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Re Pilot Road box file and embarrassing, I know what you mean, I have just seen the pic in RM of the double starter signal on Glen Roy and it looks DREADFUL!!!!!, so that's one I missed and will have to sort out. all the best Andy.

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Cheers Andy, its always the same when you take pictures, there is always something you think oh no i missed that laugh.gif


Nice one Cav, i knew you would do, a proper true profesional laugh.gif



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Cheers Chris,

thats the look i was going for, i think more than anything im going to leave the roof, will look alot better once the bogies are done, just realised iv only done one side laugh.gif





Hi buddy,luv your pictures of the depot,can i be cheeky and ask you were you buy your depot stop signs from?? cheers....
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Hi CLASS66, thats not cheeky at all mate, i got the signs from Ten Commandments, they do a pack of loads of signs i think the pack is called Loco Depot signs and is pack number L96, you get loads in it, well worth the money.

Glad you like the depot and thanks for looking and commenting.



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Hi all, just a little update, not much has been going on in Deeping, i think the staff are enjoying some holiday beer and BBQs laugh.gif

there was a delivery of 37800 to be stabled here, coming all the way from Crewe courtesy of Chris 66522, this has been onto the workbench and iv made a start on the weathereing, this is an even bigger challenge than doing Swordfish as that was a black loco, grey is a different animal, iv started one side and to the eye it looked a little heavy but through the lens it looks a little light, id appriciate some comments on this, it does need a little tidying up, but i just wanted to get a general view.


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I have also included a few pics of 33103 that in my opinion is finished, except a matt varnish to seal the powders.


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Hi David, thanks for the nice comments, glad you like it.

Iv not had any problems at all, the 66 sometimes stalls but i think that might be the loco, other than that no problems at all, i can remember when i was helping Chris56057 to run Stockwell road at a few exhibitions and that had a insul 3 way on it and that was a nightmare with 66's and 60's i think one of the club mambers did something with it along the lines of grinding the plastic v, not sure what that did or if there was anything else that he did to it, i will get chris to confirm what went on for you though David.


37800 is nearly fully weathered, its taken me most of the day but im really happy with the results, i will hopefully post some pics later tonight.





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Dont forget to straighten the buffer and paint the air horns....Know what you mean about Beers and BBQ's the attic is not the best place to be in summer. 37800 looking good.


laugh1.giflaugh1.gif thanks Leon, you have very good eagle eyes, i missed that even now and its sat in front of me laugh.gif

iv given the air horns a blackish lick so hopefully they look ok, thanks Leon, i did have an indepth look at your pics of 37800 so thanks for doin a great job on yours biggrin.gif





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Thanks Leon, i hope so, few little details to add, i might do the glazing like Cav did on his as there a 100% improvement, ill take some shots in the morning if the sun comes out yes.gif



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Hi continuing on witht 37800, its nearly there i think, just the glazing and the plates to do which i completely forgot about, i hope its looking ok, im always weary of over doing it, but now is the time to find out if it looks ok before sealing it with matt varnish, and sorry Leon i still forgot about that buffer rolleyes.gif


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Thanks simon, im hoping this one lasts me a little longer than the others laugh1.gif thanks for having a look.

When are we going to see that Ballast Quay Thread anyway, some really nice scenics on there.



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Looks stunning mate. Not too overdone just very workstained which is likely in the 90s. I really must get some stock done Im getting withdrawl symptoms haha.



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Thanks Cav, really glad you like it, especially with your expertise in the art, the comments mean alot mate, still learning as you know and i need to get the bogies to a better finish and do the glazing.

You need to get that extension built laugh1.gif, then stock, ill have to bring some of mine instead laugh.gif


Thanks again mate



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I will,try my best if i can get the old man outta bed rolleyes.gif, im thinking along the same lines for Mansfield, should be fun, especially if my dad operates it for a stint, he has gotta get used to the dynamis and 3 links in one go laugh.gif gotta keep him on his toes



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Hi All


as the weather was very nice i decided to have a play about with my old Bachmann 20, this was a very crude attampt at weathering by myself back in the days of pilot road.

I decided to strip the horrible old weathering off and have ago at it in my new method that seems to be giving good results.

Armed with some photos i had from a while ago courtesy of jon ( Sandhills ) i removed the old painted weathering with whitespirit and then used the powders and water method again.

The bogies were done by painting them matt black and then while it was tacky brushing over a variety of powders, im pretty happy with the results especially the front end.


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Also today 37800 and 33103 returned from Canon Yard to Deeping Lane and settled in at there new home.


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next up is to decided what to do with my Bachmann DRS 66, im unsure if it fits and if to sell it and get something more fitting, to be honest they arnt the best looking locos and i would so much prefer a 60 or a 56






As always comments welcome

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Thanks Chris, im glad i had it from you, im really pleased with it to be honest, just needs some screw links and the glazing doing then its about done

Did you make any other purchases with the funds??



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Hi all, after a few hrs playing around with some locos i decided to shut the curtains in the room, turn the layout lights on and have a little photo shoot, its mostly locos with the odd wagon, i think i managed to get some decent shots of a kind of dusky night seen.

Its kind of hard to post updates of any major work because the layout is nearly finished, all to do is the portable legs which have been ordered and are in process of being made and the name board, which iv decided to put above the fiddle yard board, i think this will be better as the view over the roof of the depot and the buildings behind will be obscured so im hoping it looks ok above the fiddle yard.

I think the next little job is to finish painting the cats that will roam Deeping and carry on doing the stock.

Hope you enjoy the pics and as always all comments welcome

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