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GRANBY JUNCTION - Shunting Siphons for the Up Parcels with a Manor!

john dew

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  • RMweb Gold

As followers of ANTB will know this is one of my favourite locos




Its such.an iconic GWR branch loco and although the model is now somewhat long in the tooth I still think it excellent.. I originally ran them on Granby II and 15+ years later they are still extremely reliable and super smooth runners.

 When I started building Granby III and switched to DCC they were the first locos that I chipped. They seemed perfect for the branch passenger service

This involves a loco exchange at Granby and a loco run around at the lower level Cynwyd branch,,,,,,,all run automatically with RR&Co .




The B Set hauled by 4550 rolls into Cynwyd..........note the bus carefully placed off the bridge http://yourmodelrailway.net/images/emoticons/icon_lol.gif





Crawls to a halt and uncouples






4550 runs around the B Set


First outing for the carriage branding......sadly not transfers but looks ok applying the 3' rule





and approaches the train to re couple....................

Which is where things started to go wrong. The NEM pocket that holds the Kadee coupler is mounted on the pony truck rather than the body. There is, of course, a lot of sideplay on the bogey wheels. As a result there is no guarantee that the coupler will be centred on the loco body...........thus there is no guarantee that the loco will couple!

The hand of god is not a good idea at the best of times......on an automated routine it is the kiss of death as the loco charges up Cynwyd Bank leaving the coaches at the platform......... blocking the entry of the also automated auto train......mean time the hand of god is elsewhere. 

The immediate solution was to bench the Prairies....one has to be ruthless! They were replaced with Panniers and ever since the routine has run seamlessly........well almost, but thats another story.


But I still hankered after the Prairies and from time to time........typically every time Robin posted one of his super shots on ANTB..... I would dust them down (literally) and give them another try........all to no avail


Until I finally hit on a solution........and here is the proof on a rather fuzzy 16 second video


How did I fix it ......all will be revealed tomorrow

Edited by john dew
7/11/22 Photos
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  • RMweb Gold

I hope no one was waiting with bated breath for "tomorrows" how I did it! http://yourmodelrailway.net/images/emoticons/icon_redface.gif

I decided to make a somewhat longer video showing the routine and it took far longer than I anticipated and its still pretty rough anyway. You can see it at the end of the post.......do let me know what you think

Now for a health warning. I am a broad brush coarse gauge modeller. If you are a sensitive soul skip to the bottom of the post.....the locos are sufficiently far away and out of focus so you will be unable to see the scary bits http://yourmodelrailway.net/images/emoticons/icon_lol.gif

I explained the issue in the last post. With the NEM coupler pocket mounted on the pony truck it is impossible to ensure that a Kadee coupler will always be positioned in the centre of the loco.

The obvious solution is to mount the pocket directly on to the underside of the chassis.......but that of course will foul the pony truck when it negotiates a curve. Even a coupler on its own will foul the truck.

Surgery has to be applied to both coupler and truck. The coupler has to be cut very short and the pony truck carved back......completely removing the redundant NEM pocket and , I am afraid, the guard irons .

It gets worse......the chassis is set quite deep into the body so there is not even a mounting point.......and at the front the body fixing screw is right below where the coupler will be mounted  

The solution was to build up very small layers of plasticard in each corner so that they neither cover the screw or foul the truck

Then mount a very thin full width plastic bridge on the two layers.......I probably worry too much. I havent taken the body off since I chipped the loco in 2008!






The rear was easier ....no fixing screw to worry about






I could, and should have made a neater job of cutting the plastic shims

After I had taken these shots I added a refinement http://yourmodelrailway.net/images/emoticons/icon_lol.gif by drilling both the shortened coupler and base. Then glueing and screwing the coupler to the base

Here is a side view showing how much depth had to be built up




Now a before and after albeit using different locos







 Apart from a missing head lamp and a fireman apparently standing on his head.....I like to think the only difference is the missing guard irons

For the unconvinced a closeup





Finally the video......its a bit shaky and I apologise for the quality its much fuzzier than I expected....and of course the music.

