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Football Focus

S.A.C Martin

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I'm convinced that the supposed national Harry love-in was largely a figment of the press' imagination. Yes, there are plenty of normal fans I've spoken to over the last few months who would have been delighted to see Rednapp as manager, but the majority, in my limited experience, weren't banging the drum for him in any huge way. I think that the papers have been believing their own hype, and assuming that, by saying "everyone wants Harry", that the FA could be led down that path. Hopefully, in a day or two, they'll get bored of telling us why Hodgson is the wrong man, and just be grateful that we didn't have to get behind Stuart Pearce for the Euros! Seriously, I loved SP's toughness as commitment as a player, but a top level manager he is not - not yet, in any case.


Me, I'm not too fussed which one of them got the job, and now that Hodgson has been confirmed, I sincerely wish him all the best, just as I would have done for Harry Rednapp. They were probably the best two of the likely candidates, and in my view, it was a toss-up between them.


Anyhow - look on the bright side. Harry's talents have always included wheeler-dealing in the transfer market, whereas Roy has always seemed to do well with relatively poor, untalented squads. I know which of those skills will prove more useful as England manager.


Now, let's just hope that the new man has the courage to drop some of those who, despite brilliant displays for their clubs, have utterly disgraced themselves by their ineptitude at one or more big tournaments...

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Well said Steve! The only question is will he be given a chance by the press who have seen their "favourite" ignored...


Back in the League I await Sunday with interest and a lot of trepidation...

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How typical of the "leading" tabloid to be obsessing about Roy Hodgson's rhoticism impediment and for other papers to be complaining about him being the "pragmatic" choice.


I can't see much wrong with a dose of pragmatism myself - appointing a manager with previous international experience, who got Switerland to the No 3 ranking in the the world, (I don't think England have ever been higher than No4) ,who speaks five languages fluently and three others quite well and seems to generally be a fully rounded person.

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It doesn't matter who got the England job, the press wouldn't be happy until they got a good negative story on them and created discord within the camp.

Watching the press conference yesterday summed up everything about the British press and how desparate they are to dig up dirt. They haven't found much on Roy Hodgson yet but about the 5th question put to Hodgson was what were his views on apartheid as he played football in South Africa in 1973. He looked a bit surprised at the question but I guess he is going to have to get used to it. As he said it was 40 years ago, he was young and wanted to play professional football. You would like to think the journalist would have been more interested in how he planned to win the Euros. They've probably already drawn up a shortlist of sitable vegetables to graft onto the top of his head.


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It doesn't matter who got the England job, the press wouldn't be happy until they got a good negative story on them and created discord within the camp.

Watching the press conference yesterday summed up everything about the British press and how desparate they are to dig up dirt. They haven't found much on Roy Hodgson yet but about the 5th question put to Hodgson was what were his views on apartheid as he played football in South Africa in 1973. He looked a bit surprised at the question but I guess he is going to have to get used to it. As he said it was 40 years ago, he was young and wanted to play professional football. You would like to think the journalist would have been more interested in how he planned to win the Euros. They've probably already drawn up a shortlist of sitable vegetables to graft onto the top of his head.


Maybe its time we stopped buying the newspapers and got the news from tv or internet. That would stop them.

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Maybe its time we stopped buying the newspapers and got the news from tv or internet. That would stop them.

This would only work if the news were more accurate and less sensationalist. I don't see that happening.


Well that loveable Mr. Rupert Murdoch is convinced there's no future for print media newspapers.


I agree with all the comments above with regard to the British (gutter) press and the inevitability of character assassinations of Roy Hodgson.

He's exactly the sort of target they'll relish having a go at, especially as England's chances are not that great. It's a perfect set-up.

As a double whammy, when England fail to deliver, they can blame the FA for choosing poor old Roy in the first place.

They couldn't give a toss about getting behind the team and their manager. B****rds.



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A monumental day in our clubs history. We are free from the business tycoons that have plagued us for years and the white elephant stadium that nearly killed us. We may be hit with further relegations from the F.A. but we will still battle on. Oh for a return to Feethams!!!!!!

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A monumental day in our clubs history. We are free from the business tycoons that have plagued us for years and the white elephant stadium that nearly killed us. We may be hit with further relegations from the F.A. but we will still battle on. Oh for a return to Feethams!!!!!!

Good Luck from ALL football fans.

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I see that Wayne Rooney's overhead kick against City has been voted as the best ever in the Premier League:




Is it just me, or is this a bit like one of those polls for the "greatest pop song ever", where the leading contenders are always songs from the last few years (and "Angels" by Robbie Williams usually wins), and older songs - or in this case, goals - are forgotten about? Don't get me wrong, Wayne Rooney's winning effort was fantastic, but it's ironic that the award was announced in the same week as Cisse scored that incredible second goal against Chelsea. As a result, I don't think we can even say that Rooney's goal was the best this season.


Elsewhere, I see that members of Villa's squad are sparing no effort in making their preparation for Premier League survival as thorough as possible:




They may be thick as pig muck (admittedly, I'm only basing that guess on their actions here), but at least the players concerned have had just about enough brains to offer effusive apologies pretty quickly. Although I'm a Chelsea fan, I'm from Birmingham, and I want to see Villa survive in the Prem, so I do worry when I see stories like this!

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Rooney's goal was exceptional, but not the best I have ever seen in the top Division.


Clive Mendonca with his final goal for Charlton Athletic against Southampton, at the Valley, to seal his hat-trick with a monumental kick. He just knew where the goal was.


