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GRANBY JUNCTION - Shunting Siphons for the Up Parcels with a Manor!

john dew

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  • RMweb Gold

John - you will notice a 'Like on the relevant post, I'll say no more except to say that they do look rather nice (and add that a miniature arm would look rather more 'different' that just using a disc ;) ).


Thanks Mike......I am guessing I managed to stay in bounds then!


When, in the spring, the S & T department revisits the signalling at the North end I suspect there will be a number of redundant calling on arms! I should be able to replace the disc with one suitably repainted.


Kind Regards

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi John, I've very much enjoyed your latest batches of photos, so much to study in each photo and they give a real sense of a busy railway environment. I can almost hear the sounds and smells! I like how you use space in all three dimensions so to speak, ie that view across the bridge to the Manor on the viaduct is visually very pleasing and interesting, I think.  I don't actually find the backgrounds all that intrusive as long as they're relatively uncluttered - but I can see why you'd want to add a bit of blue sky every now and then.


The new signals add a lot to the scene, and I've learnt from the discussion you had with Mike above. I like the shunt arm, some day I'll build a whole layout designed around a shunt arm :-)


I'm very envious of your Sauvignon Blanc overflights. I think the airspace over Vancouver must be a bit overcrowded and it's time to redirect some of them to Copenhagen! I'm also slightly concerned at the huge plant monster that lives inside the train shed - with the green tentacles coming out from underneath it alongside P6  :)   Or did I miss the explanation for that?


Hi Mikkel......its always good to hear from you. I am so glad you liked the photos......the viaduct is a useful location but it is part of the duck under. I am going to either make a portable painted canvass or work on Photoshop to better effect.


The green plant monster.........I love it!




The explanation is rather more prosaic.


I am afraid that was me being a butterfly.....moving on to a new project before finishing the current work.

The platforms under the train shed still need more people and clutter. The tentacles are little strips of masking tape marking the centre of the arches so I know where to put people when the roof is removed.! 


Best Wishes from a very wet and windy Vancouver. Ideally todays overflight will be Schnapps rather than chilled white wine.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold



Literally I am afraid!


I have always said Granby is a warts and all thread so I guess this post definitely maintains that tradition...






Recently I removed the Scalescenes Roof to add more platform detail and perfect the automatic uncoupling in the bays (much easier with the roof off). I also wanted to attend to Mikkel's creeping Green Monster




The roof measures 40" x 20" ......its too big to put on the worktable and rather tricky to manipulate under the duck under. So it was placed carefully on the flooricon_rolleyes.gif

I have done this a few times already. I enforce a strict "no dogs in the railway room" rule.......to avoid collateral damage from wagging tails and big paws........and I am ultra careful to avoid stepping back to admire some piece of handiwork.

Unfortunately we had a cold snap on Saturday so I pulled out the mobile radiator........then swivelled round on the chair.....the arm caught the radiator which then overbalancedicon_eek.gif


Not a happy sight.....one section pulverised .....the three support arches suffering most damage.........very depressing

 But, after uttering a few choice words I realised, that considering the state of the world, it was hardly the worst thing that life could throw at me.

I must be getting more phlegmatic with old age or the blood pressure medication is doing its job.icon_lol.gif

The components for three replacement arches were printed out.....I reckon about 30 minutes cutting per arch....but then I have had lots of practice.

The damaged roof was safely moved under the duck under and lifted on to the desk (where it should have been in the first place icon_redface.gif)

Repairs are now underway


Normal service should be resumed in the New Year small.gif

Thank you to all the followers and readers of this thread who during the year have made comments, checked "likes" etc and generally made my modelling that much more pleasurable. 

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year



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Glad you are able to rebuild relatively easily. I thoroughly enjoy watching developments on your layout, thank you for an enjoyable thread.


I recently had an episode with a toilet overflow coming down onto the layout, soaked lots of things but thankfully no stock and the fiddle yard, the area affected has dried out successfully.


All because the ball fell off inside the cistern, still can't work out how. Like you say, far worse things are happening in the world.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Thanks GWR8700.......quite difficult to guess your interests with that nom de plume!


