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Hi Kev,

Just been catching up on your thread, great layout and stock. 37033 does look very nice. I like the 26s and 27s too. I am planning on doing a 27/2 at some point for a future layout project.

I notice 27025 has the slightly larger numbers, and I will need some for a class 26 at some point, could you please tell me who does them. I did a pair of 20s a few years ago with the larger numbers and can't remember where I got them.


Thanks cheers Peter.

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Not really Loch Dour, but while out doing my ''dadly'' duties yesterday what did I, em, ''stumble'' across but this wee beastie -




As you can see it was a bit wet at Lakeside! In real numbers it is of course 27 024 of which there just happens to be a model on the layout. Isn't that a coincidence! It looked better in its previous battered blue to me of course. Kev.


Website - Http://lochdour.webs.com/


Lakeside is nearly always wet... rather be there in the wet than at work.


We go up 4 or 5 times a year takes us only 40mins - although short in track mileage it is a well established railway and run very well - Diesel weekends are in November featuring the 33 and 20 - should be a good do


Looked at your images in the past - quality - just not a fan of typing - why I have just got a Blackberry I do not know... :mellow:



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Lakeside is nearly always wet...




Hi Ian, I think the sun has shined on me once when I've been there!



Diesel weekends are in November




I just wish they would advertise it more, and bother to tell us which weekend each loco is out! Cheers for the comments, kev.

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Hi all. Sorry for the delay in posting after the very enjoyable Blackburn show (thanks to all the club members that made us very welcome and fed us cakes!) but while doing an update on our clubs website one of the biggest pages decided to ''implode'' and reorder everything on it, it's taken me ages to rebuild the b****y thing. :cry:

The biggest surprise of the weekend (apart from Mick and Spike finishing N B in time obviously!) was the long awaited appearance of Rik's 37 401 -




Seen here with the proud man himself, he ''lurks'' on RMweb as unitned but is too shy to talk! When he bought the loco the layout was just boards and track. EE turned out the whole class faster! While I was swapping all the stock around on Sunday morning the boys decided to have another line up which resulted in this -




The power wasn't turned on at the time obviously! Kev.


Website - Http://lochdour.webs.com/

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  • 2 weeks later...

By Eck! Loch Dour has appeared (twice, in 70’s and 80’s periods) in the latest M.S.I.M. DVD release ‘’Modern Image Exhibition Layouts’’ vol 12. Filmed at ‘’ally pally’’ the picture quality is far better than my own video efforts you’ll be pleased to know! And so far I’ve failed to spot any operating errors occurring either, but then it’s only been watched once so far! :locomotive: Thanks for the good editing Nigel! Kev.


Website - Http://lochdour.webs.com/

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All those Tractors! :O


You can never have too many tractors!!!! :no: As for Barrow and Coppell's appearence Mark, you might just see a couple of the O's thrash past! I'm in the middle of wheel cleaning getting ready, horrible job! kev.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all,


this is not to do with Loch Dour but with Coppell, this was the first time that I had used DCC on an exhibition layout in front of the public. When it was only one train in the fiddle yard road all was OK. Two trains OK, but it takes thinking about. But when it was four trains now that did take some thinking about (one road had two 31s and another two 47s).


What a good day



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  • 3 weeks later...

Ha,ha,ha,ha ( I'm doing my best evil laugh :devil: here!!!!) If you think that operating position is bad (the up slow) you should try the down slow, there can be seven or eight trains in each loop!!!! Or you could try Loch Dour, where you have to operate three trains, the signals, the points and the sounds all from the handset in quick succession! :locomotive: Kev.

Ps, sorry for the late reply, that post passed me right by. I must have been busy that weekend!

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Ha,ha,ha,ha ( I'm doing my best evil laugh :devil: here!!!!) If you think that operating position is bad (the up slow) you should try the down slow, there can be seven or eight trains in each loop!!!! Or you could try Loch Dour, where you have to operate three trains, the signals, the points and the sounds all from the handset in quick succession! :locomotive: Kev.

Ps, sorry for the late reply, that post passed me right by. I must have been busy that weekend!



I don't know why as it was posted after the ex.


