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And as usual nothing is as easy as I first thought. 97 250 turns out to be the only one of the ETHEL’s that had its boiler vents unplated. Possibly the only 25 by this time!  So, having decided on that one, it’s back to the increasingly sad looking donor Hornby bodyshell again –




Don’t look Ian!  All the windows came out in one piece ok so it could have been worse.

The big news this weekend though is that Loch Dour has now been confirmed to appear at the L&Ydcc show in Manchester on May 18th & 19th. More details here - http://www.lydcc.org.uk/exhibition2013May.html.  I am looking forward to this one as their Glasgow Q St 88 is making its first appearance too.  If they have some spare mk2’s available my 27/1 & 27/2 may be able to have some top and tail thrash!   :locomotive: Kev.

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I seem to be going through a bit of a rat phase! As was mentioned earlier Ozzy, we have already done a model of 97 252 (Ethel 3) for assisting Ian's ''steamy things'' on Coppell, so its just a case of updating the program for a V4, which would be a waste of a good chip! Or swapping the chip for a 3.5, probably the one in 20 119, do you think Ian would notice?

I'm stuck for now Pete as ''Ethel 1'' is now wrapped up in masking tape ready for spraying, but it's in the minus figures in the garage. Not a problem you've got at the moment eh! Kev.

Edited by kevpeo
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Hello Kev, all,


I've just been looking at some of my old books and this is what I've come up with.

D7612, 25626, 25901.

D7618, 25268, 25902,

D7672, 25322, 25912.

Etc up to and missing out locos, when this arrives on the scene.

D5281, 25131, 97202 ???

D7655, 25305, 97251 mthu,

D7660, 25310, 97250 mthu,

D7664, 25314,97252 mthu,


Looking at the above locos, all the last three are old E.T.H. fitted locos, so did B.R. refit an E.T.H. motor into an old steam heat fitted body? And then renumber it as well.



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The last three are the Ethels Ozzy! No 25's were fitted with ETS until they were converted (in 83 I think?) I've had a flick through a few books and failed to find an example of a later bodystyle one with boiler water tanks, although I bet there is an example somewhere! Kev.

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 I was thinking more about the boiler room grills, as why would these locos have them? The only one that I would expect to have them would be D2581, 25131, 97202. If you get what I'm saying.


So did 97202 become the fourth E.T.H.L. 97253? That would explain the boiler room grills, but not on any of the other three.


I have been taking most of my info. from 1986 and 1988 books so I may have missed something.



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Hello Kev, all,


I've got myself in a bit of a muddle with the E.T.H.L.s as no 25s were fitted with E.T.H. only steam heat. The batch that the E.T.H.L.s came from 25248 - 25327 were built with no train heating (so later body style?), so was it that they un-plated some of the what would have been boiler rooms to give more cooling to the electrical compartment?


I think that I'd swap the V4 for the 3.5.



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Hi OzzyO,

You are right re the class 25s having no ETH fitted, The work done on the class 25 during the early 80s that Kev mentioned could be the fitting of Air brakes as they were all Vac only when built I think.


I had a quick look at the Derby Sulzer website and found a pic of 25083 which has the later body with boiler grille unplated, this loco along with 084 to 087 were built with boilers so have the extra tank underneath, all other class 25s built after this were none boilered which still doesn't answer why some locos had the grille, or even the plated over grille unless they thought some locos might get a boiler fitted at a later date.


Cheers Peter. 

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so was it that they un-plated some of the what would have been boiler rooms to give more cooling to the electrical compartment?



I could look at Rats all day! This may make sense in that 97 250 was the first/prototype ''ETHEL'' so the thinking may have gone down this route. It obviously made no difference if that was the case, as the other two weren’t un-plated!

97 202 was a training loco at Old Oak Common depot I think, and was un-modified. Kev.

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Hi, I've been following the ETHEL discussion with interest and thought I'd just add a face to the name.


 Here's a pic of ETHEL 2 behind 37264 at Oban on a 'West Highland Tours' special.






Inspired by Loch Dour since seeing the layout at the Newcastle Exhibition.


Keep up the great work.











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Hi Carl. Start up, idle and brake release etc all work as normal, but all other ''engine noise's'' are allocated to several function keys. Thus speed and ''power'' are controlled separately, so yes you can rev up first and then accelerate or even slow down while increasing power to simulate hill climbing! It takes a bit of concentration but does add to the realism. Kev.

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Hi Kev,


Those vids are superb. Really like the forty sounds good going up the bank. That pair of 20's are nice too with those notched sounds I can picture a battered blue pair on an MGR starting from a signal stop on Coppell! That would be nice.


I have a sound confession too - just fitted my Black 5 with Howes sound yesterday and I like it!


All the best


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I don't think I could get away with ''manual thrash'' sound programs on Coppell Mark, my fellow operators would rebel! Funnily enough, my favorite (sic) steam decoder in service on Coppell is the Howes 8f. Kev.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As eluded too in an earlier post, one of my team has received a Christmas prezzie! –




Its proud owner, our club chairman Russ, has now also purchased a Legomanbiffo decoder and bass-reflex speaker for me to ruin the warranty with!  Soon to become 37 156 in mid-70’s condition, note the oil covered bogies; this Bachmann trait is getting worse! Kev.

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Hi all. I'm after a little help please. Does anybody know of an alternative manufacturer of ETHEL transfers. Railtec do them, but are out of stock and I cannot find them in the Fox, Replica or modelmaster ranges? Thanks for your time, kev.

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