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GRANBY JUNCTION - Shunting Siphons for the Up Parcels with a Manor!

john dew

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  • RMweb Gold

Hey, I resemble that remark!


The 72xx does look like a beast, without question. I have a G2a sitting idly here that could be better utilised. Sing out if you want it, just would need to be back dated.


Hi Tony


I hoped my Pannier comment would get a bite!


The G2a looks an awesome beast and your weathering looks brilliant..........I will send you a PM


I have just enjoyed my Sunday morning cuppa watching and listening to your latest video.........your videos combined with the Coachman's continue to pile the pressure on me to at least dabble with one sound chip. I particularly enjoyed the whistle and signal sequence!





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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for all the likes on the last post Gentlemen.


This week......breaking news.....sort of



Headline from the Granby Courier  March 1948:





Apparently Lieutenant Ffanshawe-Smythe wanted to use his mobile:






MIB, of this parish, knows far more about these matters than I:


"IIRC the Comet was the first MBT to have the dreaded ITT  "Infantry Tank Telephone" - a handset in a box at the rear of the tank.  When the donkey wallop-ers, and the PBI were working in unison, and Lt  Ffanshawe Smythe needed to direct a bit of firepower, he could stand behind the mobile pill box and talk to the crew and direct shots.

Not too well thought out because Lt Ffanshawe-Smythe was stood right by the exhausts and the engine and had to put up with that racket whilst trying to hear what the crew reply was........"

 I assume the ITT box is one of the three boxes under the exhaust cowlings........there is a lot of interesting detail like that on the kit

Having been extricated from Station Rd here is the Comet in a more conventional mode.





Not a great shot but hopefully you can see the weathering I have applied to the deck of the Warwell




Next job is to secure the tank to the Warwell with chains. I have been debating what decals to add. If the tank was ex works then just a number would suffice. In fairness, with the new paint job, it does rather look ex-works so I may have to attempt some subtle weathering if I add more signs.

Oxford do a great job adding Formation, Arm of Service and Bridge discs. However each of my 5 models is signed for a different unit from different parts of the country.Two are from different Scottish Divisions, Two from Northumberland and one from 1 Corps. Infantry, Gunners and Sappers. In itself its not a big deal.....they are very small.......but I know its not right! http://yourmodelrailway.net/images/emoticons/icon_twisted.gif



Doesnt show the signs but does show the camouflage......I am not at all certain that Army vehicles based in the UK were in fact camouflaged in 1948........I could live with assorted units and a consistent camouflage. But the camouflage varies with each model... I am guessing.....Italy.....D Day and NW Europe.......not sure but they are different ......and it is quite obvious.

So while I had the Olive drab paint out:



Doesnt bear really close examination but applying the 3' rule this definitely reflects what I remember throughout the fifties.

Once I started I couldnt stop




The three on the right are my other Oxfords, a 20 year old badly made Coopercraft model hides at the back. I have no idea of the provenance of the two on the left. One of my grand daughters bought them specially for me, much scratched and battered, at a church bazaar. So now, many years later, they can appear on the layout.

I am a great believer in including markers on a layout that make it obvious the period it is supposed to represent. I fret about having appropriate locos in correct liveries, the balance of open wagons to vans, signage on shop fronts etc. A model of 1948 has to include a lot of military markers

 It is too easy to forget that between 1948 and 1960  every able bodied male between the age of 18 and 25 had to serve in the armed forces for two years ( it was 18 months initially). The Regular Army alone was over 500,000 strong.....I guess its a tenth of that today. All these men were constantly moving around the country....on leave,posting,courses.....and almost always by rail......not forgetting every summer the series of special trains taking TA units and School Cadet Corps to and from their fortnights camp
I think I have convinced myself to fork out for a sheet of Formation Sign decals......43rd Welsh Infantry Div T.A. would make a nice (if slightly later) marker. Perhaps I can squeeze a TA Drill Hall in the space behind the Engine  Sheds.....the new Scalescene Castle/Folly would make a nice backdrop!

But not this year.......the Brewery beckons

Best wishes from a sunny Vancouver.



Edited by john dew
29/9/2022 Photos
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John, you tell a good tale. Well done and most enjoyable.