Glad you like Granby.......an update is somewhat overdue........the roof is now repaired and I have painted the last of the people for the interior so hopefully I can get some photos taken later this week


Regards from a damp Vancouver



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Thanks GWR8700.......quite difficult to guess your interests with that nom de plume!


Glad you like Granby.......an update is somewhat overdue........the roof is now repaired and I have painted the last of the people for the interior so hopefully I can get some photos taken later this week


Regards from a damp Vancouver



Haha, I do love the GWR but I've recently gotten really into the old Midland part of the LMS as well so I like the 3F you have.  I've got one myself and it runs incredibly smoothly.

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  • RMweb Gold

Haha, I do love the GWR but I've recently gotten really into the old Midland part of the LMS as well so I like the 3F you have.  I've got one myself and it runs incredibly smoothly.


I agree the 3F is a great loco, although I found she was not totally reliable until I added tender pick ups......significant improvement...superb runner





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  • RMweb Gold

While repairing the roof of the Train Shed I decided to have a big drive on people painting so that I could also finish the detailing of the station interior.

I hesitate to say that its now completely finished....there still seem to be some rather obvious empty spaces.....its amazing how the project sucks up people......at a rough count there are now nearly 150 people,in the station and adjacent street...... all hand painted rolleyes.gif

I am somewhat embarrassed at the amount of time I have spent on this.......the 3' rule was totally ignored.......despite the fact that to see most of the figures one has to stand on a foot stool and peer down through the the roof icon_redface.gificon_redface.gif

So, before I put back the Roof (now repaired small.gif) here is a rare opportunity, to see these works of art rolleyes.gif

Overall view from the south over Newyd Engine Sheds



And in the reverse direction, looking towards the engine sheds and station concourse.




You can see through the connecting corridors of the buildings.....hence the apparently random positions.........here is a closer shot



Still zooming in



Mostly third tier figures here....the 3' rule applies and you will have to stand on a foot stool!

The Lowry figure in the foreground is set up for the view through the station entrance

Similarly, the figures below are not top tier (ie Monty's) but the aim is to produce an overall sense of bustle.




The Bay Platforms (1-3) and the Up main (4) can be accessed direct from the concourse..........but the only way to get to (5) Down main and (6) Local is via the Subway 



Its a modified Scalescene Kit  that I built 2-3 years ago......you can find the details a few pages back!

Here is a Platform shot including the subway on Platforms 5 and 6




In addition to people added detail includes.....Lamp posts, Platform Indicators, Newspapers, Parcels, assorted trolleys.

Close up of the Subway



This is a very faux subway......the wall conceals the absence of any steps at all........ the lady whose head can just be seen in the prior shot inadvertently lost her legs some time ago but now helps to create the illusion.

Platform 5 is quite visible so most of the figures have been upgraded.

The shortened pillar next to the lady in grey is a compression marker for the roof.......you will have to be very acrobatic to see it once the roof is back

A few close ups 




Dave Parry......relief Engine Driver



There was a suggestion I was service biased (Shock! Horror! rolleyes.gif) so here is a Blue Orchid.... Aircraftman Tom Jones on his way to Hooton........ specially for one of my Australian Internet Buddies




The Reverend Dylan Hughes on his way back to his Chapel at Cynwyd......... out of focus but included to show how anal I can get........look closely and you can just see the pages of his bible are gold leavedrolleyes.gif.......well the brush was loaded with brass paint after making the RAF guy tolerably smart

To finish here is a black and white shot which I think gets close to recreating the atmosphere of a busy station in the late forties

Best Wishes from  a mild and temporarily dry Vancouver


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  • RMweb Premium

This is why North Cranford will be bereft of little people - because I want mine all to be as good as yours John, and I don't think i will ever get there.


Can't have too much khaki.   But I understand the need for a token Brylcream Boy.


In a away it is such a shame to put the "roof" back on,


Once again thanks for the inspiration and for sharing.



Is that a Hawksworth brake I can see?  Same flexibility rule applies on NC.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thank you for the likes etc gentlemen.


I think you are being overly modest MIB.........I do recall your Engine Crew assembly line on North Cranford.....very impressive, in fact I copied a number of your techniques when painting this last batch. In any event I was rather looking forward to admiring your version of a military presence in the late forties :jester:  .


