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Wencombe/Kingsbridge Regis/Louville Lane


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  • RMweb Gold


How are you finding the BLT operation compared to the former junction of Wencombe?


Regards Andy R

It's strange, I never would have classed this as a BLT; but it is in the strictest meaning of the term.

I do think it has a definite sense of the location it is meant to portray, the harbour with shops around really reminds me of the small area at Dartmouth opposite the ferry landing - which is, I'm sure, what Alan is aiming at. So the atmosphere is there; I do hope the 'playability' comes with it!

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Andy, as I replied to Bob (81C)


"An interesting question. With the layout nearing completion there have been times over the last couple of years that I have asked myself much the same question. At times even "what have I done?". It has certainly presented many challenges that were not present at Wencombe, the biggest one being all those buildings. On Wencombe they were either RTP (the pub and the railway cottages or just simple kits or buildings that had been used on the layout before that Abergower. The only building where I had to do a fair bit off carving about was thwith the e Creamery. At Kingsbridge all the buildings had to be built and as I said at the time NOT my strong point, that being green scenery. However I'm glad I have done it and I am proud of how the buildings have come out. There 4 RTP new buildings but all the rest are either carved about Walthers kits (Oh why does a British manufacture not make kits like theirs. An absolute joy to put together and very easy to kit bash."



Operation wise I really did wonder what I'd done the other day when a vital bit of the layout did not work and I felt like doing an Andy Peters and scrapping it, but some careful track cleaning got it going again. In some ways it's slightly simpler to operate , trains come in and then go out. However shunting the 2 shorter (on scene) carriage sidings is interesting, as it must have been at Kingswear. Also arranging that the correct loco is ready to take the appropriate train out causes the odd headache, again as it must have done to control at the Kingswear branch. Difficult to say which is most enjoyable, I'll have to play operate a bit more to find out.

That's interesting about operation Alan, when I first built Pen Junction I soon got bored with a 3 up and 3 down fiddle yard and very rarely changed any Stock so soon got fed up.


With Pen the BLT it was far more interesting to operate and with the Goods Yard plenty of Shunting etc.


Your pics of the Harbour are absolutely superb Alan, fantastic work on the Boats.

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I operate in a fairly leisurely way. There is no rush so I may only run 2or3 trains in a session, particularly if it means shunting those awkward carriage sidings. After all nobody is timing me, I operate a sequence, based on a timetable, I don't run to a speeded up clock and it has been built for me to enjoy, so slowly takes it. In reality the whole timetable would have taken some 18 hours or so, so that's a train about every 40 minutes to an hour which if I operate 2,3 or even 4 trains it prototypically would be a max of 3 or 4 hours and I'll take say 2 or 3 hours of great enjoyment when things run smoothly. And the next time I operate I just carry on and if I remember I'll take some snaps and post them on here.

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  • RMweb Premium

I see you have coined the phrase "doing an Andy Peters". Wonder if it will catch on like "alternative facts" or "post-truth".


Would have been a real shame if you had done an "Andy Peters".

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I see you have coined the phrase "doing an Andy Peters". Wonder if it will catch on like "alternative facts" or "post-truth".


Would have been a real shame if you had done an "Andy Peters".

I agree, It would be sacrilege to destroy such a masterpiece.

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  • RMweb Premium

Apart from general clutter on the harbour side all boats are now fixed, from the smallest to the largest.


the smallest on the slipway


attachicon.giflast boats f1.jpg


The largest


attachicon.giflast boats f4.jpg


and the harbour scene


attachicon.giflast boats f3.jpg

Alan, I'm going to hijack your thread for a moment to ask if you or anyone else knows whether it is possible to buy 4 mm figures of people in oilskins and sou'westers. I will need some for the crew of the Pentowan Lifeboat in due course, but apart from some by Harburn Hobbies that seem to be permanently cast in to their fishing boats I haven't tracked any down yet.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Alan and All


I think we all go through periods of doubt regarding our layouts. Some of us see this as a temporary blip in the end and carry on and enjoy our models. Others charge straight in and rip up every thing, and start a new project. Some just let things fester and don't do anything for ages. Bung in some life issues and things start to get complicated.


