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Kernow Adams O2

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  • RMweb Premium

Yessir!  You just download the file to your 3D printer ;)


And all joking aside this could be one way the industry goes forward - selling files for "assembly" at home in the scale of your choice.  Vapourware by any other name???

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I am always doing things the hard way it seems.


I had decided buy and relivery a K2106 early British Rail livery to the wartime black with sunshine SOUTHERN on the tank side as #200.  That way I did not have to strip all the piping off and fill the holdes for the non-push pull locomotives used at Wadebridge shed on the Bodmin-Padstow local service. See above posts as I know that #200 did not arrive at Wadebridge until early 1948 and had British Railways lettering but rule 1 applied.


I have stripped the lining and BR logo. Unfortunately the only transfers/decals I have on hand are an HMRS Bullied engine set. I have done one side but looking at it I realized that the HMRS SOUTHERN and number set are about 10 scale inches in height ( 3.5 mm) and is proportionately longer. The Kernow model 2103 in Bulleid black appears to have a much smaller lettering size. Perhaps it is about 6-7 scale inches in height.  Anyway, I am going on the assumption the Graham and the other experts knew the correct size of letters for the SOUTHERN on the K2105  O2 and that is reflected on that model. 


Can anyone recommend a transfer or decal set that would have the smaller Sunshine SOUTHERN and engine numbers.   For now the oversize HMRS lettering will have to do.  Oddly the oversize lettering doesn't look too much out of place. When I re-liveried one of my BWT's to Sunshine Southern I used an N scale Fox Transfer decal. 



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There's a message from Kernow in their Newsletter. Please stop phoning them unless it's to change card details!!! They're struggling to get O2s dispatched because they are spending so long on the phone dealing with customers asking about their orders. 


Chris  (waiting for 4 IOW  versions)

Edited by ChrisG
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There's a message from Kernow in their Newsletter. Please stop phoning them unless it's to change card details!!! They're struggling to get O2s dispatched because they are spending so long on the phone dealing with customers asking about their orders. 


Chris  (waiting for 4 IOW  versions)

I suppose the temptation to ask is very strong once it's known they're in stock!

Reminds me of the episode of the Simpsons when Mo turned his bar into a diner and had a new deep fryer delivered.. 


Mo:- "This baby will flash fry a buffalo in 30 seconds"

Homer:- "30 seconds? But I want it now!!"



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I have stripped the lining and BR logo. Unfortunately the only transfers/decals I have on hand are an HMRS Bullied engine set. I have done one side but looking at it I realized that the HMRS SOUTHERN and number set are about 10 scale inches in height ( 3.5 mm) and is proportionately longer. The Kernow model 2103 in Bulleid black appears to have a much smaller lettering size. Perhaps it is about 6-7 scale inches in height.  Anyway, I am going on the assumption the Graham and the other experts knew the correct size of letters for the SOUTHERN on the K2105  O2 and that is reflected on that model. 


Can anyone recommend a transfer or decal set that would have the smaller Sunshine SOUTHERN and engine numbers.   For now the oversize HMRS lettering will have to do.  Oddly the oversize lettering doesn't look too much out of place. When I re-liveried one of my BWT's to Sunshine Southern I used an N scale Fox Transfer decal. 

I found a Fox 4 mm Bulleid decal set for Southern Locomotives in my decals and transfers collection.  Unfortunately it is the 1939-41 style Bulleid lettering and the calipers show it is the same height and length as the HMRS transfers.  An N scale set would be too small.


So still looking. 


Suggestions are really welcome.

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There's a message from Kernow in their Newsletter. Please stop phoning them unless it's to change card details!!! They're struggling to get O2s dispatched because they are spending so long on the phone dealing with customers asking about their orders. 


Chris  (waiting for 4 IOW  versions)


Maybe that's because they have not updated their website, which would have saved them an awful lot of wasted time. I have three locos on order (02 and others) and was hoping they would get deliveries out in the same week as they received them. But, with no despatch email received, nor any indication on the account page of the website, I have had to ring them to postpone delivery as I won't be here for a while over Christmas. This is unusual for Kernow, as they have been very efficient on all my past orders.

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That does surprise me. I didn't preorder the O2, yet I ordered VENTNOR online at 1200 on Tuesday (shortly after it appeared "in stock" on the site) and the model was delivered here in NE Scotland on Wednesday evening at 1830.

Faultless service from Kernow in that sense, but I'm a bit surprised to hear people are still waiting for their pre-orders to be fulfilled.

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  • RMweb Gold



The earlier you pre-order the less you pay as Kernow, unlike some other manufacturers/shops, maintains, as far as possible, the price quoted at the time you placed the pre-order. 


