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Heljan Baby Deltic


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David Percival's artical on the Baby Deltics in Railway World (May 1971) states that the loco left Finsbury Park on 3rd October 1969 and was towed to Bescot where it remained for some time before being broken up at Cashmore's, Great Bridge.

The RCTS has recently been debating the actual disposal of D5908 and has good evidence to suggest that indeed D5908 was in fact sold to and broken up by J.Cashmore, Great Bridge, Tipton Staffs some time in February 1970. They also suggest that the sighting of D5908 at Kettering was mistaken for D5906 which was definately there. I'm going to stick with Cashmores unless photographic evidence suggests otherwise. I will contact David Percival to show him the information I have.You can view the RCTS saga about this on their website

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With their up to date stock control and large turnover, Hattons can flag if an item is going to sell out and adjust the price upwards (i.e. reduce the discount offered over RRP). They clearly feel that this version is going to sell out and are ensuring they don't give them away. They are a business after all!

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With their up to date stock control and large turnover, Hattons can flag if an item is going to sell out and adjust the price upwards (i.e. reduce the discount offered over RRP). They clearly feel that this version is going to sell out and are ensuring they don't give them away. They are a business after all!

Smacks of "Rip Off Britain" to me! It was only a fortnight ago that they were selling for substantially less. I remember when I ordered my NRM Deltic and paid, I thought a lot at the time, around £100, but was happy to pay it for a genuine limited un-repeatable edition. This, IMHO, is not comparable (other versions are still abvailable at the lower price and more are promised in the New Year) and unbuisness like - a 24% price hike in a fortnight! They are profiteering in the Christmas market in my view, just like the price you have to pay for the annual work-place Christmas Do!!! I've just seen an advert in today's paper for a Do at the Savoy on New Year's Eve - £995 a ticket, not including a room. I think the Grey Model Rail Pound is being taken for a ride here.

The point about "stock control" and "turnover" means that when Tesco run out of sausages, the next lot are 24% dearer? I think not.

Rant over - back to Strictly!



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Smacks of "Rip Off Britain" to me! [snip]


From Andyman's post (my bold):


... (i.e. reduce the discount offered over RRP). ..


They dont have to give any discount, likewise you dont have to buy from them. And what the Savoy has to do with all this, I really dont know...

Edited by Pennine MC
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It has nothing to do with it.


Pre-order pretty much always works like this, which is part of the consumer process. Anyway, like the Kestrels and Falcons, the RRP will maybe drop after six months or so if the 23s are proving shelf-sticky, so everyone's happy.

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  • RMweb Gold

Yep that's my view too Chard- hold the line until you see the whites of their eyes then buy- standard Hattons pricing policy.

It works value wisevif you understand their pricing mechanisms. Hopefully the Co-Bos and Class 14s will follow suit as well.

My finger's on the trigger for a 26/0 too.





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Hehehehehe - you won't be alone on those 26s, boi! Grist to us Waverley Route devotees' mill :girldevil:


In fact, while I have held off the Co-Bo and any more 14s (one on stock), along with the Baby-D, I can see each being added to the roster in the fulsomeness of time...

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The green SYP one seems to be selling well,I had the last one from Modellers Mecca yesterday and Hattons are now saying they have limited stocks of their second batch but the full yellow end and blue versions seem to be hanging around and I can see these being further discounted in the future.

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  • RMweb Premium

Smacks of "Rip Off Britain" to me!.....They are profiteering in the Christmas market in my view, just like the price you have to pay for the annual work-place Christmas Do!!!


Oh please - join the real world !!


It's called supply and demand; when demand threatens to exceed the supply, the price goes up - and when supply exceeds demand, the price goes down.


Hattons identify which models will hang around and which will fly off the shelves - and price accordingly.


I never see postings complaining that Hattons (or any other trader) are selling cheaper than previously - in fact, we have a thread dedicated solely to pointing out where these bargains can be found!


Surely those who accuse traders of profiteering on scarce items should be posting sympathetically when the same traders feel the need to reduce their margins in order to shift unpopular items?




Yours cynically,

John Isherwood.

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  • RMweb Gold

Smacks of "Rip Off Britain" to me!

Hattons, Kernow, Henry Ford, your local convenience store - all in business to make money, so they can eat. They may trim their margins here and there to increase sales, knowing that they can improve their net income and cash-flow, but at the end of the day if they know their market they can move prices around to maximise their return, and that means up as well as down.


If you and I want a bargain we have to spot it and flash the cash pronto - others will do so if we don't.

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The GSYP version has sold out again at Hattons, even at the increased price. Supply and demand as the posters above have said. I wouldn't be surprised if they start to appear on EBay soon at even higher prices.


Plenty of the other versions about at lower prices though.

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I'm quite surprised that the BFYE one isn't shifting, I'd have thought that particular loco would have a bit of 'celeb' status attached to it. Perhaps I'm wrong!


