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Heljan 'OO' DP2

Mike at C&M

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Thank you John, I fully intend to handle one before parting with any folding and have had an offer to do just that.


I never intended to be swayed by others (the final choice will be mine and mine alone) although the information offered will be invaluable either way and I doff my cap to those that have offered it up.

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But then what would have happened with 50 149?



DP2 would have been withdrawn by then, I think. Actually my suggestion should have been 50101, as '00' numbers weren't issued for the first of a class.

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DP2 would have been withdrawn by then, I think. Actually my suggestion should have been 50101, as '00' numbers weren't issued for the first of a class.

I wonder how long DP2 would have survived if the accident hadn't happened? I would have thought it would be a useful asset during the fitting of air brakes and ETH to the Deltics (would DP2 have been so fitted too?). The ER seemed to have liked it so they may have tried to keep it on until something major broke or expensive works attention was needed. As Deltic availability was pretty poor it may have survived longer than expected if in good health.

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Given that the fundamentals were the basis of class 50 - the chuggy lump inside subsequently found its way into one, poor thing - I should think ER would have hung onto it as long as possible, as it should thereby have been readily maintainable despite its prototype status. That well known railwayman Dick Hardy has ventured in both spoken word and print to suggest that ER would have much liked a fleet of DP2s to replace all the other class 4 power it had to make work: it was simple, rugged, robust, and consequently low on maintenance, high on availability; and withal performed extremely well. His verbal comments on the class 50 were significantly toned down in print; one rather suspects that he would not have looked kindly on anyone involved in design and implementation of the 'improvements' that produced the class 50 from the DP2 template...

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  • RMweb Premium

I wonder how long DP2 would have survived if the accident hadn't happened? I would have thought it would be a useful asset during the fitting of air brakes and ETH to the Deltics (would DP2 have been so fitted too?). The ER seemed to have liked it so they may have tried to keep it on until something major broke or expensive works attention was needed. As Deltic availability was pretty poor it may have survived longer than expected if in good health.


I doubt sadly it would made it past 72/73 under the National Traction plan. Had there been a fleet of them well it might have been a different matter though I doubt Dick Hardy (beyond being very vocal) would have had much say in it - BRB CM&EE calling the tunes - and seeing as there were already many quite reliable - and I'd imagine less costly - given the Sulzer lump in it, Class 47s..... all 510 ish of them.

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As Deltic availability was pretty poor .


So poor that they topped the annual mileage tables for diesel locomotives by a country mile. DP2 was an impressive piece of kit but I doubt it could of lived with the Type 5 schedules in the late 70's once multiple aspect signalling and line speeds north of Newcastle had increased. No doubting it was the best 4T diesel electric though.

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  • RMweb Premium

The only reason they achieved that was that there were only 22 loco's tied to a tight set of long distance diagrams. I'm not sure what the Miles per Casulaty rate was for them however the need for special attention and the elevated cost of maintenance saw many of the ER CM&EE guys never so glad to see the back of them. Still though I wish for the days when you could hear nothing better than that 3,300hp in full flight.

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The Deltics beyond a doubt were 'made to work' in all the several senses which that phrase can encompass. And while something more easily maintained and with a lower casualty rate is always desireable, there is a certain perverse pleasure in making something flawed but capable with close attention give of its best.


I have seen this effect in an artisan workforce on a wet chemical washing plant process that went from a very challenging to operate machinery to something far simpler and more reliable. While 'the management' all sighed with relief, there wasn't the same buzz in the workforce of that section thereafter. Previously they knew they were making a huge difference, close attention to a hundred and one details meant success; with the new equipment the skill involved was much less.

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  • RMweb Gold

Sean,I wholeheartedly agree with your posting. A simple question. Do your samples have any wayward inclinations with regard to track-holding ,i.e. over pointwork,reverse curves,radius clearance,etc? I'd be very grateful for your observations. Yes---it is a 'warts and all' loco but if it stays on the rails heading a train of Bachmann Mark 1's,then I'll buy. Cheers,Ian.

