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  • 3 weeks later...

Not Loch Dour as such, but I have been playing with the camera again! This time on Coppell, and there is a 37 involved, sort of! The links can be found here in DCC sound if anyone is interested!






I'm off to Liverpool to play trains now! Kev.

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Playing trains, and..............maybe a just a few beers??



Me have a few beers, get thy behind me Devil (can't spell Saytan), it will be lots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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A standard 37 would have to be completely ''kernackered'' to sound like a slug Mark! I did hear a 47 at Inverness once that had blown its head gasket on the internal overnight (rescued by 37 708!) It sounded like a 26 as it limped to the shed! kev.

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Second time lucky for 37 408 as it gets an admiring glance while waiting for the peg to lift.




It failed on its first day in traffic! I thought I'd heard a strange noise coming from it as it went past me on Coppell last weekend, it turned out to be the speaker ''rattling''. Very strange as it was probably the most securely fastened in the LD fleet! Loch Rannoch is now fitted with the usual 58 x 20 in the tanks and sounds much healthier. Of course when I tested the now removed speaker afterwards, it worked perfectly. Grrr!


The only other LD news is the arrival of a legomanbiffo V4 decoder which has been fitted into 27 025. It does require a very different driving style though!!!! Kev.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Kev,


Just standard tension lock couplings although some locos have a wire loop as both ends are detailed to haul trains with. I have a DRS model of 423 might have to ask you nicely to add your sound to it for hauling an observation saloon!


Will look forward to hearing the results.



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  • 2 months later...

Hi all. See, I'm not dead, just hiding on page 14! There hasn't been much to report in LD land lately, so I didn't bother! But, it's time for an update, so there! Like I said, not much has happened, but there have been one or two changes. Firstly 27 207 has joined 025 in having its v3.5 replaced with a Legomanbiffo v4 decoder. Watch out for them on rail tour duties on Coppell, as they sound awesome as a pair! 27 001 and 37 406 also have new sound programs courtesy of my recording travels, as does 20 119, but only sometimes! I built a new program from recordings I made of 20 031, but the older program sounds better when it's running in a pair with something else, which it is a lot of the time. The new program is better when it's running alone! As an aside, the v4 program sounds even better. I feel a decoder update in the future!


And now to the big news, these -




No, it's not just a ''look at what I bought'' post! I got fed up of waiting for Hornby to bring them out in red, so I'll do it myself! (And we all know what will happen come December!) One will be converted to the earlier low ended version so they can replace my ''running empty'' Cambrian ones, the Cambrian loaded ones will remain for now! The significance is the number of them, as I currently run two empties. So yes, this is my long winded way of announcing that the fiddle yard extension is finally going ahead!!! But not until after Newcastle show is out of the way in November. Until then, I've just started to collect together the bits needed, the track is ordered, so there's no going back now! Kev.




Website - Http://lochdour.webs.com/


Edit to remove double vision!

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Nothing ever runs smoothly does it! On getting started on the OTA ''butchery'' using Paul Bartlett's excellent site for inspiration, it quickly became apparent that the low ended ones all appeared to have 11 stanchion holders, whereas the Hornby ones only have nine! So, into the spares box I go to find some Cambrian ones. So far so good. But, after making a start on the paintwork, I found two pictures in one of my own books with nine!!! :mocking_mini:


I've also made a start on fabricating some ETS sockets and boxes for the 37/4 fleet (fiddly little b******s!) These locos are now all withdrawn from traffic and on Eastfield shed (well the workbench!) So the timetable is now being covered by the 37/0's and assorted ''type two'' help. It's ''hellfire''. Kev.




Website - Http://lochdour.webs.com/

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''MY LORD's''-




27 207 has ''produced'' on the last Up service to Glasgow! In my virtual word I'm now ''legging it'' over the bridge to try and ''bag a compo'' for the run to Helensburgh Upper. The ''gen'' is that 37 178 is on the last down service. Result! Kev.




Website - Http://lochdour.webs.com/

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Hi Kev,


Looks cracking! Having never seen 26's and 27's back when they were in BR service I travelled behind a 27 for the first time last Saturday at the Bo'ness diesel gala! 26 038 looked and sounded fantastic too! A good day out despite the summer weather - sunshine and showers!



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What a beast, I am right behind you. Can't beat a bit of 27 haulage.


Cheers Peter.


We can but dream Peter. But in reality I still woke up to a workbench full of ''tractors''!



Hi Kev,


Looks cracking! Having never seen 26's and 27's back when they were in BR service I travelled behind a 27 for the first time last Saturday at the Bo'ness diesel gala! 26 038 looked and sounded fantastic too! A good day out despite the summer weather - sunshine and showers!




I did see one or two 27's Mark, just! In fact this is off the first film I took on my then new (for my 18th!) Olympus OM10. -




27 022, 1985, almost in Scotland! And a year later -




27 066 heading north through Carlisle again. Apologies for the poor scans! kev.

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Hello Kev,


just had a quick look in one of my old books, looks like I missed six class 26s and two or three class 27s. Still remember them in 1973 when I did my first all line, topped and tailed on the Glasgow to Edinburgh service. Two for the price of one, good days.



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Hi Kev

Have you got our Cheona Publications book "Blue Diesels in Landscape Vol1. The Highland Lines. It has some great shots of Class 26's & 27's in it. If you haven't a copy let me know and I will send you a copy.

Keep up the good work.


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