Takes me back a bit to the days when I was 2215......Gunner Flann! And in that humble rank one just stood at ease and let the Officer. but more likely the Sergeants, sort any problem out.


As I recall the vehicles were in drab  (although every effort was made to make them shiny) and not camouflaged.both in the UK and, where I served-Hong Kong.


PS. When being transported the gun barrel is customarily depressed.

Edited by john flann
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  • RMweb Gold

Hi John


Thats very kind of you....I am glad you enjoyed the piece.


Thank you for confirming my recollections of Olive drab in the early fifties. Your input was particularly welcome because when, with justifiable pride, I showed Doreen my newly over painted Oxford models her helpful response was " Very nice darling.......but shouldnt they be dirtier...camouflaged perhaps"........collapse of proud modeller.


Hope you are keeping well


Best wishes



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John, yes, it happens.


But your musing over the signage made me think as I was enjoying my cornflakes ,for one episode in my army career (?) was that  I became the Troop Signwriter. This meant when my fellow squaddies were off on some fatigue I was fallen out and happily occupied myself painting numbers and unit insignia on our vehicles. As I remember it,  the unit number was 47 on red/blue square and the Divisional a yellow Chinese dragon on a black background.


Often too unit notices were required and these were  done in full military fashion (I can't say Regimental for we were an Independent Battery.)


OT I know, but it made a nice skive while it lasted.




John (2933)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

Don't forget to cross the chains when lashing down vehicles John - a low mounted pair of chains going up to a load when crossed over gives restraint in all 3 planes.  


The rear lashing points on an MBT are mounted at approximately track top level for this reason.  Front lashings tend to be just below the join of the top and bottom  glacis plates.

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The model has securing shackles positioned as you describe them.......I will use them to permanently secure the tank to the Warwell in the approved manner. This has to wait until my decals arrive and I have worked out what to apply. Many of the well known formations were disbanded immediately after the war only to be reformed in 1948/9


I have enjoyed researching all this stuff.....one of the charms of the hobby following leads up long forgotten by ways. I found it intriguing that the tank designers would use the term "glacis" .....a term first used to describe the slope in front of a medieval castle.


Best wishes

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  • RMweb Premium

. Many of the well known formations were disbanded immediately after the war only to be reformed in 1948/9



 It didn't stop then John - I worked with 11 Bde (insignia is the charging bull in black and red)  in Afghanistan in '09 - they were re-formed for one 6 month operational tour and then closed back down again.


At a military dinner last night I heard tales of the wheel being re-invented elsewhere - it'll never stop!

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  • RMweb Gold

By way of introduction here are a couple of shots from the archives.......as long ago as April 2011 when I had just finished the original Brewery

The halt outside the brewery for the Brymbo-Mold Autotrain which leads to the lower level storage sidings


The picket fence lead down to the level crossing which gave road access to the brewery






The halt suffered some collateral damage when the storage sidings were relaid a couple of months back










With the storage sidings completed and the covers back on it was time to rebuild the halt and realign the entrance to the brewery.

The tunnel and level crossing made quite a nice cameo but the crossing had to include the brewery siding and in consequence never looked entirely convincing as part of the entire scene.

The halt was obviously in place to serve the brewery so I feel there has to be some way for passengers to cross the line safely. The halt is very much in the wings in relation to the brewery so I didnt want to invest a lot of money in a footbridge.....always assuming it could be adapted to suit the geometry of both track and siding. I decided to attempt to kit bash an inexpensive Dapol (ex Airfix) bridge








The bridge looks a bit clunky right now................................... but as the next shot shows, its still very much a work in progress.


Panning back a little to reveal more of the corner:





Not so much a bridge too far......more a bridge too short.

The other half (well three quarters actually.....I had to buy a second kit) is resting on its back on the brewery site while the glue dries






Which is a convenient segue to show the completed trackwork for the new brewery












The brewery entrance siding (which will also serve as a headshunt) curves round from the halt and splits into three sidings. There is a fourth kick back siding into which I can just squeeze an Engine Shed for the Hattons Barclay Shunter

To end here is something rather different.......in  the top right of the shot above, the sharp eyed may spot a new loco with an unusual insignia for Granby



Inspired by Larry (Coachman) I have bought a black BR Oxford Dean Goods.......decided I couldnt wait for the Green GWR version to arrive so I ordered one of these guys. ........I have just put a decoder in hence the loose tender body.....Now I have to get busy with the Canadian equivalent of T cut.

