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Waverley West, Princes St Gardens and Haymarket MPD

Waverley West

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Hi Dave,

37026 looks a beast, I was put off buying this model as it has the recess under the cantrail grilles but it really doesn't show up on your model. The weathering is superb it has that typical Scottish winter coat of grime.


Cheers Peter.

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That's a lovely mucky 37 that.. hmmm good inspiration there! Nice Mk2D too... I've an airfix one that my youngest son (then age 5) found in a secondhand selection a couple of years ago... which I (er... ) look after for him... it's not as knocked about as the other mk1s and 2s that have been well played with. It would be interesting to detail this... and the bufferbeam area looks decidely lacking the couplings and hoses... but is there anything else that could be easily added to thsi area to retain some functionality? Oh, and my current-project P4 deltic now only has Exactoscale "scale" screw links... which will work, to an extent... but then again, I'm more interested in the up-close detail than expecting long distance haulage (oh for the space for WW... or Kings Cross North come to that :scratchhead: ).

Good luck with the house move... and with WW2


Hi Jon,

Check out my Article in MI2 its my way of having buffer beam pipework and couplers. :good_mini:


Cheers Peter.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Well, HM 55 has just arrived. WW has indeed come out very well indeed, and should now reach a much wider audience - Nice one David.


Hope the move goes well.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi folks,


Firstly, a very Happy New Year to you all!


Just thought I'd let you know Waverley West has arrived safely in its new home. Will post a pic or two when I get chance to take one. I want to do a fair bit of work to the new room before I re-erect the layout. I particularly want some bigger windows and better lighting. A bit more insulation and better heating are also on the list, softy that I am, so I think it might be a little while before the layout is up and running again. There's also the issue of what to do with the extra space. :D


So I think my modelling might be more workbench-based for a while. I do have a new arrival thanks to Santa in the shape of Bachmann 37417 Highland Region to work on, though, as well as no shortage of other projects for the future Waverley West II/Haymarket. A Shawplan-fitted Mk IId BSO is also high on the list to make up a full rake consisting of Shawplan-fitted Mk IId and smooth-roofed Bachmann Mk 1s for the new layout.


Hope to be back soon with some more updates.


Cheers for now,


Edited by Waverley West
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Hi Dave,


Happy New year to you and the family!


Glad you got moved safely and that you have a nice new train room to expand your layout and play in! Well at least when you have done the work on it. If you miss playing trains too much you know your welcome to come up to Rannoch for a play if you are up this way at any point.


All the best,


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Hopefully I'll have enough pennies to make it up to Model Rail Scotland again this year, so will hopefully see you there?



Your not the only one who is hoping to have enough pennies to get to Model rail Scotland this year. Now the train fair to Glasgow from Dumbarton gone up to £4.70 return (will be about same price to SECC) now i'm gonna have to make sure i have enough for that and to get in to the SECC as well.


Hope you get everything sorted and your layout up and running soon!

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  • RMweb Premium

Glad the move's gone OK - obviously, you've got your broadband sorted out too - most important in today's modern world.


Do keep us posted as to how your new project is progressing. There's nothing like something as disruptive as a move, but where a layout is concerned, the move and the new opportunities can really galvanise you into some very good work.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for your support, guys. As you can imagine, the past few weeks have knocked my modelling intentions aside for the moment. I've been doing a lot of painting but unfortunately not of rolling stock or buildings, just door frames and skirting boards. It's been very frustrating but hopefully it will be worth it in the end.


In the absence of any layout for the foreseeable future, I've decided to dig out my modelling table for the time-being just to keep me sane. I need to add to my Shawplan-fitted Mk 2d collection and I have a Bachmann 37417 in front of me on my desk that is just crying out for weathering.


I have also started to clear out the future railway room (of rolling stock boxes mainly!), so that I can get some people in to discuss what I want to do with it. Funds are the major issue at the moment, but if I can get a clearer idea of the likely cost of what I want to achieve (bigger windows and better heating mainly), then maybe I can start thinking about the layout again rather than just working on projects.