Today,I visited DEMU Showcase at Burton Town Hall and visited DC Kits Stall ,where I had a conversation with Andrew from Kernow who was 'guesting ' on their stall. I explained the dilemma I'd been having regarding track-holding reports on this thread. He then suggested that the DP2 is similar to Bachmann's NRM Deltic in many repects and that if that would run OK on my layout (It does),then I'd be fine with DP2. I took the plunge. I bought one from him. Yes---she's fine--goes through all curves & pointwork (Peco Code 100) majestically. I like it. Well done,Heljan .Yes,maybe I'm easily satisfied,but,unlike many of you,I did see the prototype DP2 in service and this small replica looks and runs fine by me. Thank you,Andrew and the ever dependable Kernow.
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As a couple of posts have said, DP2 was well regarded on the ER; I think it's in either the 'Deltic Symposium' or the D&C Loco Studies that it's referred to as the '23rd Deltic', and not just because of its bodyshell. It certainly covered capably for the Deltic fleet during some of the 1960s mods to the fleet. I wouldnt be too keen to doubt its potential abilities in later years either - the 50s were strong performers once they'd been de-festooned of electronics and were probably capable of knocking out more than 2,700hp, as opposed to the derated Sulzers in the 47s.

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Hello,I've just received my DP2 from Rails, 'D Day' June 6th,and now, from that day forward it will now be known as 'DP2 day!!'

Anyhoo,getting it out of the box ,eventually,these are good boxes!, I thought 'Wow' she's a beaut,looks really good,now, does it go?? No problems off it went, nice and smoothly,except for this 'clickety' sound from the bogies?

It turns out that the centre wheel,not being a driver is very loose and wobbles around something terrible,once I got it on track it was fine, the motor responsive and almost totally silent! (I'm running with rather old H&M duette controllers,but my layout is 'brand new',first layout since leaving Scotland in 1985, the Duettes came with!!)

So what of DP2?,' the model', well, I've read this 'forum' through and not all I see are in favour of it,I'm like many,I like to form my own opinion,I make up my own mind and never let others sway me, if I find fault,I'll fix it( if I can),but I do not go out of my way and go as far as phisically measuring up, (rivet counting??)I go by all the photos in books and mags that I have and DP2 measures up well in my eye, it looks just like it one,well,there was only one!

I placed it alongside my 'Deltics', I've got a B'mann 'Production' Deltic and their NRM DELTIC (nothing can compair to this, so I don't compair!!?)Straight up you can see the difference in the nose area of the 'production' version and DP2,but I would not say that the production version is right either,to be honest, I prefer the look of DP2,changing noses around?,not me.

That was as far as I went, DP2 is NOT a Deltic,it's not having any Deltic parts fitted to it,but I can tell you that I did find what must be classified as a 'serious fault',on looking at one side there were marks showing through the paint finish in a sort of 'wavey pattern'. I used to work in a plastic moulding shop operating various types of 'plastic moulding machines' and I would put this down to a 'flow fault' in the moulding process. I thought seriously for a moment to return it,but I had second thoughts and 'polished' up the' offending' body side This did not make it go away,but it sort of disguised it,being in a shiny...'ex works' condition throws the eye through reflections making it much less noticeable. With a carefull bit of light weathering,this will improve it further....

Anyhoo,in conclusion, Im 'extremely pleased with DP2,now to pick an end and fit a coupling,I need to see her on a train!............Dave

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I can't speak for DP2 but, with one exception, I have found that Heljan locos run very, very quietly indeed, so that the only sound is the wheels clicking over track joints. The one exception is a class 33 which has a slight gear whine. I have around 14 Heljan diesels in service so I think that's a pretty good record. I do intend getting a DP2 model as well so thanks to the posters here for the comments and photo/video.

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