First impressions are excellent. It is probably one of the smoothest runners I have experienced. Both its appearance and performance sure put the pre release pages and pages of froth into perspective. More pictures when she is reliveried, weathered, coaled and crewed



Best wishes from Vancouver

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi John


Instead of using T Cut or similar, I now use Microsol (the Microscale decal softening solution) for all of my renumbering activities. I first put some over the area with a brush then let it soak for a few minutes before using a toothpick to start to lift the printing. It probably takes a couple of repeat applications but doesn’t damage the paintwork as much. With the BR Emblems, the red on the wheel is usually the hardest to get rid of.


This method has worked on nearly all of my projects except for Hornby K class Pullmans. For some reason nothing would budge the names on those but it’s the only failure of microsol I’ve had.


Just a suggestion for you anyway. I also use Microsol as my carrying medium for powder weathering too, so it’s quite versatile.




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  • RMweb Premium

Looking forward to seeing the brewery develop.  I have one planned for NC adjacent to the furniture depot.  


Together they will fill a "short side" of NC.  I hope to be able to isolate them and run them as a separate shunting layout ( I am a DC "luddite"/skinflint).  Chances of me getting to run something like RR&Co are slim to say the least - it scares me a little..........

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  • RMweb Gold

Looking forward to seeing the brewery develop.  I have one planned for NC adjacent to the furniture depot.  


Together they will fill a "short side" of NC.  I hope to be able to isolate them and run them as a separate shunting layout ( I am a DC "luddite"/skinflint).  Chances of me getting to run something like RR&Co are slim to say the least - it scares me a little..........


Breweries must be one of the best lineside industries for a layout......so many different materials going in, lots of outgoing traffic.....unique building styles.....whats not to like?

Doug (Chubber) sent a link a few posts back which has a very helpful explanation of the sequence of brewing processes. Right now I am trying to work out how and where to place them in the buildings I intend to create from the Scalescene warehouse kit.


I get a tremendous amount of enjoyment from RR&Co.....modelling alone, with a largish layout, not sure how I could manage otherwise. Although I recognise that its not for everyone so I dont spend much time talking about it in Granby.


I would, however, suggest that DCC is worth considering for North Cranford. I know that "only two wires required" is something of an exaggeration. Nevertheless it is undoubtedly true that any layout that is larger than a plank and with more than one loco in steam is simpler to wire and far more flexible in operation with DCC.


I like to think that I helped Mr Duck of this parish to see the DCC light and you can see how much he is enjoying it on his SOS thread. Although cavalrymen are notoriously conservative (read luddite) I may well return to the fray when you are settled in to your new abode :jester:


Best wishes



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I can definitely see the benefits of DCC - no need for sectional wiring and switches.    But NC has quite a few engines needing chips.  Perhaps I should just grasp the nettle and buy chips now and learn to fit them myself.

Edited by M.I.B
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  • RMweb Gold

The two sections of the footbridge have now been successfully joined together :



Two smoke deflectors/baffles cobbled together from bits of plasticard were added, along with mutiple dirty washes and some weathering powder



The auto coach enters the halt on a 24" radius. Accommodating the difference in platform height, the complex angles and ensuring the autocoach had adequate clearance was "interesting". Note the chamfered edge of the LH support foundation in the next shot!




The slightly askew support pillar is not part of the Dapol kit. It is made up of two pillars butted together from the Ratio Canopy kit........last used in Granby I circa 1998.........waste not want not.

Talking of which the equally askew keystone girder immediately above the pillar came from the Peko bridge that I butchered a few months ago

Here is an overall shot that, perhaps, helps to put the footbridge into the context of the overall brewery project





Next to the bridge is the first and, at present, only building of the new Brewery....... a Metcalfe unit with an additional storey added many years ago for a long since abandoned project.

Some may query the presence of such an imposing footbridge on a minor branch line. The more informed will recall that the branch line had to pass through land originally owned by Danby Breweries Ltd. Colonel Sir Morgan Danby Bt. MP DSO, great grandfather of the present chairman, was a formidable negotiator. 


