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Waverley West, Princes St Gardens and Haymarket MPD

Waverley West

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Hi Dave,


Looking good, it will all be worth it to have that nice new railway room to play in! That new 47/7 looked really nice from Bachmann I saw it at Barrow show but opted for a bright yellow release instead! If WW still isn't up and running by Feb you know you and Helena are most welcome playing on my layout again at Glasgow!


All the best


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Hi folks,


Well, still no significant modelling progress to report, I'm afraid.


BUT, the windows are finally in in WW's new home. Decorating is the next step which I hope to complete in the next couple of weeks. Then just a new carpet separates me from steaming ahead on the layout.




Well Dave, I know its wrong of me, but I have to admit a fair dose of jealousy. That looks a smashing space - I hope you have great fun filling it up. Looking forward to seeing WW reincarnate.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi folks,


A quick update here from Chez WW - the new railway room has finally been decorated and the carpet is in. Just some curtains needed now and it'll be completely finished. All systems are now go!


A view of the room with pooch providing the scale. She's only 5 months old though, don't forget!






I expect shifting of the layout into the room will start tonight, as Mrs WW cannot wait to get it out of the house. Not that I'm complaining. It will be good to finally start setting up the layout knowing I won't have to dismantle it again soon.


It's pretty cold here today and I've just turned the radiators on for the first time since the room was insulated and the first signs are encouraging.


More updates to follow soon I hope.




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Hi folks,


A quick update here from Chez WW - the new railway room has finally been decorated and the carpet is in. Just some curtains needed now and it'll be completely finished. All systems are now go!


A view of the room with pooch providing the scale. She's only 5 months old though, don't forget!






I expect shifting of the layout into the room will start tonight, as Mrs WW cannot wait to get it out of the house. Not that I'm complaining. It will be good to finally start setting up the layout knowing I won't have to dismantle it again soon.


It's pretty cold here today and I've just turned the radiators on for the first time since the room was insulated and the first signs are encouraging.


More updates to follow soon I hope.





She's thinking how nice of Dave to provide me with this nice new heated kennel and all this space to play in as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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There's somthing about seeing an empty railway room... the potential it has for modelling, and the blank canvas that it is.


It teminds me of the feeling you get when you get in the car/taxi as you take the first part of a journey on a long busines trip or holiday. :good:


Looking forward to watching your progress, Dave!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Dave, I am contemplating curved platforms on one of my stations - can you say what radius curves yours are on and whether you are happy with how 57' coaches look when alongside?




Hi Colin,


I use a standard minimum second radius curve everywhere on the layout. I don't think coaches look good at all next to platforms with that sort of curvature though. Some part of the coach (i.e. either the middle or the ends, depending on which side the platform is) is going to just be too far from the platform to give any kind of realism.


All the curved platforms on WW, and some of the inner ones are probably at or around second radius curves, are hidden under the station roof and I really only extended the platforms so that there would be no scenic break underneath the roof. It's pretty dark under there and that's the idea. The curved sections of the platforms are only visible at the moment as I've removed the station roof.


If you can possibly avoid putting a platform on that radius of curve, I would. If you really need a station close to a curve, you could maybe go for an approach like I've used, i.e. effectively a half-station, and hide the curved sections? The trains you run could be just as long, if not longer.





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Hi Dave,

It's good to see the layout almost up and running again. Look forwards to seeing 418 when it's done. My 37417 is now 37428 a Canton based beast. It should be finished this week.


Cheers Peter.

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Hi Dave,

It's good to see the layout almost up and running again. Look forwards to seeing 418 when it's done. My 37417 is now 37428 a Canton based beast. It should be finished this week.


Cheers Peter.


Hi Peter,


It's good to have a layout again too. It's seemed like quite a while since I last ran a train.


Looking forward to seeing your 37428. My 37418 is now almost finished. I just need to finish the windscreens and blacken around the exhaust ports a little. I've gone for the slightly dirtier look this time, as Inverness-based 37/4s often seemed to be dirtier than their Eastfield counterparts, to the point where you wonder whether their roofs actually are grey underneath!







Stop press: trains are now running across three boards from Princes St to Waverley station. Time to maybe get a few more trains out!

Edited by Waverley West
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Thanks for the updates Dave - WW will be reborn - bigger and better without any doubt. Looking very good indeed - now about moving it all back to 1965 and putting a mix of kettles and green Deltics to work????

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi folks,


Just a quick post to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!


A quick update: I now have the Princes St. signals and points working and am now going to make a start wiring up the "new" board. I'm hoping to get some decent modelling time in this week. I'm hoping 2013 will see WW getting back into some sort of shape again now that the railway room is up and running.


Hope to be back soon with some updates.


Season's greetings


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi folks,


Firstly, a belated very Happy New Year to everyone. I hope Santa brought you all the trains you wanted. No trains for me this year for once. I'm saving up for Bachmann's forthcoming releases (the Mk 1 sleepers and 101 DMUs in particular).


Just thought I'd post a quick update on my progress, seeing as it's been a while since my last update. Part of the reason for that is that although I'm making good progress with putting the layout back together again, what I've done is not very impressive to look at. My dad has been ill recently too, which has meant a couple of hours most nights to go and see him in hospital. It looks like he's on the mend though, fingers crossed.


However, six of the seven boards are now joined together, both physically and electrically and trains can now run across all these boards, making it a U-shaped end-to-end layout at the moment. The points and signals in the station area and Princes St. are all working too.


Once I've tidied up the last joint, I will move on to the final two joints, connecting up the last board at both ends. Because of my longer new storage loops board, this final board, the country scene, will have to be narrowed by 22cm at one end, which I think I can do without severe surgery.


It's good to have trains running again though.


Here is the current state of play...




As you can see, I'm a very tidy worker. Ahem.


I'm looking forward to connecting up the final board, as I'll be able to run trains continuously again and I like to watch the trains go by while I work on the layout.


The next job will then be to connect up the remaining point motors to accessory decoders. After that I will be looking to move on to the scenery, which will initially involve putting back the scenery as it was. Then I'll move on to thinking about what I want to do with the depot and adjacent boards, which will essentially be a completely new part of the layout, although much of the track will remain in place.


I've also been making progress with the final coaches for my Mk 1/2d rake and am hoping to have that finished in the next week or two. Large logo 37418 is also still at the works awaiting some finishing touches. Piccies to follow soon I hope.


Cheers for now,


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Dave


Nice to come back and see the room all finished, and you have layout steup, are you makeing changes to the layout or are you putting it back to what it was originally...


Hope you are well mate... thanks for the update...


Look forward to seeing you YouTube clips of the new layout again in time...



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