Hope to be back soon with more updates.




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  • 1 month later...
  • RMweb Premium

Hi Dave


Just wondered if there was any news on rebuilding WW so far? Home moves are terrible things - they get in the way of things like life, railway modelling, family, railway modelling, socialising, railway modelling...


Seriously I (and many of your other followers) would love to know whether you've been able to make any progress yet.




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Hi Dave


Just wondered if there was any news on rebuilding WW so far? Home moves are terrible things - they get in the way of things like life, railway modelling, family, railway modelling, socialising, railway modelling...


Seriously I (and many of your other followers) would love to know whether you've been able to make any progress yet.





Hi Stewart (and all),


Thanks for your kind comments. As you've probably realised, railway modelling has taken a back seat in my life over the past few months, which has been very frustrating. We are now getting sorted here at the new Chez WW but decorating has been taking up much of what little spare time I have, especially with work being so busy at the moment (which I can't complain about).


Anyway, while painting skirting boards, door frames and now walls, I've been mulling over just where I am going to go from here, railway modelling-wise. I have two main projects in mind and it's really just a question of which one comes first.


The intended new home for WW has proved to be very cold and expensive to heat. It's also in need of some work to make it a bit more comfortable (wimp that I am). Given my current financial situation (i.e. all spare cash going on the house) and in the absence of a permanent home for WW for the moment, I've been mulling over some ideas of what to do in the meantime.


My current ideas are:


1. To resurrect WW in modular form, board-by-board, starting with the Waverley section and then moving on to the Princes St. section, followed by the other boards (which I want to improve and rebuild to include Haymarket depot anyway).


To be honest, moving WW proved to be a right pain in the a**e and I wouldn't want to have to do it that way again, i.e. breaking up the boards and cutting the wires. So I thought I could put the boards back together again so that they can be dismantled and moved again relatively easily, using folding legs, alignment dowels, electrical connectors, etc. A couple of smallish new boards would enable me to run a reduced WW on a roundy-roundy basis again in the warmth of our spare room during the winter months.


2. To build an exhibition layout based on Oban using the CalMac ferry Glen Sannox being built for me by the multi-talented Carl of this parish. Again this would be built to fit in our spare room. Not much new stock would be needed, as it would be based on the 1980s (of course), during the class 27/37 era.


Planning permission has been obtained from the domestic authorities for use of the spare room, providing the boards can be dismantled relatively easily, which is what I want to achieve anyway.


We've made good progress on decorating the new place and I reckon a couple more months should see most of what we want to do finished. That should give me time to plan either project 1 or 2 above (or both) and then move on to board construction in the spring.


It's been good to have come up with a way forward, as going from having a working layout to no layout at all overnight has been a bit frustrating and demoralising after all the years of building it up.


At the moment, I think resurrecting WW is likely to be the first project to take shape, partly because I think it will be by far the quicker of the two. Glen Sannox is also some way off completion, although Carl now seems to be making rapid progress with Cal Princess, which is to be finished first.


Sorry if all this seems a bit dry and lacking in nice colourful photos, but I just thought I'd explain "where I'd been" for the past few months and where I have got up to in my railway modelling plans. Any thoughts anyone may have on the above would be very welcome.


Cheers for now,


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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for the update Dave. I can certainly understand how frustrated you must feel going from a superb working layout to zero. From the various shots on this thread it seems that many a pleasant interlude could be spent just playing with different combinations of stock and lighting for the camera, even if a full operating session wasn't possible.


Only you can know what's best for you and your circumstances in the short term, but I would think that finding a way of being able to operate at least part of WW would be my priority.


Whatever you decide, I wish you all the best.


(Edit for typo).

Edited by Trevellan
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Only you can know what's best for you and your circumstances in the short term, but I would think that finding a way of being able to operate at least part of WW would be my priority.


Whatever you decide, I wish you all the best.


