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SR Van B on the S&DJR


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I'm having a short break from brasswork to build a Ratio van B kit that will eventually form part of my S&DJR stock. These vehicles appear in many photos, particularly on the branch during the 1950s and 1960s. Most appear to be in the BR(S) green livery. For details, there are some good photos on Paul Bartlett's site, though these are all from later decades. So, in no particular order, here are some questions:


  1. What were the running numbers of the vehicles used on the S&DJR?
  2. Can anyone provide details of the lettering and numbering in this period, what goes where? Sources of transfers?
  3. Several photos (e.g. this one) show a pipe running along the solebar and behind the steps. Presumably, this is on one side only as it appears in about half of the photos I've seen. Is it vacuum or steam heating? Did all have steam pipes? This photo appears to have only a single pipe at the end, so perhaps the external pipe is vacuum.
  4. The photo included in the kit shows the original 1939 condition. As with this one from 1988 on Paul Bartlett's site, it shows an upright vacuum pipe, whereas most others (e.g. this one) show dangling pipes. Was there a general change to dangling pipes at some date?
  5. What paint would you recommend for the BR(S) green?

Any information along these lines will be most welcome.



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I doubt that specific Van Bs stayed on the S&DJR for any period- whilst the SR had very specific diagramming for all their passenger rated stock, this didn't last into BR days, as is evident from the appearance of SR vans in photos from all over the UK.

Modelmaster do a sheet of transfers covering a range of SR passenger-rated stock:-

No Image Available

Price: £4.50


Numbering & Lettering for ex -S.R. Bogie Brake & Parcels Vans & Data Panels for ex S.R. BYs & PMVs Yellow

Reference : 4416

The lettering in the BR green era was generally on the right-hand end- it tended to be grouped together, with the numbering, dimensions and so on arranged in a large panel. By the time I remember seeing these vans in the late 1960s, the only bit of the original colour that was discernable was normally that around the number details, where it had been wiped clean.

I'm not sure if these vans were steam-heated, or perhaps just through-piped. I'm trying to remember if there were any of these vans fitted with stoves- if so, they'd have had yellow-painted guard's doors as their 4-wheel equivalents had.

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Thanks for the reply, Brian. I'd assumed that there were several assigned to use on the branch as they appear in so many photos. Several photos show them paired with a single Hawksworth composite on Evercreech-Highbridge services. Indeed, a couple of 1965 photos show three such pairs at Highbridge. However, it is possible that there was also a regular exchange of these vans between Evercreech and points south.


As to the colour, yes, as elsewhere the colour of these, and the van Cs, was barely discernable, but a few colour photos do show a green colour peeping through the grime. As far as I can remember, none of those in the photos I've studied have a visible stove pipe on the roof, and I don't remember seeing any yellow doors.



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