This means that, as you've just ordered the model, you are paying the current price which is more than I will be paying for the model I pre-ordered. As much as  I would like to get my pre-order as soon as possible I'm not upset that I have to wait a week or so as I will paying less than you have paid.  



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  • RMweb Gold

The new orders go straight through the automatic system and print off labels. The older pre orders have to be done manually so take longer. They explained that with the first ones when I asked as mine was a telephone pre order so I was concerned it had got lost when people started to post pics ;)

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Maybe that's because they have not updated their website, which would have saved them an awful lot of wasted time. I have three locos on order (02 and others) and was hoping they would get deliveries out in the same week as they received them. But, with no despatch email received, nor any indication on the account page of the website, I have had to ring them to postpone delivery as I won't be here for a while over Christmas. This is unusual for Kernow, as they have been very efficient on all my past orders.


You had a good reason to call then, but I bet a lot of people are just anxious that their order may have been lost.  I find it a tad frustrating that we are getting no real information from them - they must have an idea as to whether it's going to take a day, a week, or a month to get the pre-orders out.  They must also know which pre-order date they have got up to. I've no idea whether my 2nd January 2011 order is at the front or the back of the queue...  I know it will be worth the wait however :-)

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  • RMweb Gold

My pre order was in April 2015 and was dispatched today. I needed to call to check something else and raised timing with them. I think they're working through as fast as they can. Clearly a large number of orders and busiest time of their year



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I think the thing to remember here, and yes of course I'd defend them, but in all honesty when you look at it this year has proved quite busy with new products in the run up to Christmas,


Not only thousands of O2 models got delivered, but also models from the big boys too.

Knowing them as I think I do, they are sweating buckets to get models out in time for Christmas as I know they wouldn't like to let anyone down this season.




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  • RMweb Premium

I've said it before but .....


Kernow MRC is a high profile business but isn't among the larger shops.  The premises and the staff team are both quite modest when compared perhaps with Hattons or Rails.  And they are regularly compared with those places.  They don't want every available inch of space taken up with boxes; they are in business to shift those boxes.  They will have staff working flat out to clear thousands of orders especially at this time of year and no doubt they are also working overtime to do so.  There's also only so much space in the packing room (I doubt you'd swing a cat in there, unless it's in N-gauge ;) ) so adding seasonal staff really isn't an option.  


I also sense a little growing frustration that orders aren't coming out "right now" after such a long wait.  There is a "gimme" element to modern society though I thought most, at least, of us were above that.  These locos - and everything else we have ordered - will arrive and as KMRC has repeatedly stated they will arrive faster if their staff don't have to spend the day answering "where is it?" calls.


Satisfied customer here.  Waiting patiently for the IoW one as well.

Edited by Gwiwer
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Having waited 4 years for my two IOW's, another few weeks won't matter, but what narks me is that those who ordered in '13,14 and 15, are getting them already, esp the 2013 and early 2014 orders that were at the original £104, so not in strict date order.  The theories that the later orders at the higher prices (as in an earlier post) going out first to get more money in doesn't stack up either.

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I was in the shop on Thursday and it was full of people and the phone didn't stop ringing. The 5 staff were working flat out. The mailroom was so full I could hardly get through the door!


The latest newsletter indicates that staff are working evenings to reduce the backlog.


As confirmed above in earlier posts, pre-orders are processed in strict order date. This is done manually and is pretty time consuming, especially if there are issues with expired cards etc. Current orders are much easier and quicker to process and are dealt with straightaway. This may seem 'unfair' but is the most efficient way of getting orders processed.


Be assured, all those who have ordered will get their models as soon as humanly possible. Any customers for which there are queries will be contacted once the first sweep of orders have been completed.


Having worked in the shop, I know only too well that every phone call chasing an order means that orders cannot be processed.


Please bear with the Kernow team - they really want to get the orders processed as quickly as possible.

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I know and share the frustration of "Where is it?  I have been waiting ages!".  On the other hand, they have been accumulating orders over several years.  I doubt whether many organisations in the world could get them all out as soon as they arrive in the shop.  I have never been to their premises, but I imagine them as a small but growing business, with not too many staff.  Great if I see my green mainland O2 by the end of the Christmas and New Year period, but I don't think that it will harm me if I don't.

Edited by Richard Lee
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  • RMweb Premium

I'm going to give it a couple of months before I order mine. Two reasons really. Firstly to give them time to process all the pre-orders. Secondly, I might see sense by then and not get them at all. Trouble there is that I have for many years fancied building Ventnor station. For this I blame my Father suggesting it to me back in 1963, while sitting up on St Boniface Down, looking down on it. I have some baseboards stashed away that would do the job, but will they fit in my present car. This may be the clincher.

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