See you Wed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all. Loch Dour being in dire need of a track clean (it hasn't been done since its appearance at Blackburn show, and its been bounced up the M6 since then!) I thought I'd better remove the 70's fleet which has been doing sterling service since the end of September, clean the track and give the layout a good 'oover! Cue another photo shoot, as the last batch of ''seminars'' seemed to be popular, but no tractors this time! First up the core fleet, the 27's -


032, 013, 112 & 001.




And the supporting cast, a motley assortment of type 1's & 2's -




26 028, 20 119, 25 059 & 24 090.


While the 80's fleet has a run out, there are a few jobs to be done adding builders plates to those which are missing them, picked up from Shawplan at the L&Ydcc show. Plus 059's chassis grates a bit now that 090 has had its rebuilt, so while I'm doing that upgrade I may as well tackle the dodgy bodyside grills as well, full rebuild anyone!!!! Bye for now, Kev.


Website - Http://lochdour.webs.com/

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Hi Kev,


Whilst I prefer your 37's you can't fault the quality of the type 1 and 2 fleet on Loch Dour! When you see 090 lined up like that you can really appreciate the effort you put in to creating that faded, well worked look very realistic!


All the best,


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That'll be excess oil/grease from the gear tower thats found its way onto the bogie sideframe moulding - it then tends to get 'sucked' up by weathering on bogies by capilliary action - turning it shiny - If you try and repaint over the top itll just come back.

Before I weather the running gear on (Bachmann) locos I always strip down the bogies and remove as much excess grease/oil as possible from all the componants and just leave the smallest amount on the gears only. Thats about the only way you can guaruntee it wont happen.





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Thanks 43 179. I suspected it was something like that, I'm just too lazy to clean the sideframes before painting! Mind you, I've weathered ''a lot'' of loco's over the years and this is the first time I've been afflicted, my luck finally ran out! Kev.

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Hi Kev,

I have had a problem with the glossy bogies on Bachmann class 20s 25s and a Hornby class 31, one of my Bachmann class 47s is showing signs of it too.

I even tried cleaning one with degreaser soap and hot water. It lasted a while but still went glossy, I even removed as much grease as I could.

I find a wipe over with a cotton bud with a bit of thinners on it takes away the shine a bit but it doesn't last.


Cheers Peter.

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Thanks for the tip Peter, but I'm thinking a trip to Ozzy O's grit-blaster might be the best option to degrease them! We had a play with a Bachman 25 body a while back and it leaves a lovely clean matt finish on plastic! Kev.

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Thanks for the tip Peter, but I'm thinking a trip to Ozzy O's grit-blaster might be the best option to degrease them! We had a play with a Bachman 25 body a while back and it leaves a lovely clean matt finish on plastic! Kev.


Not a problem with me Kev. But before we put it in the cabinet give it a good wash in green Cillit Bang to remove any grease, as any grease on the job and the grit will stick to it.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi all, at least the lack of RMweb over the festive period has meant getting some modelling done! First up, 24 090's bogie sideframes have been removed, stripped in brake fluid, then in isopropyl alcohol, cleaned, and painted matt black ready for re-weathering. So Ozzie's not required this time!

37 422 & 37 033 have both required attention to their speakers after developing rattles. 422 is the oldest LD tractor and had not had the speaker packed under the motor with a sticky pad, which has become standard practice for this very reason! As for 33 this is the newest and had been packed, but still would not stop rattling after being stripped down twice! This has needed sticky pads fitted above and below the speaker for some reason?

I've also been doing some work on a model of 20 121 to add to the fleet, but for some reason cannot upload any photo's, so that bit will have to wait, as will any updates to my PIA thread!

Thanks for looking and all the best for the new year, kev.


Website - Http://lochdour.webs.com/

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Hi Kev,

I will be interested to see how you go with 24090s bogies.

Looking forwards to seeing 20121,I did a model of the same loco a few years back. After seeing it at Barnetby, it just had to be done.


Happy New Year.


Cheers Peter.

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Hi Kev,


With you having several tractors in your 80's fleet matching my versions in EWS maroon you won't have too much trouble swapping them over next year when I get a lunch break! Whilst it is always sad when RMweb is down it does help on the modelling front!


Happy New Year to you when it comes!



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