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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for all the likes etc for the bridge....now its time to focus on the Brewery......I need some help

Unfortunately, while not unfamiliar with the product itself......I have little or no idea how it is made

Back in September, Doug (Chubber) of this parish sent me a really useful Brewery link :


Its well worth reading, not just for the illustrated history of the architecture and development of smaller Victorian breweries, but also for a succinct summary of the brewing process. It certainly gave me some useful ideas.

My old brewery was built in 2010 using Metcalfe kits


I did contemplate re-using some of the buildings but decided against it. They are very attractive models but perhaps a little small for Granby. They have become so popular that they are immediately recognisable. I wanted something a little different.

Scalescene Warehouse kits are very flexible and I think I can create that sense of mass so typical of Victorian buildings:




Within the confines of the site and allowing for the modular nature of Scalescene Warehouse I intend to make two principal buildings. A warehouse/bottling plant that will be three stories high and a brewhouse that will be narrower and taller with 5 stories.

There will be assorted ancillary buildings….Cooperage, Boiler House, Water Tower etc but these will come later.

Here is the track layout and some scale mock ups














The modified Metcalfe unit, on the left, will serve as the Brewer's House, Offices and the Brewery Tap.

Right now I need advice and input on where the various brewing processes would be allocated to the two principal buildings

From the link I have summarised the distinct processes as follows

Malting:  Barley is steeped in water for 3 days. The germinated barley is turned and dried 7-14 days and then roasted All this took place in a   separate building. Some breweries had a Maltings on site, others bought the malted grain in.

I dont think I have enough space for a separate Malting building so the malt barley will be bought in

Milling       Malt Barley ….Milled and ground …... Grist

Mashing    Grist mixed with hot water in Mash Tun. Mixture stays in tun at controlled temperature for 2-3 hours to become  wort

Boiling the Wort       Wort is run off, mixed with Hops and boiled in a Copper for two hours

Cooling the Wort      Wort is sieved (hop waste is sold) and cooled

Fermentation            Yeast added and fermented for three days in large open containers (wood/copper/stone )
                                   Surplus yeast is skimmed off and sold

Racking                    Beer run off from fermenting vessels into conditioning tanks. Finings clear any remaining yeast

                                 Finally transferred to Barrels or bottled.

The brewhouses or towers were designed to to take advantage of gravity…...raw materials were hauled to the top using a sack hoist along with water pumped from a tower or reservoir. On completion of a process it was dropped down to the next floor finishing up with beer ready to be bottled/barrelled on the ground floor.

And yet…..some of these processes require significant ventilation…... cooling the wort (in the middle of the cycle) according to the document was sited near the top of the tower for just that purpose

I am not proposing to have highly detailed interiors but I need to have a rough idea of where the processes would likely have taken place in the configuration I am planning. This will dictate whether I have windows or vents and at what floor I locate the external corridor connecting the two buildings that will convey both product and people etc..

Right now I am guessing on the following:

                                                               WAREHOUSE                                                            BREW HOUSE

Floor 5 (Tower)                                                      NA                                                                         Mashing

Floor 4                                                                   NA                                                                      Boiling the Wort

Floor 3                                                            Conditioning                          Corridor                      Cooling the Wort

Floor 2                                                           Racking/Bottling                                                          Fermentation

Ground                                                         Storage and Distribuition                                        Receiving and Milling

Total guesswork I am afraid…….. I would really appreciate any advice.


To obtain information from a wider audience  (knowlwdge of beer is unlikely to be confined to the followers of Granby!) I intend to also post this enquiry in a separate thread.....hope that is ok with the Mods

Best wishes from Vancouver


Edited by john dew
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John, just a thought from my experience-and both Hintock Redux and Port Bredy are more compact than yours but I found tall buildings along the front get in the way of reaching in.


I thus keep the front clear of tall buildings, as yours appear to be, and what are there only of one storey with clear roof lines. Even  then shirt cuffs still catch.


Apart from that comment I like what you intend  and wish you well. I don't worry too much about getting matters technically right. I'm more concerned with the overall impression..

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi John


I worked at a more modern brewery when I was a student and the actual brewing process was all separated from bottling and packing, then distribution was in a third building.  The brewing process, receival of dry ingredients, processing and brewing were run as a sort of separate part of the whole thing.  There was lots of steam everywhere too, for brewing, cleaning, pasteurisation, so you might need a whopping great big boiler house!