(Edit for typo).


Thanks Trevellan. You're right I think and I've decided that my priority for the moment is to get WW up and running again in a semi-portable form, so that it can be moved much more easily in future. I think with a couple of new baseboards (designed so that they can be used as a fiddle yard for my future Oban project), I could have WW running again reasonably quickly and with more fiddle yard space, which might actually be an improvement (fiddle yard space was always a limitation with the old WW) and enable a greater variety of stock to be used in a single operating session without having to put away/get out stock. There's also good lighting in the room I have in mind and with it being semi-portable the layout could maybe even be taken outside for some photo sessions.




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Hi Dave,

Glad to hear that WW will be back and with a bigger fiddleyard too, Nice. Looking forwards to seeing WW back up and with more stock.


Cheers Peter.

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Thanks Peter.


Hi folks,


No developments in terms of hardware here Chez WW but some more productive thinking going on (unusual I know).


I've worked out that I can use two of the existing boards, splitting one of them into two to make it more portable.


By truncating the platform 12 road (which is a bay platform in real life anyway), the inner track (platform 11) can be made continuous. As this is a through platform in real life, it should have been done like this in the first place anyway. Lengthening the loop for this platform 11 means it will be able to take loco-hauled trains and HSTs, a la prototype, at last. In fact, all platform roads (except platform 12) should then be able to take some pretty long trains.


This simple change should enable WW to be operated more or less prototypically, with all trains except those on platforms 11 and 19 terminating. The compact version of WW should now fit in a space of around 3.5 x 2.2 m, making it even more compact than before but much more flexible and prototypical operationally.


All trains should then be able to run out from the station either west or east and stop in the off-scenic loops, to return at the scheduled time. A loop or two to represent Haymarket depot (for the time-being) should enable loco changes to take place as they did before. I'm hoping to be able to fit in some extra loops too, to enable more stock to be stored on the layout at any one time. I also want to move the control panel to next to the station area, as this is the main focus on the layout, obviously.


By reassembling the boards in a modular fashion, nothing I do should ever prevent me from expanding WW again once I get the chance.


After a demoralising period of a few months, I'm feeling much more optimistic about WW's future now, especially as with the modular approach to the base boards it will be possible to expand, contract and move the layout at will.


A bit more work with a pencil and paper and a tape measure and then all I'll need is some spare time! I'll post a new track plan as soon as I've got that far.


I have four doors to paint and then the planned temporary new home of WW (the spare room) will be mine, all mine. :D


There's a lot of work in the above, but I think what I should end up with is a much more prototypical representation of Waverley that is reasonably portable and much more flexible too.


Sorry if this all seems a bit dry still, folks, but I'm afraid it's all the railway modelling I have to offer at the moment. I'm going to dig out the Waverley board soon, so hopefully I'll be able to show a few pics again, maybe even in the sunshine outside. Oh sorry, I forgot, I live in Cumbria.


Cheers for now,


Edited by Waverley West
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  • RMweb Gold



Thought some photos from January 1980 might get your creative juices flowing. Yes the white sleepers are covered with a very sharp frost!


With apologies for the quality (due to film deterioration and poor conditions on the day)


0444 26001 26007

0445 25033

0446 40101


0448 40086

0449 40 (unknown number)

0450 40 (unknown number)

0451 55018 ballymoss









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Wow, Colin. They are fantastic. Fascinating to see that pair of 26s on the MGR too, presumably on their way from Cockenzie power station back to Fife??


And the southern wall - I've been thinking that I could include a representation of that wall and the Waverley West signal box. Looking at the overall colouring of the walls and the ballast, I don't think I was too far out. I was thinking that my walls were maybe a bit dark, but looking at these shots, I'm not so sure. I think they must have been cleaned at some point during the 80s.


There's definitely plenty of inspiration in there! Thanks again.