Its primarily about the Prairie and a B set......but there is some background at the beginning you may like.

A 64xx Pannier sandwiched between two auto carriages from Ruabon. An LMS 3F hauling steel pipes to Birkenhead, a Dukedog with empty Oil tankers heading to Ellesmere Port and LMS 8F shunting Iron Ore Wagons  

All with one mouse click.......one continuous shoot.....I just edited out the delays built into the run around



As part of the freight sequence there is a rather nice double header Pannier goods which didnt make the cut......next time perhaps?



Edited by john dew
7/11/22 Photos
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John, very neat solution that. For all those good reasons I've looked at the underside of my Prairies on many occasions, shaken my head in puzzlement and put them back.


I now ask myself the question,why didn't I think of that!


And whilst commenting Granby does look so very well. Its come together nicely.


My regards,

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  • RMweb Gold

Fantastic John, I've just watched the videos - so mesmerized that I stopped chewing my apple. Best case for automated operation that I have seen.


The fix seems to work perfectly and isn't obvious in the photos I think.


I am concerned about that driver standing on his head though - but I think the answer may be found in the fourth picture from your previous post - he clearly knocked his head on one of the platform lamps :-)

Edited by Mikkel
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  • RMweb Gold

John, very neat solution that. For all those good reasons I've looked at the underside of my Prairies on many occasions, shaken my head in puzzlement and put them back.


I now ask myself the question,why didn't I think of that!


And whilst commenting Granby does look so very well. Its come together nicely.


My regards,

Thanks John


That's very kind of you


Ps I omitted to thank everyone for the ticks etc on the last post....My apologies to all.

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Excellent work on the Prairie John, I just glued my No 18 to the underside of the NEM box but I like your method much better as mine still moves about. Great Video and super choice of Music, just my style. Well done.

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  • RMweb Gold

Fantastic John, I've just watched the videos - so mesmerized that I stopped chewing my apple. Best case for automated operation that I have seen.


The fix seems to work perfectly and isn't obvious in the photos I think.


I am concerned about that driver standing on his head though - but I think the answer may be found in the fourth picture from your previous post - he clearly knocked his head on one of the platform lamps :-)

B****r I thought I had fixed that lamppost!


Glad you liked the video Mikkel.....I know RR&Co isn't for everyone but I do enjoy showing what it can do.


Best wishes



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  • RMweb Gold

Excellent work on the Prairie John, I just glued my No 18 to the underside of the NEM box but I like your method much better as mine still moves about. Great Video and super choice of Music, just my style. Well done.

Thanks Andy......you are very kind about the music......it was the best of a very limited bunch from Iplayer? I need to sort something better but I am confused by copyright stuff


Best wishes



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Regarding the side play on the bogie wheels, following a post I read some time back, I used small slices of a used Biro tube, fitted to the axle, both sides, between the bogie and the wheel. A bit of trial and error, but works. You need to remove one of the wheels from the axle to do this. I'll try and take a photo later. My problem was with the Prairie bogie lifting on points, and derailing. I use S & W couplings, so just a wire bar is required, on the Loco.

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Regarding the side play on the bogie wheels, following a post I read some time back, I used small slices of a used Biro tube, fitted to the axle, both sides, between the bogie and the wheel. A bit of trial and error, but works. You need to remove one of the wheels from the axle to do this. I'll try and take a photo later. My problem was with the Prairie bogie lifting on points, and derailing. I use S & W couplings, so just a wire bar is required, on the Loco.

Photo attached now. Really just DIY washers.


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  • RMweb Gold

That looks like a lot of effort in attaching kaydee's but they work well shame about the size of the metal rod that hangs down.