I have always been a bit ambivalent about the roof......there is no doubt it does obscure a lot of detail but I know from Granby II that the same thing happens with individual platform canopies......at least with the roof I can incorporate some view points.


Quite correct about the Hawksworth Brake......I know they are not right for the period but there is nothing else available in RTR and I lack your skill in coach building as I said on your thread I can only hope there will be an addition to the Hornby Bow end range.


Kind Regards



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  • RMweb Premium

The gauntlet has thus been thrown down.


NC doesnt have a platform or many areas where Joe Public will congregate, other than shed staff, brewery staff and lots of warehousemen in the furniture depositry. 


I think I will have to include perhaps a low relief TA Drill Hall.


Not only are your figures beautifully painted, they are also superbly placed: a real feeling that they really are going about their business and each cameo is a genuine snapshot from time past.

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  • RMweb Gold



NC doesnt have a platform or many areas where Joe Public will congregate, other than shed staff, brewery staff and lots of warehousemen in the furniture depositry. 


I think I will have to include perhaps a low relief TA Drill Hall.




Thanks for the compliments.....much appreciated.


The shed should suck up loads of people. When I was doing the shed for Granby I estimated that it would have had as many as 200 on the payroll......admittedly shift work and that number included engine crews based on 30 locos being shedded with many out working. Even so there would always have been a lot of people on the site. The calculation brought home to me what a significant impact the end of steam must have had on all those small - medium sized towns with one (or often more) steam sheds.


TA Drill Hall........brilliant.........I have often thought of trying to incorporate a barracks into Granby but concluded it would look too small and contrived.......but a Drill Hall and adjacent MT park might well work.......thank you!!


Kind Regards



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  • RMweb Premium

Agree on the shed numbers John.  And no wonder the unions went into overdrive when firemen and steam crews were slashed in numbers - it severely weakened the unions too.


That's why Mr Corbyn wants to re-nationalise the railways here - gets the union numbers up and strengthens his powerbase.


The back of TA Drill Hall would be a good cameo - I have seen layouts with barracks on them but we both know how large a real barracks is and a layout can't do that justice. 

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I love the amount of people you have, makes lots of interesting little scenes.  In regards to the overall roof, I think the station is better with one but it's a shame that it obscures the view inside.  Would a peco clear roof solve this?

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  • RMweb Gold

I love the amount of people you have, makes lots of interesting little scenes.  In regards to the overall roof, I think the station is better with one but it's a shame that it obscures the view inside.  Would a peco clear roof solve this?

Thanks for the nice comments GWR8700........I did contemplate a Peco roof when I was planning the station but I couldn't get the spans to work


Thank you gentlemen for the additional likes since my last post......in particular thank you John (Flann) for the craftsmanship tick......anyone who follows his iconic layout Hintock will realise why I appreciate that.


Regards to all from a very very damp Vancouver where we are " enjoying" yet another Pineapple Express



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

Finally here are a few shots with the roof and buildings back in position

To quote Eric Morecambe......."You can hardly see the join"




From the North Side......you can see some colour variations on the roof covering but I actually had that before the accident so the new pieces blend into the patchwork quite well

I took the opportunity to insert plastic rather than card beams between the arches to give additional structural strength and capped the entire stretch with slightly deeper tiles

Maybe a bit more weathering and it is done


As part of the figure painting exercise I slipped in a new driver and conductor to the bus stop cameo






I never really watched " On the buses" but I think Monty's have captured the essence of it......I do like the fag!

Not sure there was an Ocean Beach at Rhyl in 1947 but hopefully the bus is of the right era.

No prizes for guessing the loco that is rather too well defined in this next shot........specially for an internet friend on another forum who has an aversion to the largest class of locos ever built in the UK......now there is a big clueicon_lol.gif




When I painted this I really had to delve into my memory to guess the assorted kit that Conductors (Clippies fem.) used to carry.


You are probably bored with figures but I have to show this next shot.





As you will have gathered I am a big fan of Oxford Models.To my mind they are amazingly well detailed and relatively inexpensive. (no connection)

Just look at the detail and lettering quality on the Austin 7 Liptons Van. You may be wondering why a clearly driverless van is apparently marooned in the middle of a busy square?