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  • RMweb Gold

Seeing Colin's image of 40 101 reminded me of one in my collection, taken in August 1981. The old girl was on an Aberdeen service and was hooked up early enough for me to grab this shot before I and my companion boarded the train. I can't recall the exact working, but it was a morning departure, probably around 10am, and we rode behind her all the way. Our return service that evening was equally enjoyable, being hauled by a pair of 26s, but that's another story!



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  • RMweb Gold

Nice one.


Glad you liked my shots. I'm sorry I cant help with the route of the MGR as this was far from my regular stomping ground. The only help I can give is that it was a wednesday morning. I had arrived on the sleeper from London, popped to Haymarket for a look at the newly introduced Glasgow-Edinburgh push pull trains, then up to Princes Street Gardens for these shots. They are posted here in time order so given that the MGR was the first shot at this location, probably around 930am. The strongest memory is how very cold it was! I did see a couple of brass monkeys pestering the local PWay crew for a loan of their welding gear..........

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Some very nice photos and interesting to see. Cockenzie power station was in the news this week as it is set to close next year as it no longer meets emission standards. It still generates a lot of coal rail traffic so it will be a shame to see this go,



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi folks,


Well, at last I have some news of some actual physical progress on the layout. I have actually cut some wood in the resurrection of WW! This has cheered me up no end after some very frustrating months. After four successive nights of painting walls, door frames, etc., etc. I decided I just had to work on the layout for the sake of my sanity.


I have so far completed one pair of legs on the station board. These legs (like the others to follow) fold up under the baseboard and can also be removed easily, unlike the old legs. This board will probably only have the one pair of legs and will attach to the board behind it for support. A single removable leg to make it freestanding might be useful though so that it can be moved around independently (to work on/photograph outdoors for example).


Here are a couple of photos of the board in its new home. With the warm weather we've had recently, it's actually been quite pleasant in this room (which is above a detached garage). The board still has its protective frame around it from its move. I think I'll leave that on for the moment as it does protect the board well.




In the background of this shot you can see my younger daughter's layout which is also being resurrected... :)




The next board to be resurrected will be this one, which is the one underneath Waverley Bridge. It's a rare shot which shows quite well what actually happens under the station cover.




The track on this board is to be remodelled so that the inner track becomes a continuous circuit. That will entail terminating one of the other lines in order to make space but will enable me to run much more realistic train movements and sequences.


Hope to be back soon with some more progress.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi folks,


With the Easter break, I had a little time to do something other than work or paint the house.


A big hindrance to any progress on the layout was the lack of anywhere to do any woodwork, so I spent some time setting up my workbench, which is now more or less sorted...




I also set up my spray booth...




This means that any spare time I get now can be spent actually making progress on the layout, rather than just sorting stuff out.


I also managed to find time to split one of the larger boards into two, as these are to be separate boards for ease of transport. The track on them is also to be remodelled as part of the remodelling of the hidden station track layout. These boards will also have separate legs so that they can be worked on separately anywhere around the house.


Although I have lots of ideas, I still haven't decided on a definite final shape of the layout as yet, so of the two boards in the picture only the board on trestles is definitely to be saved. The other board in the picture may be reused, modified or completely replaced. For the moment, I've just decided to progress one or two boards at a time and see how the layout pans out. There are some things that are definitely to be saved (the station board for example) and other things which I think I can do better now (certain aspects of the track layout and Haymarket depot, plus possibly the Haymarket end of the Princes St. Gardens section too).




Finally, I have also started my first rolling stock project since moving house. This is the detailing and respraying of two more old Airfix Mk 2Ds, an FO and a BSO, partly as a result of Hornby's announcement that it was going to delay release of the latter. Once these two coaches are complete, I will have an 8- or 9-coach ECML early 1980s rake of Mk 1/2 stock.


These coaches have so far had Shawplan window frames fitted and been primed...




So, although it may not be spectacular progress in the form of scenery or tracklaying, I have made some important progress in the resurrection of the layout over the Easter break and should be much better placed now to make further progress. Time permitting of course.


Hope to be back with some more updates soon.




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