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As promised, a couple more, the last I promise!




''The Skirl Revisited'' 37 156 & 196 stand where on route to Fort William? Note the Pilkington stock, yet more ''compo's'' to enjoy! On arrival at F W the locos and stock were due to head to the depot for servicing, while we had a run to Mallaig with the steam stock and a 37/4. But after returning from a quick drink we found this waiting!




Not a 37/4 but 196 again!




And here she is at Mallaig. Note the ex NSE mk1's with the blue window band repainted with IC dark grey! On arrival back at F W, 37 156 & 410 were waiting to take us South!


My apologies for the next poor shot (not that the others have been great quality!) but for completeness I'll include it -




37 413 standing in Edinburgh with ''the beds''. I had this loco several times on this particular weeks rover, when it wasn't 409 of course!

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What year was the pic with the Network Mk1's with the IC dark grey? Never seen that before. Dont suppose you know how or why?

I've just looked it up on Six-bells Roger. 12 June 1993! If I remember correctly they were cast offs, sent North to cover the F W - Mallaig steam trips but I've no idea why they went to the trouble of repainting the blue! Kev

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I've just looked it up on Six-bells Roger. 12 June 1993! If I remember correctly they were cast offs, sent North to cover the F W - Mallaig steam trips but I've no idea why they went to the trouble of repainting the blue! Kev

Excellent. Thanks for that. Quite late on then. Never seen a pic of them before.

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Hi Kev,


Hope you had a good Christmas! Those photos are fantastic especially the shot at Rannoch in the Transrail era. I am going to need to add a lot of people to recreate that scene though!




I did have a good Christmas thanks Mark, I even got some modelling done, although no railway related presents were forthcoming, bar some universally excepted vouchers otherwise known as cash! Now what to buy? I should have known you'd spot Rannoch. I do have another photo of those two from down the banking that I'll have to post on your thread, as it has a couple of nice details on it. 20 020 has had it's first run today with 119 and they do sound good together, especially as I went back and rebuilt both programs as manual thrash ones, while I was at it I also did 37 406's program as well. My operating team are not going to be pleased with two types of driving to learn!

All the best for the new year everybody. Kev.

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The signal box looks good as does the loco,pity its not green but you have done a very good job on it /


Cheers lms, I can do you a green 24, it's close!




I posted this up in the ''dark side'' that is the Dcc sound forum but I'll stick it here too!  20 119 & 37 178 on the snowplough's, both with their new manual ''thrash'' programs.



You may even spot a couple of new tree's too! Kev.

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Hi Kev,


They sound very good double headed like that. Is that the same pair you ran on Rannoch as they sound much louder too?


Please feel free to add any photos you like on my thread as it helps inspire and I do like the Transrail era. I am currently in Inverness working and the store is next to the station! I have seen the sleeper with a nice 67 on the front, the Malcolm liveried 66 today and the other night a pair of DRS 37's were idling away behind the depot! Couldn't get their numbers as they were too far away in the dark but nice to see some proper locos amongst the units.


Happy new year,


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A new year's spot the difference competition for Pete


Before –


attachicon.gif25 059 old.jpg


After –


attachicon.gif25 059 new.JPG


You can certainly notice the difference around the fuel tank area. The grills appear recessed far more in this picture than in the flesh, due to the shadow from the loft light! Kev.


Website - http://lochdour.webs.com/

Oh yes very nice, certainly worth the effort. Top job, I bet she sounds great too.


Cheers Peter.

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Hi Kev,


They sound very good double headed like that. Is that the same pair you ran on Rannoch as they sound much louder too?


Please feel free to add any photos you like on my thread as it helps inspire and I do like the Transrail era. I am currently in Inverness working and the store is next to the station! I have seen the sleeper with a nice 67 on the front, the Malcolm liveried 66 today and the other night a pair of DRS 37's were idling away behind the depot! Couldn't get their numbers as they were too far away in the dark but nice to see some proper locos amongst the units.


Happy new year,


Blimey, you do get about a bit Mark, there's nowt round here but plastic's!!   Although there is talk of the ''ready brek express'' starting up again, which will be nice!  37 178 was one of the pair that ran on Rannoch, but it was paired with 20 208 on that occasion.  I will try and get the photo scanned if I can get onto the PC!  All the best. Kev.

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Just to put you all off, some old and bad photos.


Kev having some fun?



Rick saying if you cut this bit out it will look better?



Kev saying but this is what it will look like.



After a bit more work this is what you'll get.



Some of us out on the p!ss!!



How to cop a loco in the old days.



What show was this?






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Blimy OzzyO,


You certainly caught all the action in the past!


Kev- I think the Skirl revisited photo was taken at Tyndrum Upper - the bushes by the subway match some other photos I have just been looking at on Flickr. Last week away for me now back home from Sat night so will finally get the layout up to play trains again. Got 37521 and fitted Bifs sounds to it so its waiting for running in now to join the fleet.


All the best


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Are you ready Steve?  Ah ha.  Andy?  Yeah.  Mick?  Ok.  Well alright fella’s lets goooooooooooo!


You’ve guessed it, after Ozzy’s appalling photo’s, it’s time to head back to the 70’s, in model form if not musically, with 20 119 & 20 020 waiting to assist a poorly DMU back to Glasgow –




 I wish!  Kev.

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And this ladies and gentlemen is the Loch Dour steam factions answer to their ‘’pets’’ appalling lack of grunt.  A diesel –




He he!  It was handed to me on Weds night with the instructions to ‘’turn it into an Ethel’’ So here it is just before I started stripping it down to become 97250 Ethel 1. And yes it is sound fitted! Kev.




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