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I too have had the kids off school sick this week.. Didnt get any modelling done though..

I'd like to be out in the garage now but I've got the smallest asleep on the sofa. 


It's back to work tomorrow night, where does the modelling time go?





No the feeling Scott....

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A bit of prep done last night, ready for my helper coming round tomorrow.


Building a helix isn't as easy as it looks, and it doesn't look that easy.


I think my other problem is that I'm trying to fit it under an existing board, so I'm having to move supports, change angles etc.




Having thought about it overnight, or should that read having nightmares, I need to change the heights/angles again.





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Evening All...


Ian (Mr master craftsman/woodworker) condemned the work done to date by me (Me 80% is probably good enough) and it was taken back to being a collection of bits of wood. By the end of the day we managed to get it back to pretty much where we'd started, although in a lot better condition.


I had originally had the threaded rods going up the outside of the semi-circles, which meant they were trying to pinch onto the edge with the washers. Ian worked out that we could actually go through the boards (about an inch in) and if we put them all flat and drilled in-situ it would all work like magic - which it did. He also persuaded me that my 4" change of level per loop was a bit optimistic and only allowed me to have 3", which I negotiated up to 3 1/4" then up to 84mm - every little helps as they say.


After much mental maths converting 2 and three quarters of a helix times 84mm but then starting from the top of the baseboard then working down so that we'd end up at the right place.....


I'll grab a picture of it later.


So simple answer, we spent all day in the dungeon basement, were kept fed and watered by my wife, entertained by the children and ended up in a better place, but not quite finished.


We did do a bit of playing trains and Desert Orchid, 47 332 has been transferred to Beresford Junction - again pics to follow....



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Sounds like you had a fun day, I think I'll cross a helix off of my list. Sounds far to complicated!


It was a good day down in the dungeon, although no pizzas now the pizza ovens are covered up.


Helixes are quite easy, just keep Ian supplied with tea, bacon butties and cakes and hey presto.

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And some photos of the rebuilt helix - once again thanks to Ian for his help.


This one shows how the threaded rod now goes through the board (about 1" in from each edge).




And the clearance between levels 84mm top of board to the top of the next. The MDF is 9 or 10mm, thus leaving 74mm clearance between the top of one board to the bottom of the one above.



And an overall shot. I was going to use the Tracksetta 18" and 21" using flexible track, but have changed plan and am now using second and third radius curves, marked onto the board then made up of the flexible track bent into shape then nailed on.



I need to nail some more track into place before I can then add more boards on top.


So great progress made, but still plenty to do.



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Great progress Phil and Desert Orchid looks right at home. Building work has halted on Millfield now as extensive stock testing is taking place (playing trains). Which I think was what we predicted would happen!



Edit: how about building the helix out of set track 2nd and third radius (dirt cheap on eBay if you time it right) and saving the flexi for the fiddle yard?




Edited by Poindexter
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Hi Guy


"Stock testing" - I like it, and I knew you'd soon slip into it.


As for the flexible track - I've got a big box of it to use up, so think I'll crack on with that.

As for the fiddle yard - Ian came up with some quite elaborate scheme involving crossovers, dead end tracks, and even a series of switchbacks - I can't even start to think of that yet.



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Evening modellers.


A trip to the model shop resulted in some track pins (i.e. what I'd gone for) plus a SSA scrap wagon - so now I've got an odd number.


A bit more track added tonight, however I got distracted/bored and decided to take my Bachmann 08 apart and clean the contacts, which I've now done and can report it's t lot better (ok I mean actually working now). I'm thinking it might have to make a trip to Exford Park to have some extra contacts added, or I'm going to have to get into a track cleaning regime.


I remembered something that Ian said during our day in the dungeon, (and I'm assuming it was a compliment) - that my under board wiring was just like that at Redbrook - should I be worried.......?





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I remembered something that Ian said during our day in the dungeon, (and I'm assuming it was a compliment) - that my under board wiring was just like that at Redbrook - should I be worried.......?





As long as you understand your wiring Phil thats what matters..  Don't listen to the professional, what does he know?  :nono:


No need to be worried. :jester:

Edited by pitbull1845
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Hi Phil,

The helix is coming on well, and I like the red stripe line up. It looks like Ian has done a bit of weathering on 47322, very nice.


Wiring is not my strong point, the underside of Llanbourne is a real mess, the spiders love it.


Cheers Peter. 

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Evening all,


This was how it finished up at the weekend.



Tonight have nailed down some more track and added another section



and finally the top section.



So just another loop of track to add then begins the tricky task of connecting in to the top and underneath sections with some kind of bridge.


Unless I need to play a bit to recover.



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