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Waverley West, Princes St Gardens and Haymarket MPD

Waverley West

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Hi Dave,


Sorry to hear about you problem with superglue, I have had a few bad experiences with the stuff, the last time was refitting a nameplate.:( I now use PVA it dosen't stick as quick but seems to work really well.


Hi Grimley,


It was because they were not common down my way, I used to get bored of seeing Old Oak loco's and Crewe based machines on the cross countrys. Things did get better later in the 80s when the Up Wessex Scot from Poole to Glasgow used to produce a Scottish beast quite regularly, If I timed it right I could see it storm through Sway while i was doing my paper round.:D



Cheers Peter.

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Thanks guys. I know what you mean. I think one of the reasons why I modelled Waverley (apart from the sheer variety of traction and the atmosphere of the place) was that it was far from home, living as I did in in my formative years in Cornwall. The humdrum for me was refurbished 50s, HSTs, western region 47s, 37s, the occasional 25 and, if I ventured as far as Plymouth, Exeter or Bristol, Peaks and 33s too. We used to go to Scotland just about every year on holiday.



I have now got over my carelessness and am back on track patching up the mess. I was just annoyed with myself as I knew a moment's carelessness was going cost me a couple of weeks' respraying. All part of the fun, eh? :D Incidentally, I use double-sided tape for my nameplates. That way I can adjust them the next day when I come back to a loco and decide the plate wasn't straight after all. It's risk-free and invisible too. Even I can't mess that job up. :D



Cheers for now,


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Seconded on the use of double-sided tape, Dave. I first used it as a matter of necessity when I had precisely 20 minutes to put the finishing touches to a loco that was being given to someone at an annual awards dinner :blink:


Having sneaked downstairs to the basement lounge of a nearby pub (that was off-limits pending a Private Function), I spread out the tool bag and got the pantograph, numbers, 'plates and the like on, screwed the loco to the plinth, and sealed-up the fish tank!!! No-one was any the wiser, but my memory of the adrenalin is sufficiently strong that I've used the 2-sided tape method ever since :D

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Hi Dave, after seeing your model 644 it reminded me of a trip up to Edinburgh via the ECML and then returning back south by the WCML. We took a cross-country service and got hauled by 47643 from Waverley to Carstairs where we saw a few 47s including 461, 467 and 644.


I was sure that I had taken a couple of photos on the way into Carstairs so had a look over the weekend and found them. Although not the greatest shots ever I took them out of the window on the way passed.


Here they are:


First off 47643 just come off the front at Carstairs:




47461, have just about managed not to buy one….yet!








A DBSO at Waverley



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Nice photos there Alex,


I remember back in my teens I had some old Railway Modellers with Carstairs featured in it and I remember trying to re-create it around my bedroom - never really got anywhere with it but it was interesting to change and split trains. I use to travel on the services into Poole when I was younger with a electric from Lancaster to BNS and then a 47 was put on to Reading and then another 47 was added for the reversal and run to Poole. That was when we had proper trains!



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Alex, wow, that's brilliant, especially that last one of the DBSO. :D :D :D Any idea of the year? I see there's a 150 on the right too, not sure exactly when they were introduced - 88/89?? I see 644 and 461 have the cab roof radio aerial too.


Looks like I could do with a bit more platform furniture. Don't remember seeing any shots of that greenery on the platform before. Must be pretty late 80s I guess?


Cheers again!



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Mark, I remember quite a few Network days spent at Reading seeing the Inter-Regionals change locos there. We used to get 50s from Waterloo to Basingstoke and then get a cross-country up to Reading for another 50 to Oxford or Paddington. As you say, proper trains then!


Hi Dave, you are welcome. Sorry they are not better quality! I believe that it was 1989, will see if I have any information to confirm the date.


Peter, I had a Lima model of 643 and 644 many years ago! 643 has got one of the ploughs missing! I think Waverley West and Llanbourne need a model of that one……

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Hi folks,


Modelling progress has been a bit slow here at Waverley West lately. The big news is that the layout (and me) may be on the move, not far, but our house is now on the market again. We're interested in a place which has a 5.8 x 4.9m games room. No prizes for guessing what my plans are for that room. It would allow the layout to be expanded significantly and I've been daydreaming about what form that might take. Anyway, mustn't get too far ahead of myself as it might not come off.


It was a lovely morning at Haymarket depot this morning as the locos waited for their first duties of the day...
















With the in-laws visiting this weekend, modelling time was even more at a premium than usual but I did manage to make some progress on my first Mk 3 with Shawplan windows and window frames and 47711. It's all a case of snatching what time I can at the modelling table and layout right now though with so much going on.


Better go.


Cheers for now,


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Hi Dave,

Nice to see a bit of sun at Haymarket,:D looks like a few locos are on shed must be a sunday, that coal liv 26 looks great.B)

Glad to hear you would extend the layout and not start again, hope it all goes to plan that would be a great railway room. Will Waverley be easy to move though?


Cheers Peter.

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Hi Dave,

Nice to see a bit of sun at Haymarket,:D looks like a few locos are on shed must be a sunday, that coal liv 26 looks great.B)

Glad to hear you would extend the layout and not start again, hope it all goes to plan that would be a great railway room. Will Waverley be easy to move though?