His best goal outside of the top division, was controlling the ball from a cross, and then volleying it into the Sunderland net in the play-off final of '98.


I'm sure we all have our favourites. Rooney's very "flavour of the month" with the FA. I think there's a few other goals I would put ahead of his volley anyway.


Steve - I think I'm right in saying you're a Chelsea fan - what do you make of the possibility of going to Battersea Power Station for your home games?

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TBH, I've never been to Stamford Bridge, so a move to Battersea wouldn't cause me too much upset!


Honestly, I'm not sure. I only heard the news a couple of hours ago, and from what they are saying, it's only a speculative enquiry for now. There's nothing to say that Chelsea will be moving soon, or even at all. However, if the idea goes forward, why not? My understanding is that due to the listed nature of the power station, the iconic chimneys (although "towers" sounds better) would have to be kept in situ. That would remain quite some landmark, even with a football pitch in the middle. It's about the right size. Maybe they can leave the whole building intact, and have an indoor stadium. Imagine a sliding roof on that thing! My knowledge of London geography is pretty hazy, but the location, next to Chelsea Bridge, seems pretty sensible - at least as sensible as playing in Fulham, which is the case now.

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Rooney's goal was exceptional, but not the best I have ever seen in the top Division.


Nor me! I seem to remember a well known striker (Dennis Tueart?) saying that with overhead kicks it was pure luck if it got anywhere near the goal, and he was well known for them! Having said that his goal in the '76 League Cup got a similar award so that sort of goal has "form"!


I also suppose it depends on whether its just the last bit (i.e. the striker hitting the ball into the 'net) or whether the greatest goal should also include the build-up to the shot, if so there are plenty around which I feel are better...Most "spectacular" goal probably, but "best"? I don't think so...

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  • RMweb Premium

I see that Wayne Rooney's overhead kick against City has been voted as the best ever in the Premier League:




Is it just me, or is this a bit like one of those polls for the "greatest pop song ever", where the leading contenders are always songs from the last few years (and "Angels" by Robbie Williams usually wins), and older songs - or in this case, goals - are forgotten about? Don't get me wrong, Wayne Rooney's winning effort was fantastic, but it's ironic that the award was announced in the same week as Cisse scored that incredible second goal against Chelsea. As a result, I don't think we can even say that Rooney's goal was the best this season.


No way. Pure luck. I'd have voted for anything by Matt Le Tissier, even his ordinary goals were special.

Mind you, this whole business of 'twenty years of the Premier League' winds me up. What the top division is called is irrelevant and all records should be expressed in terms of the full history of the league and not some concept manufactured by Sky.



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Off to the Valley today - 12 years since I've seen a trophy lifted there. I'm happy I have seen it three times in my lifetime, Charlton lifting a trophy of any sort. Play-off final 1997/98, Division One 1999/2000, and now League 1 2011/2012. I am a lucky fan. Sometimes you go lifetimes without seeing a trophy lifted by your club.

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  • RMweb Gold

Dont understand this - The cup final is today and there should be no premier league fixtures AT ALL. So why do Arsenal and Norwich play this lunchtime when all the others play tomorrow? The sky haters will no doubt come in with a chorus of "because of the telly" but here's the thing - it's not on telly. Go figure. Apart from the FA being more disorganised and clueless than a headless chicken with dementia and concussion, WHY??????

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm old enough to remember when the cup final was the last game of the season and even shown on both channels with the build up from noon.I'm a traditionist and don't like the 5pm start at all.What next no 'Abide with me' because ITV will want some adverts then.Don't get me started on the ticket allocations either with all the corporates taking the true fans places.Prawn sandwich anyone ?


Just found my cup final ticket stub from the great 1987 final.It cost me £5 to get in Wembley back then.Can you buy a hamburger for that now.

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  • RMweb Premium

Liverpool V Chelsea :boredom: Same old, same old.


At least it's the 1st Saturday in May as it used to be many years BP(before Premiership).


Won't be watching, off to the Olympic stadium for a test event.



Edited by mezzoman253
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  • RMweb Gold

I'm old enough to remember when ........................ with the build up from noon.


Noon? You mean you can't remember 'breakfast with the teams' and travelling on the team coaches? Not to mention 'It's A Cup Final Knockout'.

By, you must be young. ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

Dont understand this - The cup final is today and there should be no premier league fixtures AT ALL. So why do Arsenal and Norwich play this lunchtime when all the others play tomorrow? The sky haters will no doubt come in with a chorus of "because of the telly" but here's the thing - it's not on telly. Go figure. Apart from the FA being more disorganised and clueless than a headless chicken with dementia and concussion, WHY??????


Worse here in Oz. With the new start time its on at 2.15am here.

Since Chelsea are playing, I've little choice. :sungum:


Off to have a snooze and set the alarm.


Kevin Martin

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Noon? You mean you can't remember 'breakfast with the teams' and travelling on the team coaches? Not to mention 'It's A Cup Final Knockout'.

By, you must be young. ;)


Yes, I remember deciding not to bother watching the 1975 final :O because it was West Ham v Fulham and I had no real interest in either team, but the folks had the 3 hour build up to the game on the TV, and by the time I had watched that and had a beer or two, the temptation to watch the game just became too much to resist.


IMHO The most boring final I ever watched was in 1972 between Leeds and Arsenal. In fact after about 20 minutes, I turned the sound off and built a kit while glancing at the tedium every now and again.

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