My 3 main layouts are all "on hold" as we still do not know if we will be moving. Only Sheffield Exchange is operative. It has had no work done on the scenery for over a year, but 3 times this week I have been out in the manshed and had a great time driving the trains on each occasion. I think we all find our own levels of what we want out of our hobby. 


The biggest thing to remember is it is a hobby for self enjoyment. Made better if you like sharing.

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  • RMweb Gold

Alan, I'm going to hijack your thread for a moment to ask if you or anyone else knows whether it is possible to buy 4 mm figures of people in oilskins and sou'westers. I will need some for the crew of the Pentowan Lifeboat in due course, but apart from some by Harburn Hobbies that seem to be permanently cast in to their fishing boats I haven't tracked any down yet.

It may not be practical given your location, but modelu scan people at shows they are at to make 3D prints. We scanned my son at a recent show. He's c110cm so printing him in 7mm to the foot makes him a scale 6'2" or so in 4mm (if that makes sense). You can be scanned In whatever you like. Therefore, may be worth a cheeky email to modelu to see what they can do (or find someone who is willing to dress up and go and find them either at their location or a show - I think they're at Stoke Mandeville Railex in May for example). Usual disclaimers - just a happy customer.



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  • RMweb Premium

It may not be practical given your location, but modelu scan people at shows they are at to make 3D prints. We scanned my son at a recent show. He's c110cm so printing him in 7mm to the foot makes him a scale 6'2" or so in 4mm (if that makes sense). You can be scanned In whatever you like. Therefore, may be worth a cheeky email to modelu to see what they can do (or find someone who is willing to dress up and go and find them either at their location or a show - I think they're at Stoke Mandeville Railex in May for example). Usual disclaimers - just a happy customer.



Thanks David. I've got some of Alan's loco lamps although no figures yet. I don't think there are many lifeboatmen in Buckinghamshire though, so if anyone feels like volunteering...

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Alan, I'll have a look (I assume that was an accidental Lonnie Donegan moment caused by your spellchecker?).

This looks promising although no sou'wester. That might not matter if the lifeboat is sitting on the slipway rather than being out on a shout.



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  • RMweb Premium

I operate in a fairly leisurely way. There is no rush so I may only run 2or3 trains in a session, particularly if it means shunting those awkward carriage sidings. After all nobody is timing me, I operate a sequence, based on a timetable, I don't run to a speeded up clock and it has been built for me to enjoy, so slowly takes it. In reality the whole timetable would have taken some 18 hours or so, so that's a train about every 40 minutes to an hour which if I operate 2,3 or even 4 trains it prototypically would be a max of 3 or 4 hours and I'll take say 2 or 3 hours of great enjoyment when things run smoothly. And the next time I operate I just carry on and if I remember I'll take some snaps and post them on here.

A kindred spirit Alan. That is my operating philosophy exactly.

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Thank you for the kind comments. I must admit photos taken from that side of the layout are very much press and hope. I take about 10 photos on various zoom settings blind and then hope a few are worth cropping and putting on here.

Edited by westerner
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  • RMweb Premium

Thank you for the kind comments. I must admit photos taken from that side of the layout are very much press and hope. I take about 10 photos on various zoom settings blind and then hope a few are worth cropping and putting on here.

I find I have to press and hope from some angles too Alan, and yes, I bin more than I use, but if the result is going to be the wonderful shots you have recently posted, it is well worthwhile taking the trouble. The last one in yesterday afternoon's selection is right up there with the best I've seen, and the rest aren't far behind.

Edited by great northern
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  • RMweb Gold


Now the same two with some Photoshopping (getting rid of the baseboard edges).


Have you considered a corner 'fill-in' piece of scenery to effectively do what you did with Photoshop & take away the right angled joint? it could be fairly small & removable if needed....


EDIT - should have said, the last sets with reverse angle are very effective & give a whole new perspective.  And they show you didn't cheat by not detailing backs of buildings!

Edited by Ramblin Rich
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