I've no 'need' for one whatsoever, but it's looking more attractive as the hours go by ;)

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I reckon a few people are waiting for the unrefurbished ones so they can run them alongside their A4's and A3's.

... being dragged as a failure by a B1 with the outer suburban train behind. Makes the full set with a couple of class 105 sets receiving L1 assistance, a V2 helping a pair of 15s back to Finsbury Park, and a K3 shifting a DOA 21 to some siding somewhere for eventual despatch back to Scotland. The full and glorious march of progress circa 1960 in the KX area...

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  • RMweb Gold

... being dragged as a failure by a B1 with the outer suburban train behind. Makes the full set with a couple of class 105 sets receiving L1 assistance, a V2 helping a pair of 15s back to Finsbury Park, and a K3 shifting a DOA 21 to some siding somewhere for eventual despatch back to Scotland. The full and glorious march of progress circa 1960 in the KX area...

While I'm sure that does represent things as they wuz on a bad day, it wasn't then obvious to a kid on KX platform. I'm not an LNER/ER freak, but the parade of trains at KX was as good as anywhere, and your analysis of how it might be filled with present day RTR convinces me we should be seeing more models of KX's approaches, even if only the Hertford Loop, in 4mm. I certainly hope so.

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While I'm sure that does represent things as they wuz on a bad day, it wasn't then obvious to a kid on KX platform. I'm not an LNER/ER freak, but the parade of trains at KX was as good as anywhere, and your analysis of how it might be filled with present day RTR convinces me we should be seeing more models of KX's approaches, even if only the Hertford Loop, in 4mm. I certainly hope so.


I have Hadley Wood in mind for a loft layout.

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While I'm sure that does represent things as they wuz on a bad day, it wasn't then obvious to a kid on KX platform...

Indeed, that's a sort of telescoped representation. All these things happened, but not simultaneously. The situation was not good though, as those old enough to be commuting on the suburban services at the time can still recall. I was just such another schoolkid, mostly loitering around Hatfield, WGC and Welwyn North, enjoying the spectacle and the very friendly imparted wisdom from the BR staff. Whatever else may have been less than ideal about the operation, the operating staff were extremely kind toward interested boys, and their enthusiasm for the LNER's big engine achievement was still well in evidence.


With some not insignificant licence I am using Hatfield station, and some of the run into the Cross as the basis for my muddling. Never would have imagined so much suitable RTR coming along, almost every time I get a 'not available' completed, there's an announcement. My very ugly 21 from an old Hornby shell sold to me by another member here, now on a Bach 25 chassis was the latest success, and if Dapol's 21 is half as good as their 22 that will be a buy. Really must get my J6 finished so that a RTR model can be announced...

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Well OK, the Savoy reference was a bit obtuse but surely you can see what I.m getting at...

  1. It's Christmas - time to rip off the punters big time - nowt to do with supply and demand, just retailer greed. Hornby may well have missed a trick with late to market products like the B1 and B17.
  2. The general (I think way above inflation) increase in the cost of RTR model railway items - and I mean "model", not the Hornby Railroad range which is looking exceeding good value for money when compared to the (actual) price of say the co-bo or the forthcoming Dapol 22 (£125!). I was hoping for a Hornby Railroad D49 before Christmas but I'm not expecting that any time soon now.
  3. My "Model Railway Grey Pound" point is made in all seriousness. We are a niche market targeted by the retailer.
  4. cctransuk - I fail to understand why you are quite willing to accept a 24% price hike in a fortnight without wanting (like me) to sound off about it. My heart bleeds for the poor retailer - not! I'm a customer - perhaps retailers have a different view point. Perhaps you are a retailer which might explain your "Oh please - join the real world !!" opening gambit.



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Well OK, the Savoy reference was a bit obtuse but surely you can see what I.m getting at...

  1. It's Christmas - time to rip off the punters big time - nowt to do with supply and demand, just retailer greed. Hornby may well have missed a trick with late to market products like the B1 and B17.
  2. The general (I think way above inflation) increase in the cost of RTR model railway items - and I mean "model", not the Hornby Railroad range which is looking exceeding good value for money when compared to the (actual) price of say the co-bo or the forthcoming Dapol 22 (£125!). I was hoping for a Hornby Railroad D49 before Christmas but I'm not expecting that any time soon now.
  3. My "Model Railway Grey Pound" point is made in all seriousness. We are a niche market targeted by the retailer.
  4. cctransuk - I fail to understand why you are quite willing to accept a 24% price hike in a fortnight without wanting (like me) to sound off about it. My heart bleeds for the poor retailer - not! I'm a customer - perhaps retailers have a different view point. Perhaps you are a retailer which might explain your "Oh please - join the real world !!" opening gambit.





If you want a discount its best to pre-order. Once scarcity becomes a factor, prices rise. As the old saying goes - if you snooze, you lose.

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