropped into a siding then carted away.





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couldnt resist a few more pics as i had the camera out taking pics of the 66 for sale and the sun was out after all, i did a little playing about with the last one with the image editor on here, probably way ott hahaha












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Great pic's again matey, love that MEA, I had a rake on Kingsmill now they are like rocking horse do da :O. What happend to the coupling rods? is it just the angle of the photo or have they got a bend in them? Did you DROP THE WARDROBE ON THEM? Andy.

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thanks for the commennts, i really like the last pic too, had a little play about with it in irfan and on the editor on here.


Hi Andy,

hahaha na not the wardrode this time haha i need to get them sorted to be honest i rescued about 10 from a show in deeping that were crammed in a box that the scouts had, think i picked them up for about 20p each, i need to sort the couplings and buffers and i think they will be ok, im pretty pleased with my first efforts with an airbrush, need more wagons now to play with hahaha, looking forward to seeing Deesdale in a few weeks, ill have a few bits of stock with me so ill definatly come and say hello

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thanks for the commennts, i really like the last pic too, had a little play about with it in irfan and on the editor on here.


Hi Andy,

hahaha na not the wardrode this time haha i need to get them sorted to be honest i rescued about 10 from a show in deeping that were crammed in a box that the scouts had, think i picked them up for about 20p each, i need to sort the couplings and buffers and i think they will be ok, im pretty pleased with my first efforts with an airbrush, need more wagons now to play with hahaha, looking forward to seeing Deesdale in a few weeks, ill have a few bits of stock with me so ill definatly come and say hello

Yea to right we can, compare notes on weathering, you show me yours and I'll show you mine, bring some locos to run if you want. catch you later. Andy.

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thanks for the commennts, i really like the last pic too, had a little play about with it in irfan and on the editor on here.


Hi Andy,

hahaha na not the wardrode this time haha i need to get them sorted to be honest i rescued about 10 from a show in deeping that were crammed in a box that the scouts had, think i picked them up for about 20p each, i need to sort the couplings and buffers and i think they will be ok, im pretty pleased with my first efforts with an airbrush, need more wagons now to play with hahaha, looking forward to seeing Deesdale in a few weeks, ill have a few bits of stock with me so ill definatly come and say hello


Yeah Ive got a few of those MEAs on the workbench to be ready for MRL. gotta get them painted into original livery and pop the 3 links on!



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Yea to right we can, compare notes on weathering, you show me yours and I'll show you mine, bring some locos to run if you want. catch you later. Andy.

Cheers Andy that will be good, hopefully they will do the layout justice

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Yeah Ive got a few of those MEAs on the workbench to be ready for MRL. gotta get them painted into original livery and pop the 3 links on!



Are they some of the same ones that were in the pile you had at Members day, if so let me know what you do with the buffers and details you add mate

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Yeah they are. Ive filed the heads to get rid of the nasty mould lines and given the underframes a coat of matt black ready for the weathering. Once Ive given the sides a coat of executive dark grey and added the couplings and pipework Ill be ready to weather them. Ill take some photos when theyre done.



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Hi Neil and Cav , Yes I too am looking forward to seeing the silver buffer shanks, I did some Lima Locos like that some years ago and you are right it makes a massive difference to the overall appearence. Keep the pics coming Neil the layout is an insperation. Andy.

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Hi Andy, i did it on my OCA's and it worked great, weird how its the little things.

ill try and take some new pics this weekend, iv got some more trainsave decoders on there way and a 21 to 8 pin adaptor for the 20, so a few pics of that on the MEA's will be good.

And thanks for saying my layout is an inspiration to you Andy, i think iv said before how much Kingsmill was an inspiration and the other layouts you have built have added to that and i feel really happy that i can return the inspiration thanks Andy

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Hi all

A little update on the wagon side of things, iv been Speaking to Cav recently about doing buffers and piping on wagons.

Cav kindly gave me some help on the pipe work and how to use Guitar string for them

And also tips for doing the buffers.

Here are my attempts, hopefully they have come out pretty well, still need some couplings to finish.







just noticed the ladder on the HEA is bent, i might put a lamp on the rear of the MEA too





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Thanks Richard, im really happy with the buffers, the more i look at them the better they look, i have to thank Cav though for the advice on how he did his, although i did wander into my own way slightly, but great advice from him about using guitar strings for pipes.

Im really enjoying doing the weathering too Richard especially now iv got the airbrush going.

I really like the MEA though just needs some couplings on it and a lamp i think.

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Cracking job Neil, I will have to spend a week and get all my little jobs out of the way so I too can have a go at my buffers. I must say either Cav is a very good teacher or you are just a very talented pupil! The weathering is superb What airbrush and compressor have you got?

Edited by Andrew P
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Hi Andrew, thanks for the great comments, i still have a few more wagons to do yet and then i want to get them all with chain couplings on.

I d like to say im a talented pupil :lol: , but Cav has taught me alot, although iv never had a lesson from him its mostly been from pictures and text messages, you should defiantly have a chat with him at Model rail live he has some great tips on alot of things and the buffers too.


my compressor..., well i dont know what make it is because there is no name labels on it and it needs some slight attention as it came from the hidden depths of my friends garage.

And the air brush was a cheap 4.99 effort from my local bargain warehouse, its nothing fancy or expensive and it works a treat. Im actually gonna get another one as there pretty easy to use and clean. ill bring a loco over on the saturday and a couple of wagons so you can have a look

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Good weathering Neil - easy when you know how eh! - a black art - I leave it all to Jon at Peakdale and get on with the Scenic side.


Innovative idea for vac pipes but never been a fan of guitar string method - lacking in shutoff stop detail and too coarse - mind you I do have an excess amount of Helly 47 pipes to go at.


Looking forward to next weekend - Ian

Edited by Crisis Rail
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Thanks Ian

I dont know about easy mate, i think its more luck sometimes :) there is still alot more things i wanna get my head around with weathering, mostly trying different colours and different powders, although im extremely happy with what if produced so far i think there are areas that i can do better at, mainly loco roofs and the colours.

and the vac pipes need to be perfected to, and try to get the shut off detail in...not sure how cav does that.


will defiantly have to have a chat next weekend Ian, are you there on the saturday??

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I tend to use guitar strings on wagons where you can get away with a bit less detail around the pipework. TBH most people dont put any pipework on so its certainly better than none. I usually just add a bit of psint top and bottom to represent the connectors. It is enough at normal viewing distances. As for the coarsness of the string thats not true. Wound guitar strings can be very thin. Depends which size you choose.



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