I use cut down Bachmann couplings part number 36-025 (36-026 for a bigger gap) on the B set coaches cut the wings off and trim to fit into the  Airfix coupling mount  36-025.gif

This mod works well on the 14xx and autocoach as well sorry no photo of the modified part as the are all wrapped up for winter.

Edited by 81C
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  • RMweb Gold

Summer is long gone. Fall in Vancouver is damp at the best of times......this year has been the wettest October ever. Despite the opportunity to do lots of modelling I have spent forever deciding which of my "Big Three" unfinished projects I should start first. Is it just me or do we all get more indecisive with age?

Finally a decision has been made (I think). The mess and yard offices for the shed will continue in a holding pattern (thats 4 years and counting).....ground will not be broken for the Station Hotel and General Post Office until 2017.....instead I will both refurbish and complete the low relief buildings that screen the storage sidings which occupy most of the right hand side of the railway room








When one is inside the operating well, the low relief Metcalfe terraces are quite effective as a screen. However this is not the case on entering the room. Once one has  passed the large Scalescene Warehouse there is nothing to conceal the storage sidings


Over the years I have tried various solutions....none successfully. I decided that a road bridge over the exit tracks could work but I couldnt figure out how to make a credible transition with the extremely narrow terrace street......so I just let it stew for a while and worked on the other side of the room.

I think the recently released Scalescene low relief Warehouse and Loading Bay kit may provide the answer.

Before I can start I need to do a lot of repair work on the Metcalfe Terraces......they feature on the first page of this thread and are at least 9 years old......and it shows icon_redface.gif. Over the years they have been badly knocked about........whenever there is an issue in the storage area one or more of the modules are temporarily removed and they are now more than a little scarred......chimneys are particularly vulnerable.


At the end there is a module of Metcalfe small terraced shops followed by some of their High Street Shops




Never been comfortable with this scene. In isolation its a reasonably acceptable cameo but, as I said at the time, it looks out of place in the context of a Welsh industrial village.


The terraced shops you can just see on the right of this shot are more credible except for the fascias.......here is a quote from one of my first posts

Although I have been careful to avoid TV shops, Pizza Takeaways and other time period giveaways it has been pointed out to me, quite rightly, that the Fascia lettering is still a big giveaway......you did not see those fonts (the Newsagent is a glaring example) in 1947......at some stage I will have to do some remedial work:


I guess 'some stage' has finally been reached.......once this has been posted its back to fiddling around with Office Libre fonts !


The larger shops were removed some time ago. Eventually they will appear in the high street cameo that I have been roughly assembling on the window sill above the main line into Granby. In their place I have some Metcalfe Factory components that at one time I was going to use at the far end.





Repair the windows.....add a roof, backing and some detailing, maybe a factory chimney and hopefully this will make a more appropriate background screen.

Regards from a very very wet Vancouver



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for the likes etc on the last post.......the factory is now finished






I should have taken shots of the components from the Metcalfe Factory kit . The two gable units are designed to be joined together or they can be extended with one 2 window wide insert. You cant see the back so I used both inserts at the front and set the gables at right angles to better fit the site and to create something a bit different.

The back is just plain card strengthened Scalescene style. The complete unit is mounted on a card base so it can be lifted out of the way if there is an issue with the storage siding entry throat which, when in position, it hides

I guess this shot tends to confirm the view that Granby is more reminiscent of East Lancashire than North Wales.......what a shame the GWR didnt run into Oldham!




Alma was the most convenient (ie shortest) Crimean battle.....the Boer War may have been more appropriate couldnt recall any suitable battles.....didnt fancy spelling out Ladysmith

I chose the Phoenix signs deliberately to suggest a new start after the war.The mill could well have been used as a temporary barracks........I should try and insert a few faded WD markings

The kit came with stone coloured quoins which I didnt think looked quite right I preferred to leave the corner fold lines painted out with waer colour.