Well........next to it is an AA motor cycle combo........by a happy coincidence Monty's have just released a Patrolman........the scales are slightly adrift.......but the 3' rule sorts that out quite well.

Pure nostalgia......I do recall being saluted by these guys in my first car (oops second) a rusting 1947 Ford Prefect.

Now for a change of pace.......the railway room faces WSW, which can be a problem in summer, but provided some superb natural lighting when the rain briefly stopped and a watery January sun poked its way through the clouds, illuminating the interior of the station





I wanted to show you a new porter I added but I forgot about the Taxisicon_redface.gif





I rather liked the LMS Booking Hall in so here it is again in Black and White




And a close up shot from the rear......will those metelots ever catch their train? Bottom right I have started to assemble a GPO Mailbag cameo as a segue to the Post Office that will hopefully be built later this year.


and finally :



Maybe I have too vivid an imagination......or too long a memory.......but I feel I can smell the smoke and soot as the fog climbs up from the valley below.

Best Wishes from Vancouver


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  • RMweb Premium

Love the figures John.


And I spy a Dukedog with a race special train......as well as lots of beautiful stock.


Your cameos are always so excellent.


Greetings from a cold Afghanistan. Thanks for the inspiration and morale.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for the comment Britfarmer......glad you like it........next post will be back to the trenches as I finally start work on the branch line dairy.


Thank you gentlemen for all the likes and etc....much appreciated



And I spy a Dukedog with a race special train......as well as lots of beautiful stock.


Sharp eyes.....it is indeed the Chester Races Special.....in the carriage sidings, I just havent got round to returning the Dukedog to the shed.


You are very kind about the stock......it is virtually all RTR......nothing like approaching the unique collection you have built up. I am very envious of the variety of stock you will be able to run on North Cranford.


Just about to shell out more hard earned pension money so that I can watch the Six Nations. Trying to watch English rugby in Canada requires a great deal of persistence and the outlay of model money! I trust it will all prove worthwhile on Saturday!


Best Wishes from a crisp but sunny Vancouver



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  • RMweb Gold

Wow I've just found this thread - what an inspiration - can I ask a VERY simple question where do the retaining wall sections come from?


Hope you don't mind a complete newcomer joining in but I am just wrestling with how to make my first very tight operationally biased 9x7 shed based layout into something which starts to look good as well - loads of time to spare - very little knowledge




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  • RMweb Gold

And, as a result of the last post, I, too, have just discovered this thread.  Very impressive and I particularly like the use of Scalescenes, not least the monumental station, and the figures and vehicles, particularly the convincing way they are arranged and posed.

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  • RMweb Gold

Wow I've just found this thread - what an inspiration - can I ask a VERY simple question where do the retaining wall sections come from?


Hope you don't mind a complete newcomer joining in but I am just wrestling with how to make my first very tight operationally biased 9x7 shed based layout into something which starts to look good as well - loads of time to spare - very little knowledge




Thanks for the nice comments.


I have used a variety of retaining walls but the long stretch alongside the branch line and on the halt is from Langley Models.




Was that the one?


Happy to try and answer any questions you may have . RMWeb is a brilliant source





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  • RMweb Gold

And, as a result of the last post, I, too, have just discovered this thread. Very impressive and I particularly like the use of Scalescenes, not least the monumental station, and the figures and vehicles, particularly the convincing way they are arranged and posed.

Hi Edwardian


Our paths have been crossing for a while now on ANTB and others. Delighted you have discovered Granby.....resulting from which I have discovered your new thread Castle Aching......super read, I thoroughly enjoyed it. You have done a great job on the Scalescene cottages.......I found them to be a right pain.....I think there is a dimensional error which took me a few attempts to sort out.....didnt seem to bother you....well done.


Glad you liked the station and the people. I sometimes think I spend too much time on detail so posts like yours and Halsey's are very reassuring


Kind Regards from Vancouver



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  • RMweb Premium

Glad you liked the station and the people. I sometimes think I spend too much time on detail




NC will be devoid of people in comparison to Granby Jcn, so I get my fix from your cameos.  10/10 for the ideas   and 11/10 for the execution and painting.

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