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Hi Phil,


I thought you'd been a bit quiet!


Looks like a good plan to me, how can she possibly refuse!


Search out Everardjunction on Youtube as he has done almost what you are thinking of and also has an instructional video on the construction of the helixs ( is that the correct plural or should it be Helixi?!) He has his fiddle yard underneath with a fair gap and doesn't have problems.


If you need help let me know.


Of course you realise that the helixes or helices (according to Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helix) are all your fault. I did watch the Everard Junction videos, which is what sort of fascinated me with them.


I had also thought of making the new sections movable or rather semi permanent so that I could just say I was just 'working on them temporarily', which may ease the planning permission.


Not that I've started any of it of course!

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Yeah - I'm not quite sure myself why I want a helix - I just fancied the challenge.


That Phil seems like reason enough to me! Once I've sorted out a few real world work issues I intend to get back in the loft with an idea similar to yours.


I to was inspired by everardjunction and of course camelot junction before that.


I'll be using 9mm or 12mm ply with 3rd and 4th radius set track curves. McGomez (Portland Grove) of this parish also has some constructional pics of his helix on rmweb, well worth a look.



Edited by Poindexter
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Sounds like an interesting idea Phil. I think that most of us have thought about a helix or two at some point. I was considering them in my loft when I started Chadwood but I didn't really have a clue what I was doing. Now you have planted the seeds in my head again i may have to start thinking about it again!

Good luck with planning permission from the wife council.



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Looks like you got planning permission then, best of luck with the new project.


Thanks Peter


Actually not yet - I might be constrained to 'my room', but just keep sneaking in an extra 'temporary' board .


I'm working on the principal that it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission....



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I've always had a strange liking for pictures of saws and layouts, so here is a couple.





And here is me trying to sneak one of the removed boards into place ;-)

This is the corridoor between the two rooms - with this installed, it would be 18' long.





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Evening all - finished by sawing and even managed to run the first service on the new extenstion.


Here it all is...


the space for the new helix:




the new end to end view:




and the view from the extension - most of this will probably be cleared.





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Hi Phil,

Love it... I like the way the new track enters the unknown. Good on you for taking the plunge rather than putting up with something your not entirely happy with.


I look forward to seeing the developments.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good on you for taking the plunge rather than putting up with something your not entirely happy with.


He was happy until the visit to Redbrook, it must be your influence! :sarcastic:


Like the idea about asking for forgiveness later, I had a boss who always worked on that principle and it seemed to work for him! Looking forward to the developments Phil and the helix.


Nice curtains by the way.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


A bit more track ripped up last night that I've never been happy with.


I'm even thinking that a change of name and even a new thread might be in order....




Hi Phil


I think a complete rebuild might be best in the long run, go back to bare boards and start again, that way you won't be trying to incorporate exisiting trackwork into the bigger picture and end up compromising the end result and being forever unhappy with some parts of it.

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I think a complete rebuild might be best in the long run, go back to bare boards and start again, that way you won't be trying to incorporate exisiting trackwork into the bigger picture and end up compromising the end result and being forever unhappy with some parts of it.


Hi Ian


I'm sort of coming round to that way of thinking myself - hopefully what I've learnt along the way will make 'New Beresford' better.


Off to find a hammer.....



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Hi Phil

Loking foreward with interest to see how your ideas

develop I note you have not added Freightliner transfers

to your crane yet

Best wishes



Hi David


Thanks, and yes I was going to do that wasn't I, but seem to be a bit distracted at the moment ;-)



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