The rather bright Metcalfe brickwork was toned down with a fairly hefty dusting of grubby pastels



Hoist Crane added from bits and bobs. The roof is Scalescene paper......applied as one sheet.....normally I do strips but felt I could take a short cut here

The road bridge was cleaned up and lamp posts re positioned. I am quite pleased that the exposed storage yard doesnt look out of place



The bridge deck is removeable.......there are two elderly point motors with peco frog switches under the support on the left, which sadly need all too frequent attention

One more item I can check off my 1947 time stamp bucket list........the letters E W S painted on a wall! 




For those who were not around during and immediately after WWII (most of you I would guess) the letters EWS (emergency water supply) could be seen in all manner of places to guide the Fire Service to alternative supplies should the water main be blown up. In this case the mill lodge (off scene)

Still on the bucket list is an above ground bomb shelter......we had one on our suburban street in North Liverpool.....pretty sure it was still there in 1947. I will try and fit one in up the street

So there we have it.......another dark satanic Mill to add to Granby's landscape 


Next post ......will be a change of pace

I am working on my main line passenger rakes........starting with the Birkenhead to ......somewhere in the West Country Express. Havent sorted the exact destinations yet but it will include two through coaches to Port Bredy.....my neighbour  icon_lol.gif John Flann's new layout and it will be hauled by a Star.






Regards to all from Vancouver.....where it is continuing to pour down

Edited by john dew
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  • RMweb Premium



Great detailing on the Metcalfe kit, which looks like it is a fairly decent item out of the box.  But I really like the hoist and the name plates/letters.


I still haven't done any modelling, but talking of Stars - I am determined to do the late 1940s tender top for my Lode Star before I go back.


Stay dry - best wishes from a very dry Essex.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for all the support guys.




I have had the Metcalfe kit for a few years......its very versatile.....low relief, half relief or the full monty. I have another set in low relief that I have to dolly up and fix behind the coal stage


I look forward to seeing the finished Star tender. I always enjoy your Cranford posts. Hadnt realised you were back home......just in time for the Autumn Internationals. Just bought my sky day pass...early call for me on Saturday. I imagine you are looking forward to seeing how Scotland measure up against Australia this time


Best wishes from a still wet Vancouver



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John, you are a master with :"improving " Metcalfe kits, Alma MIll takes me back a few years and I'm sure I came across its namesake somewhere in the Bolton/ Accrington/ Blackburn/Preston localities!


And whilst have only a hazy memory of Wrexham, I think, it reminded me more of E Lancs, as was, rather than N Wales.


Port Bredy is not yet open to traffic but the next few months will get me there in time for when your through train coaches start running. Meantime theyand their passengers are welcome at  Hintock and onward travel by GWR motor omnibus to the company's renowned Pennsylvania Castle Hotel..


Lovely sunshine here-drying off my river rock very nicely.

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  • RMweb Gold

 Is it just me or do we all get more indecisive with age?


I know exactly what you mean. Well maybe not. On the other hand, yes.   :)


Very nice work on the factory, John. As others have said, the hoist crane is a great detail. Interesting to learn about the EWS, not something I have noticed on other layouts of the period.


Amazing that it's 9 years since you started this thread.

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  • RMweb Gold

John, you are a master with :"improving " Metcalfe kits, Alma MIll takes me back a few years and I'm sure I came across its namesake somewhere in the Bolton/ Accrington/ Blackburn/Preston localities!


And whilst have only a hazy memory of Wrexham, I think, it reminded me more of E Lancs, as was, rather than N Wales.


Thats very kind of you John....thank you.


I am encouraged by your comment about Wrexham and its similarity to E Lancs. After my post I thought I had better find out a bit more about the textile industry in North Wales. I knew Courtaulds had a mill in Flint (I have a couple of PO wagons that say so!) but I was astonished just how extensive their involvement was.....one mill alone employed over 3000 people! Not cotton spinning but man made viscose (Rayon) originally known as artificial silk..........now I have to learn a bit more about how the raw material and finished product were packaged.



