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Waverley West, Princes St Gardens and Haymarket MPD

Waverley West

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Hi Dave,

Nice to see some pics,:D 47711 looks great, I do like the large logo liv though never saw it on a 47/7. By the time I went to Scotland they were all in Scotrail liv. I like the new photo spot with the loco coming out of the tunnel.

Whats next?


Cheers Peter.

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Thanks for the feedback millerhillboy. Bringing back memories is what Waverley West is all about for me, so I'm glad it does the same for you too! Being a dog lover, the story of Greyfriars Bobby has always struck a chord in me, so I guess that's why I chose 711, plus the fact that it was one of only two 47/7s to wear the large logo livery which I've always thought suited the 47s, not to mention other classes too. Of course, I should really have 708 (Waverley) too but that's one for the future.


While I'm here, I thought I might as well post this shot showing 47711 at speed over the Almond Valley viaduct at the rear of a Glasgow - Edinburgh service back in 1982...




Next into the Waverley West Works will be some Mk 2d's for fitting with Shawplan windows and window frames, plus a 'top secret' project that might just surprise you a little. Watch this space as they say (but don't expect anything too soon!).


Progress on the layout itself has really come to a halt at the moment unfortunately, partly due to lack of time and partly because of the possible house move. There doesn't seem much point doing anything major to the layout when I may have to split it up in a few months time in order to move it. If it does get moved though, it will be to a bigger railway room. :yahoo: :yahoo:




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Not sure about full-size :yes: but if I have more space, Haymarket depot is the big new development I have planned, plus some sort of fiddle yard to make operation more varied and fun.


That'll be worth seeing..


The sad thing for me is that I go past Haymarket on the train every day now, and sadly there is nothing worth looking at. I sometimes don't even look up.

25yrs too late for me....

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Hi Dave,


47711 looks superb, great photos as always. I'm curious as to what your top secret project may be - I guess I'll just have to keep following your updates! I have had to pack up my layout at the moment too as our flat is going on the market pending a future house move! Hope yours goes to plan it would be great to see you develop the depot area as you want!




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi folks,


Thanks for the kind comments. Precious little modelling going on here just at the moment. Managed a quick operating session in the sunlight earlier today though...


27105 heads out of Platform 13 bound for Haymarket after bringing in a train from Dundee in August 1984...








while 47644 waits time at Platform 15 with a train to Aberdeen...




Cheers for now!




PS Thanks for the shots of 47712 Tay Bridge. Incidentally, I've never seen a shot of a 47/7 fitted with snowploughs before. Unless anyone else knows different of course...? It may not bother you in the slightest of course and that's fine, but I just thought I'd mention it.

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Thanks guys!


A slight variation on the backlit 27 theme...




Right, better go and do some work instead of perusing RMWeb I'spose. Must see if I can get back into the modelling groove. I've become a bit derailed recently, what with life getting in the way and all that.


Cheers for now,


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Hi Dave,


Cracking shots as ever - I do like the photos you take of 27 105, it might be a fairly mundane machine in banger blue but it just looks so realistic the way you have captured the weathering to bring it to life. Its one of my favourites to spot in your fleet. Your time machine seems to be faulty though - it brings us these views of cracking trains and scenery but it somehow fails to capture the correct Scottish weather, unless your just lucky, as its always Sunny and we don't see that much of that up here at the moment!




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Hi Dave,

I agree with Mark, that class 27 does look good sat in the sun.


I am sure you will get back into your modelling groove soon, I think we all go through periods of not doing much. Last time I lost interest I played trains for a bit, the workbench soon fills up with locos needing wheels cleaned or kadees adjusted. Doing little jobs that can be finished in half an hour or so helped me get back into doing a bit more.


Cheers Peter.

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Thanks guys. I must admit the Heljan 27s are some of my favourite locos and they do look nice weathered. 27105 has actually just been taken out of service at the moment for wheel cleaning.


I've been busying myself with fitting window frames and Lazercut windows to some Mk 3s recently and I've just started on a Mk 2d as well now. Three Mk 3s are now finished, with the rest of my original InterCity-liveried HST rake awaiting an order from the ever-helpful Brian at Shawplan. I'm looking forward to finishing the Mk 2d as I think the Shawplan parts will make a big difference to it.


Managed a quick trip to Waverley in my time-space displacement machine yesterday. Not quite such sunny weather this time, Mark!






I even managed a quick trip up the Scott Monument and got a bird's eye view of 47644 waiting at the platform...




We've now had 3 house viewers in 3 weeks, including one from a potential cash buyer earlier today, so at least things seem to be picking up on that front. If the move does come off, I think I'm going to have a nervous breakdown at the thought of disconnecting all those wires under the WW boards. I never imagined we'd end up moving house when I started building the layout!


Cheers for now,


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It's looking good!


What did the people who viewed the house say when they saw the layout?

I'd be asking if the layout came with it and if not how much to include it! :rolleyes:


Well, it has caused quite a bit of comment and some smiles, as you might expect, especially seeing as it takes up about half of my "office"! I even had to run a few trains for one family (non-believers mind). It has had to be explained to some of the children that the layout wouldn't be staying, which was met with some disappointment. There has been some incredulity expressed at the idea of me moving it though. :blink:

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Hi folks,


Just thought I'd post some slightly different pics without trains (shock, horror) of parts of the layout I don't often show. Some of them show the backscene which I made up using my own photos of Princes St. pasted onto a sky background and then (hopefully) blended in with the actual layout scenery.


First up, a view of the Waverley station section of Princes St with Jenners and the Scott Monument in the background.




Next, some views from Castle Rock across to Princes St.








Waverley Bridge with the North Bridge and the Old Town in the background...




The National Gallery viewed from the west side...




47644 waits at a red signal as it heads westwards...






Now over to the other side of the layout around the depot area...










Cheers for now,


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