I had a good walk around Clarks brewing at Wakefield which was quite compact, everything was in just one or two buildings, so I suppose it will be about the size of operation and how much traffic you want it to generate.  I did have aspirations of modelling a brewery (given how much I enjoy a Yorkshire pint), but realised a colliery was probably more appropriate for my layout.




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  • RMweb Gold

John, just a thought from my experience-and both Hintock Redux and Port Bredy are more compact than yours but I found tall buildings along the front get in the way of reaching in.


I thus keep the front clear of tall buildings, as yours appear to be, and what are there only of one storey with clear roof lines. Even  then shirt cuffs still catch.


Apart from that comment I like what you intend  and wish you well. I don't worry too much about getting matters technically right. I'm more concerned with the overall impression..


Hi John


You are absolutely correct about the dangers of tall structures at the front. I have lost count of the number of times I have had to repair my branch signals. However in this case the brewery tracks will run in front of the buildings........the main line tracks are behind but they rarely require attention......nevertheless I will make sure the buildings are easily removeable!


Again I agree with you about the importance of the overall impression. You are a master of doing this with your layouts. Unfortunately I dont have your sense of artistry and symmetry, so I have to nitpick about the detail in case I put a sackhoist or vent tower in the wrong place and ruin the overall look.


Its cold and wet here......you must be getting snow soon?


Best wishes



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  • RMweb Gold

Hi John


I worked at a more modern brewery when I was a student and the actual brewing process was all separated from bottling and packing, then distribution was in a third building.  The brewing process, receival of dry ingredients, processing and brewing were run as a sort of separate part of the whole thing.  There was lots of steam everywhere too, for brewing, cleaning, pasteurisation, so you might need a whopping great big boiler house!


I had a good walk around Clarks brewing at Wakefield which was quite compact, everything was in just one or two buildings, so I suppose it will be about the size of operation and how much traffic you want it to generate.  I did have aspirations of modelling a brewery (given how much I enjoy a Yorkshire pint), but realised a colliery was probably more appropriate for my layout.





Thanks Tony


I wasnt sure about how separate the distribuition would be and its a big factor in the design process because of locating the loading platforms and doors . Part of the problem, of course, is that in real life the buildings mostly came first followed by the track whereas I have done the reverse in order to maximise the half moon site.


Someone on another site sent me a sketch of rhe processes at Hook Norton Brewery. There is more up and down movement than I had thought. I think will have another attempt with my mock ups......dispense with the connecting corridor and create one larger building but with 3 separate sections and roof lines........back to the drawing board!


I still harbour ambitions to squeeze a pit head into the layout some how......it will have to be in the background ....probably on a window sill


I am watching the live updates of England v Australia as I type this.....Wont tell you the score in case you and St Edonoc want to watch the replay.......how do you guys work out which team to support..........with me its England unless they play Canada.....but that is hardly a contest





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I think that thought ought to be given to whether or not bottle beers will be the greatest output of Flann's Flavourful Brewery or cask ales, distributed locally by horse dray. Bottling plants might take of a lot more space [supposition only]? Neddies need stabling...?





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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Tony


I wasnt sure about how separate the distribuition would be and its a big factor in the design process because of locating the loading platforms and doors . Part of the problem, of course, is that in real life the buildings mostly came first followed by the track whereas I have done the reverse in order to maximise the half moon site.


Someone on another site sent me a sketch of rhe processes at Hook Norton Brewery. There is more up and down movement than I had thought. I think will have another attempt with my mock ups......dispense with the connecting corridor and create one larger building but with 3 separate sections and roof lines........back to the drawing board!


I still harbour ambitions to squeeze a pit head into the layout some how......it will have to be in the background ....probably on a window sill


I am watching the live updates of England v Australia as I type this.....Wont tell you the score in case you and St Edonoc want to watch the replay.......how do you guys work out which team to support..........with me its England unless they play Canada.....but that is hardly a contest





Recorded it overnight (kick-off was 0200 our time) and just watched it after breakfast. No spoilers - perhaps I'll comment later on my own topic when everyone else has had their chance to see it!

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