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Heljan 'OO' DP2

Mike at C&M

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  • RMweb Premium

Not wanting to be a pedant (okay I am - M&EE / engineering drawing office training does that) but what was the source of the comparison drawing. Yes I know it may be only a few thou of a difference it would generate, but what comparison drawing was used? one from a BR / English Electric General or Body Frame arrangement drawing - or a weight diagram? -

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I feel like a bit of timewaster.


But I've had a change of heart and decided to cancel my order


I can see what everyone else is seeing now and they are right


For something that was going to be a impulse purchase of a celebrity cabinet model for me I think ill spend the cash on somethting else that I really want

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Perhaps we should have a separate thread for 'due dates and early pictures only' so that forum users who just pop along to check the production progress of a loco that they have been looking forward to receiving can be kept up to date. Then a separate thread for 'errors and cancellations' so that those of us 'who accept mediocrity' (forums passim) don't have their anticipation of receiving it repeatedly kicked in the cobblers till it lies twitching in the four foot?


I absolutely and totally respect the views of the very knowledgeable posters on this forum, almost all of whom know more about these things than I, but I do find it slightly odd that people are cancelling their orders based on other posters opinions gleaned from photographs taken through a glass case? It's like cancelling your holiday because somebody has seen a picture of the hotel in the brochure and thinks you won't like it.

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Perhaps we should have a separate thread for 'due dates and early pictures only' so that forum users who just pop along to check the production progress of a loco that they have been looking forward to receiving can be kept up to date. Then a separate thread for 'errors and cancellations' so that those of us 'who accept mediocrity' (forums passim) don't have their anticipation of receiving it repeatedly kicked in the cobblers till it lies twitching in the four foot?


Maybe we could have a "hard core" box to tick with our post! You could turn hard core posts off in your profile, then you'd only see the poster's name listed. You'd know something was there, but you'd actually have to to further action by clicking to actually see the hard core post. Life could be blissful then... :nowinkclear:


I absolutely and totally respect the views of the very knowledgeable posters on this forum, almost all of whom know more about these things than I, but I do find it slightly odd that people are cancelling their orders based on other posters opinions gleaned from photographs taken through a glass case? It's like cancelling your holiday because somebody has seen a picture of the hotel in the brochure and thinks you won't like it.


There are lots of new models coming out. We live in good times, but the down side is that you can't have everything. Some individuals are just being selective. Based on all the other recent models that are still available in one form or another there is no reason to expect that the DP2s won't be still be for sale in six months if you change your mind.


Those photos in the glass case were very revealing....

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  • RMweb Premium

Don't worry Northendboy (could we not just call you Preston for short :) I'm looking forward, along with you and Max Stafford to picking up a fine example of DP2 which in it's mediocrity will still look the dogs and be better finished than most of us on here (and I include myself in that) can create.





This threads brought to you by courtesy of Silver Fox / Dapol / Shwaplan :)

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Perhaps we should have a separate thread for 'due dates and early pictures only' so that forum users who just pop along to check the production progress of a loco that they have been looking forward to receiving can be kept up to date. Then a separate thread for 'errors and cancellations' so that those of us 'who accept mediocrity' (forums passim) don't have their anticipation of receiving it repeatedly kicked in the cobblers till it lies twitching in the four foot?


I absolutely and totally respect the views of the very knowledgeable posters on this forum, almost all of whom know more about these things than I, but I do find it slightly odd that people are cancelling their orders based on other posters opinions gleaned from photographs taken through a glass case? It's like cancelling your holiday because somebody has seen a picture of the hotel in the brochure and thinks you won't like it.


I'll hang my house on the fact that the model will be wrong for the reasons stated. Photos don't lie and the errors have been explained several times via prototype pics and the excellent drawings above. Sticking your head in the sand won't suddenly make it accurate.

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  • RMweb Premium

Photos don't lie and the errors have been explained several times


You were doing okay up to that point. Still, if you're not buying it why are you concerned that other folk have a different viewpoint?


I'm sure others may disagree however sadly (because the production models still a bit off) the threads reached the end of it's time. Clearly there are a number of opposing camps - for, against and unsure to name but three. Each with as far as they're concerned valid reason to buy / not buy one. Is there any more to be said?

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Guest Max Stafford

Aye I suspect this thread is adopting a decreasing orbital pattern.


Have a look folks, judge on your own observations; buy if you like, leave it if you don't.

Substantial, if not conclusive evidence of weaknesses has been offered and the choice is yours to take or decline.


It's that simple in the final analysis. :-)



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OK, this really is my last word on this.


I absolutely and totally respect the views of the very knowledgeable posters on this forum, almost all of whom know more about these things than I, but I do find it slightly odd that people are cancelling their orders based on other posters opinions gleaned from photographs taken through a glass case? It's like cancelling your holiday because somebody has seen a picture of the hotel in the brochure and thinks you won't like it.


I do think that's totally missing the point of discussions like this. I'm sure Mike (Delamar) wont mind me using him as an example again, this is what he actually said:


I can see what everyone else is seeing now and they are right


His decision is not 'based on the opinions' of others, it is guided by their assessments. It's not the same. The evidence now includes an excellent drawing, not just photos through glass. These others have pointed out what to look for, and now he sees it for himself. It's informed free choice, nothing more complicated than that.


At one extreme, nobody should tell anyone not to buy something just because they think it isnt good enough. At the other, nobody should be told that they should buy it regardless, and be satisfied. What there should be is a healthy environment where anyone can listen to informed comment and then make their own decision (which, shock horror, can even include looking at putting matters right themselves). Sadly, there is a small but persistent body of opinion on this forum that seems to want to stop that happening.

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I'm sure others may disagree however sadly (because the production models still a bit off) the threads reached the end of it's time.

Aye I suspect this thread is adopting a decreasing orbital pattern.


I agree it's a sensible point at which to lock the topic; it can be re-opened when the production models are available.

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  • 1 month later...

Ditto from Kernow. It means that DP2 is not far away!


Images frpm the Cornishmens' newsletter :-





Question - Has Heljan fixed the cab / nose taper issue ?, or is there lens distortion present ?

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