Cheers Peter.



Hi Peter,


I've been thinking of retaining the Waverley and Princes St Gardens sections and possibly the country section too, depending on the shape of the "new" layout. I could add the Haymarket tunnels at the end of the Gardens section, which would be nice. I think I'd probably start again with the depot side, building a compressed model of Haymarket from scratch, and also adding some much-needed fiddle yard space. That's my current thinking anyway.


I would only have another 70cm in length or so, so Waverley East is out of the question unfortunately. Width-wise I could have up to another 2m or so though, so there would be some great potential to overcome some of the space restrictions I have at the moment.


As regards moving the layout, it would be an absolute nightmare. Mainly because of the sphagetti-like wiring that has accumulated under the layout over the years, with wiring for point motors, accessory decoders for signalling and points, lighting, track power, etc. etc.. It certainly wasn't built to be moved. I think I can physically break up the layout without too much hassle, with the Waverley section being split from the Princes St Gardens section under The Mound Tunnel. It's the wiring that will cause the headaches. Serves me right for not being methodical, neat and organised in the first place. :wacko: :wacko:




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Hi Dave,

I remember you saying that you were going to redo the shed area so as you say you won't have to save the whole layout. I am sure you will manage to move it ok. I managed to get Llanbourne shippped to Oz with only a little damage, and the underside of Llanbourne is far from pretty.:D


Cheers Peter.

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Hi Dave


When I first clicked into your thread and reading the caption I was expecting to see a prototype picture as I could just see the top of the roof line and sky - the whole picture overall is very well captured it does make you look twice! I like those shots of the locos on the depot it has a distinct atmopsphere about it you can almost smell the diesel on the engines that are idling! Its funny the sun was shining over haymarket depot just a couple of days back but I never saw that fine loco line up you have captured, just some 158's and 170's! :D


The Haymarket Tunnels at the end of the gardens would be nice to have on your layout - the track curves into them so would create a nice scenic break at the end of run out of the station and the way trains are often held at the signals waiting for a route into the station through the pointwork at that section would create some nice photos and great operating potential. I hope it comes to plan for you!




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Hi Dave, superb shots. Loving 642 and 644….is it possible to get a depot permit as I am thinking of venturing up after seeing the latest photos!


Great work, I look forward to seeing the new Waverley West with extension and scratch built Haymarket depot. Sounds very interesting indeed, good luck and fingers crossed.


By the way I cannot find my notebooks from the visit to Edinburgh but am pretty sure that it was 1989. We have some video some where,…..but not sure where!

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Some interesting shots there Grimley. Is that 643 just peaking in to the shot of 644? The one i want to do is 47642. Dont know why as i never copped it. I just liked the look of it. Also is that a builders plate i spy on 47467?


In terms of the models they are superb. The weathering is excellent. Its an area which can make or break a layout and in this case its been very easily made. Ok i'm going to get my rose tinted glasses on and look back through my old notebooks. It was better back in the old days. :D



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Much as I adore this fabulous layout, there is a serious omission which I feel you need to address!




Good luck modelling the Action Man on the headboard ... !


Cheers, Dave. That photo's so good, I reckon I could make a passable headboard from it. It's 50030, isn't it? I saw a photo of that tour arriving at Waverley in a book on 50s (50s in operation?) a while back and was wondering how I could do the headboard. With a bit of modeller's licence, I could put 50044 on it instead. I'm on the case. :D


Do you happen to know what happened to "Scot's Streaker I"?? It wasn't another 50 to Waverley, was it?


Thanks again.




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  • RMweb Premium

fantastic stuff as ever dave!


apologies if this has been covered before, but i'd always thought that 2-car 108s didn't really 'fit' much but the use of 108s would do until someone makes a 3-car 107 (no criticism intended dave)

well, looking through a flickr set recently discovered, what do i find?


Edinburgh Waverley - 01-07-1989


shows how much i know! :blink: :lol:


some other good pics of waverley in the 80s in there too


hopefully the house move means to somewhere with bigger rooms and you can start on the east end! :O :D

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Nice pics Alex,


I notice 47643 has ploughs, I've not seen a pic of that loco with ploughs before might have to add that to my todo list.:D


Cheers Peter.


Must have got them sometime between April and September 1986


Man Vic 4th April 1986



Man Vic 15 September 1986




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Hi folks,


With so much going on in the background here, progress on Waverley West has been very slow recently. Isn't it frustrating when life gets in the way of railway modelling?


I managed to sneak a few minutes tonight though for a quick night photo session down at Waverley. Time-space displacement machine set for August 1986...
















Calton Hill, a view hopefully familiar to people who know Edinburgh...






47711 has now been sprayed with gloss varnish ready for the transfers. I just need to find a night in front of the telly to do the transfers now.


I've been looking at a few houses in the area with some fairly large potential railway rooms. Just dreaming at the moment, but it would be nice. :D


Thanks for the various photos everyone. 108s were definitely a feature of Waverley in the late 80s, yet not many people seem to realise it.


Cheers for now,


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