Port Bredy is not yet open to traffic but the next few months will get me there in time for when your through train coaches start running. Meantime theyand their passengers are welcome at  Hintock and onward travel by GWR motor omnibus to the company's renowned Pennsylvania Castle Hotel..




I have passed this information on to Trevor Jones, the Stationmaster at Granby Junction. A blackboard notice has been set up in the booking hall :jester:  


Best wishes



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  • RMweb Gold

I know exactly what you mean. Well maybe not. On the other hand, yes.   :)


Very nice work on the factory, John. As others have said, the hoist crane is a great detail. Interesting to learn about the EWS, not something I have noticed on other layouts of the period.


Amazing that it's 9 years since you started this thread.


I have no hesitation in thanking you Mikkel!


I must say I find  it astonishing the thread has been running for so long......I guess the apparent increase in the speed of time passing is yet another sign of my advancing age!


Best Wishes



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  • RMweb Premium

Hi John. 


Star tender top is done, as is a "rescue" on a K's SIPHON F and some weathering, as well as a new Hall for North Cranford and some weathering,  and roof repaints on a few vans.  All will be revealed when I am back in Afghanistan and have a little more time.  I am wringing every last minute out of being at home.


Rugby has been good, as has been the food and of course the company.


I have also been house hunting and have found the ideal home for North Cranford...........surveyor is booked and fingers are crossed....

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

I have got behind with my posting......watching too much Rugby......anyway as promised this post is a switch from dark satanic mills to Express Passenger trains.

I have spent a lot of time developing my "out and back" suburban routines but I also run a number of "roundy roundy" schedules......just to watch the trains go by.

i can only devote two storage roads to Passenger Expresses. On the Down line two five coach rakes do a tail chasing routine. My dilemma...... should I do the same on the Up line or instead run one long train of eight/nine coaches. 











The Star and both Castles handle nine coaches with ease. I must admit that it is rather impressive as the train thunders through the station on its first circuit and then belts over the viaduct.......on the other hand its sheer length is perhaps too much given the overall size of the layout.......as you can see it is certainly difficult to photo effectively  





I need to come to some sort of definitive solution because I will be adding coach roof boards........if I run two trains one will go to Paddington and the other to the West Country. If its a long train as shown it will definitely be to the West Country hence the two Southern Coaches (I understand it was not uncommon to see these in Birkenhead Woodside)

Right now I am thinking of Birkenhead-Granby-Bristol-Plymouth with two through coaches to Penzance and of course two through coaches to John Flann's Port Bredy........the Southern Coaches were originally diagrammed for Penhayle Bay........but Rick (Gwiwer) is mothballing that layout when he moves to the UK. I had thought of Southampton (there was a through service from Birkenhead) but would it have bee attached to a Bristol train?

Any suggestions/comments particularly about a Southern destination would be most welcome. I know its all fiction but I would like it to be credible fiction!


Regards from Vancouver where, would you believe, the sun is shining




Edited by john dew
7/11/22 Photos
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  • RMweb Premium

One long train proceeding majestically slow would be my choice John.  Behind the Star.


Full brake leading of course.  There is something powerful about a full brake at the head of a passenger rake.  I too will be warping the start date of the Hawksworths to suit myself......


I have some Southern vans, and plenty of LMS vans and passenger stock, but I can't see myself justifying a single green coach.


I know I have shown off my detailed and weathered BR N1, but that will appear on a certain Auction site when I get home next year, and will certainly not touch my rails.

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  • RMweb Gold

Full brake leading of course.  There is something powerful about a full brake at the head of a passenger rake.  I too will be warping the start date of the Hawksworths to suit myself.......

At least the thirds and break thirds were in regular service, though I do have a break composite currently substituting for the impossible to find all third in my Cornish Reviera set at the moment.

I do keep thinking about stretching things to run at least the full break and all first in the short term until I have built enough real coaches to replace them.

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